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5 Archival description results for Providence

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French Laundry and Soapine advertisement

French Laundry and Soapine advertisement trade card illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a young woman standing in a frame holding a washing board and a box of soap. The frame is held up on either side by two young men standing on upside down ... »

Soapine advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Soapine by Kendall Manufacturing Company of Providence Rhode Island and illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a woman from behind dusting figurines that spell out Soapine on a mantel piece. Verso reads "Cleanliness ... »

Soapine advertisement

Soapine advertisement illustrated by Charlotte Perkins Gilman showing a woman hanging laundry out from a wash basket. The laundry on the line spells out "Soapine." Verso reads "Soapine the great dirt killer, will remove dirt of all descriptions! Without ... »