Rhode Island


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Rhode Island

Rhode Island

6 Archival description results for Rhode Island

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Colt-Farm clambake.

File consists of material relating to a clambake hosted by Col. Samuel P. Colt at his farm in Rhode Island to meet the president and directors of the Industrial Trust Company. Colt was the chairman of the board of directors, as well as the president of ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

French Laundry and Soapine advertisement

French Laundry and Soapine advertisement trade card illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a young woman standing in a frame holding a washing board and a box of soap. The frame is held up on either side by two young men standing on upside down ... »

Soapine advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Soapine by Kendall Manufacturing Company of Providence Rhode Island and illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a woman from behind dusting figurines that spell out Soapine on a mantel piece. Verso reads "Cleanliness ... »

Soapine advertisement

Soapine advertisement illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a woman hanging laundry out from a wash basket. The laundry on the line spells out "Soapine." Verso reads "Soapine the great dirt killer, will remove dirt of all descriptions! Without ... »