Collection SCA243-GA244 - W.H.E. Schmalz collection.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

W.H.E. Schmalz collection.

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title from content of the collection.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

cm of textual and graphic materials. - 1 oversize file folder

Archival description area

Name of creator

Biographical history

William Henry Eugene (W.H.E.) Schmalz was born July 29, 1890 in Waterloo Township to William Henry Schmalz (1862-1933) and Eleanor Oelschlager (1867-??). W.H.E.’s father, William Henry, was an insurance salesman and later the mayor of Berlin (now ... »

Custodial history

The plans for the city of Kitchener city hall and municipal buildings came to the archives via W.H.E. Schmalz. It is unknown how the plans came into his possession.

Scope and content

Collection comprises two separate series of items. The first are the architectural drawings that were created for the contests for both the city of Kitchener city hall and municipal buildings. These plans were created by W.H.E. Schmalz and others. The ... »

Notes area

Physical condition

Also includes architectural drawings, drawings, paintings, and maps.

Immediate source of acquisition

Donated by W.H.E. Schmalz.


Arranged in two series as follows:

1. Plans for City of Kitchener City Hall and Municipal Buildings;
2. Schmalz, W.H.E.

Associated materials

Associated materials can be found in GA 214 file 222.

Access points

Control area

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Described by Jessica Blackwell, winter 2014.