United States of America


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338 Archival description results for United States of America

29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Ahrens, Charles Andrew.

Two studio portraits of Charles Andrew Ahrens, seen in formal dress with hands crossed at abdomen. One is an upper body portrait, and the other is a head and shoulders crop of the same photo.

Schneider family

Album 4.

File consists of an album probably compiled by Paul Rieder. Includes snapshots of friends and family members and snapshots taken on trips to the US and around Ontario. Album also includes ts. notes "Tour of Western States," describing a trip to the US. ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

All aboard.

Photograph of three adults and one child standing by a train. Photograph was possibly taken at North-Western College, Naperville, Illinois.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Armour & Co. advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Armour's Mince Meat and Canned Meats showing an older woman teaching a group of younger women how to cook. Verso reads "It is admitted by every prudent housekeeper, that our Condensed Mince Meat is equal in every respect to ... »

At Wilmington Del.

Postcard featuring a photograph of a group of seven adults by or on a bench with a building and another group of people by a car in the background, taken in Wilmington, Delaware (U.S.).

People in photograph are: Carrie Breithaupt seated at the far right.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Bates, Catherine Wagner.

Studio portrait of Catherine Wagner Bates. Catherine is dressed formally in a dress with choker necklace, earrings and her hair in a snood.

Wagner Hailer family

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1948. Several entries describe Betty’s work in British Columbia, family events, dances, a trip to Alaska, holidays, and Peg Forbes’s wedding to Colin Andrew (Joe) Wilson. The diary contains ... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1947. Several entries describe family events, parties, dances, trips to Buffalo, Sudbury and British Columbia, and Betty’s work at Claremont Nursery School. The diary includes letters, telegrams,... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Pamela Wilson, Ross Wilson, Margaret Neilson, Jean Lyttle, Isabel Taylor, Jane Drope, Betty Hall, ... »

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Millicent Lyall Forbes, Robert Forbes, Grace Forbes (nee Bickford), Judy Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Jim Johnson, Bill Stuart, Bob O’Connor, ... »

Forbes, Betty

Bissell Carpet Sweepers

Puzzle card postcard advertising Bissell Carpet Sweepers showing an unhappy couple with a regular broom and a happy couple with a Bissell Carpet Sweeper. Recto reads "Why is this gentleman so perplexed, why is this lady sorely vexed? Why does this ... »

Bon Ami advertisement

Advertisement trade card showing a girl holding the tail of a cat as it tries to scratch a bird in a cage. The caption reads "Cats can but Bon Ami can not scratch for it lacks grit." Verso reads "Bon Ami is a modern improvement in the list of household ... »

Book, John or Jesse.

Head and torso studio portrait possibly of John Book or Jesse (last name unknown) seen looking off camera and dressed in suit and tie.

Schantz Russell Family

Booking photograph of Rose Pena Ventura.

  • SCA414-GA482-1
  • Collection
  • September 22, 1955

Two photographs on one sheet from the Sheriff's Department Los Angeles showing the booking photographs of Rose Pena Ventura. Ventura is seen in full length profile and straight on. The verso of the photograph indicates it was taken September 22, 1955 ... »

Sheriff's Department Los Angeles

Bowdoin College Seminar.

File consists of material relating to the Comoinatorial Theory Advanced science seminar, June. 22-Aug. 12, Bowdoin College, Maine.

Stanton, Ralph G.

Bowlby family.

File consists of two identical snapshots of members of the Bowlby family in Los Angeles in 1901. Includes David Sovereign Bowlby, Martha Esther Murphy Bowlby, Grace Bowlby Fennell and two unknown people. Versos read "Los Angeles May 6, 1901. To dear ... »

Bowlby Boyd Family

Breithaupt property in Buffalo: land transactions and mortgage documents with Reuben B. Heacock.

File consists of material relating to the purchase of and payment for property in Buffalo, N.Y. Includes two land title search documents, one dated 1849 (for Reuben B. Heacock) and the other dated 1865. Includes the original mortgage document from R.B. ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

CalComp application story for Jan. 1994 TRAINING magazine.

File consists of material relating to the writing and publication of an application case history on the use of Electrohome's ECP 3100 projection system at the California Compensation Insurance Co. (CalComp, Novato, CA) in the January 1994 special ... »


Camilla Young photograph album.

  • SCA393-GA458
  • Collection
  • 1946-[198-]

Photograph and scrapbook album containing photographs and other materials related to the early life of Camilla Young, an African American woman from New Jersey.

Photographs in album cover Young's life from her birth in 1946 to the early 1980s. First ... »

Young, Camilla

Canada-United States Safe Third Country Agreement.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the Canada-United States Safe Third Country Agreement. The documents provide general information about the agreement. In addition, the material ... »

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Clement, Edwin Perry.

File consists of a portion of a photograph that shows Edwin Perry Clement standing outside in California. An unidentified women is visible in the background, smiling at camera.

Clement Bowlby Family

Clement, Florence Grace.

Photograph of Florence Grace Clement posed for a photo while standing on the side of pool of water that is surrounded by palm branches.

Clement Bowlby Family


File consists of a letter and postcard to Carl A. Pollock from John Koegler, photographs of Koegler and his house in Hawaii, and 2 press clippings on award-winning annual reports and Electrohome's developments in reverse osmosis.


Colt-Farm clambake.

File consists of material relating to a clambake hosted by Col. Samuel P. Colt at his farm in Rhode Island to meet the president and directors of the Industrial Trust Company. Colt was the chairman of the board of directors, as well as the president of ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Columbia River highway.

File consists of three photographs taken along the Columbia River highway in Oregon taken by R.I. Gifford (Portland, OR).

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Conqueror wringer advertisement

Conqueror wringer advertisement showing three women and one young girl ironing clothes titled "Ironing Day." The young girl is seated at a stool holding up a dress in front of a Conqueror wringer. Verso reads "The Conqueror excels all other wrings in ... »

Conqueror wringer advertisement

Conqueror wringer advertisement showing three women and two children on washing day titled "Washing Day." The women are washing, wringing, and hanging out clothes to try while the children are playing with a boat and a doll near the wash bucket. Verso ... »


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including statements of accounts (including shoes and gaiters for Wagners, Hailers and Breithaupts), freight receipts, business correspondence, etc. Includes 22 letters from Charles A. ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes business correspondence, a contract with William Brower, May 1862, to tear down a warehouse and build a stable, correspondence with Jacob J. Vogt, and correspondence with the ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, freight receipts, business correspondence, notes payable, etc. Includes one letter in German from J. Wagner, 3 letters in German from F.A. Goetze (one ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, raiload advice notices and freight receipts (one dated 1862 at Berlin Station), business correspondence, etc. Includes letters in German from F.A. Goetze, ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, business correspondence, telegrams, railroad advice notes and freight receipts, notes receivable, tax notices, etc. Also in the file are documents ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including business correspondence, letters in German to and from Louis Breithaupt and M. Strauss, railroad freight receipts, etc. Also in the file are letters in German from Wm. Goetze and ... »

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Correspondence : Bill.

File consists of one postcard addressed to Dana Porter from Bill [?] featuring a photo of an Atomic Detonation in Nevada.

Porter, Dana Harris

Counting algorithms for connected labelled graphs / D.D. Cowan, R.C. Mullin, and R.G. Stanton.

Two copies of a typed manuscript titled, "Counting algorithms for connected labelled graphs" by Donald Cowan, R.C. Mullin, and Ralph G. Stanton. The manuscript is twelve pages. This paper was presented at the sixth Southeastern Conference on ... »

Cowan, Donald D.

David's Prize Soap

David's Prize Soap advertisement trade card showing a vital looking woman washing laundry in a washing bucket with David's Prize Soap while a young girl looks in. Looking in through the door way is a sallow looking older woman. The caption reads "Get ... »

David's Prize Soap

David's Prize Soap advertisement trade card showing an older woman standing at a washing bucket with a bar of David's Soap while two young women play the piano in another room. It reads "All got by using David's Prize Soap besides the excellent washing ... »

Diaries: 1867.

Diary entries begin with March 8, 1867, but this whole section is marked cancelled and is re-copied starting April 8, 1867. It begins with a record of Tobias' trip to Missouri to see his father, leaving his wife Mary Schantz (nee Moyer) with their 3-... »

Schantz Russell Family


File consists of a pages torn from a notebook used as a diary from July 2, 1901 to July 10, 1901 containing an account of the wedding of A.L. Breithaupt and Louisa Anthes, and of their honeymoon to Yellowstone Park.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Diary : 1977.

Black notebook containing trip diary: Florida trip, 1st March to 14th March 1977.

Schantz Russell Family

Domestic Sewing Machine Co. advertisement

Advertisement trade card showing a group of children playing including a young girl preparing sausages for the other children. Caption reads: "compliments of the Domestic Sewing Machine Co." Stamp on verso reads "H.C. Palmer dealer in sewing machines, 7 ... »

Edkins, Lucy.

Studio portrait of Lucy Edkins seen standing and looking slightly off camera. She is wearing a hat, lace adorned top and a fur scarf across shoulders.

Rieder and Anthes family

Edkins, Lucy.

Studio portrait of Lucy Edkins seen standing and looking slightly off camera. She is wearing a hat, lace adorned top and a fur scarf across shoulders.

Rieder and Anthes family

Electrohome dealers and branches.

File consists of a photograph of an Electrohome dealer in New York, the store front of the Hydro Shop (Waterloo, ON?), and the Vancouver branch of Electrohome.


Empire Wringer advertisement

Advertisement trade card showing a woman seated using a clothes wringer while a man stands next to her holding a tennis racket and a cat stands at her feet. The caption reads "George: Come into the garden Maud. Maud: Wait George until I finish these ... »


A used envelope that was addressed to Reverend W. Cartheuser in Buffalo, New York. The envelope was stamped with the date July 25, 1949. It is not known what was sent to William inside this envelope or who the sender was.

Survival Research Institute of Canada

Ephemera : business cards, external.

Ten business cards collected by Orpheus Moyer Schantz. Businesses include: McLean Armature Works, Chicago ; C.S. Allen family pharmacist, Chicago (business card opens to reveal price list) ; Hathaway, Soule & Harrington, Chicago (advertisement for ... »

Schantz Russell Family

Ephemera : business cards, internal.

Two business cards of Orpheus Moyer Schantz from when he was employed by Carson, Pirie & Company (now Carson, Pirie, Scott & Company). One card is professionally printed and shows the company's office, the other has been hand lettered on a small ... »

Schantz Russell Family

Ephemera : visiting cards.

Five hand lettered visiting cards of Jennie Moyer, Edmund Warren Moyer, Austin Schantz, and Orpheus Moyer Schantz and F.J. Ottmax. The cards of Edmund and Jennie list them as living at 3823 Langley Ave., Chicago. The card of Orpheus and F.J. Ottmax is ... »

Schantz Russell Family

Ephemera : Wild Flower Preservation Society.

Five identical decal prints from the Wild Flower Preservation Society: Illinois Chapter. The decals say "Enjoy-Do Not Destroy" around the edge and the middle shows a drawing of pink blossoms. The Wild Flower Preservation Society was a branch of the ... »

Schantz Russell Family

Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall Longfellow scrapbook.

  • SCA42-WA23
  • Fonds
  • 1902-1906

Fonds consists of one scrapbook assembled by Ethel and Anne Longfellow during their attendance at Smith College, Massachusetts between 1902-1906. The scrapbook contains correspondence, photographs, programmes, clippings, notes and ephemera detailing the ... »

Longfellow, Ethel Carol and Anne Sewall

Results 1 to 100 of 338