- SCA258-GA445-3
- File
- May 2, 1931
Part of Thomas Lacey séance collection.
A complete report of a séance held at 362 Frederick Street, Kitchener. The sitters present at this circle were Mr. Thomas Lacey, Mr. O. G. Smith, Mrs. E. E. Sheldon, Mr. E. W. Sheldon, Mrs. Thomas Lacey, and Mrs. O. G. Smith. The spirits alleged to have communicated through Thomas Lacey during this séance were the mother of Mrs. Thomas Lacey, the mother of Mrs. O. G. Smith, Peter Conley "Old Pete", Mike, Mr. A. Conan Doyle, Mr. Heist, Mr. Maskeline, Annie Fletcher, and Arch. Deacon Colley. The spirit guide Abudha Khan was present at this séance.
Lacey, Thomas