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60 Archival description results for Breslau

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Aerial view of Breslau plant, Ontario.

File consists of 1 aerial photograph of Breslau plant and surrounding area. Verso reads: taken January 21, 1966. Negative no. 946. No extra prints.

Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd.

Aerial view of Breslau plant, Ontario.

File consists of 1 aerial photograph of Breslau plant and surrounding area. Verso reads: taken May 23, 1967. Negative no. 554. No extra prints.

Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd.

Royal Visit

File contains negatives of Queen Elizabeth II, accompanied by Prince Philip, exiting the royal train in Breslau on their Royal Tour of Ontario in 1973. Various dignitaries who greeted the couple as they joined the car cavalcade, leaving for Cambridge, ... »

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Unidentified group portrait.

Unidentified portrait of a group posted in two rows outdoors along a rail line platform. Several in the group are wearing suits and dresses suggesting the was taken at a wedding or other celebratory event.

Rieder and Anthes family