File consists of a scrapbook kept by William John Motz with photographs and ephemera from the Canadian newspaper tour of Europe from June 6th-July 26th, 1929. The tour visited: Paris, Chester, Windsor, Versailles, The Trossachs, Amiens, Vienna, Vimy, ... »
File consists of a scrapbook kept by William John Motz with photographs and ephemera from the Canadian newspaper tour of Europe from June 6th-July 26th, 1929. The tour visited: Paris, Chester, Windsor, Versailles, The Trossachs, Amiens, Vienna, Vimy, Albert, Prague, Berlin, Brussels, The Hague, Birmingham, Ayr, Scheveningen, London, Hampton, Hever, Kenliworth, Warwick, Stratford, Chester, Wales, Blackpool, Mellrose, Edinburgh, Loch Lomond, Inversaid, Dumfries, Liverpool and others.