Mount Hope Cemetery


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Mount Hope Cemetery

19 Archival description results for Mount Hope Cemetery

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Braun family plot.

Contains 2 snapshots of the Braun family plot in Mount Hope Cemetery, Kitchener Ontario. Alfred Schneider Gofton's wife was Charlotte Braun. Includes a photocopy of an obituary for Heinrich Braun in German, and translated into English.

Schneider family


Image of an older adult kneeling next to and looking at a cemetery headstone for Morris Wohansky (1882-1934) with the slogan "Workers of the world unite" at top. Between the "Workers of the world unite" words is a space left behind from the removal of a ... »

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Gardner, Lorna.

1 snapshot of Lorna Gardner (daughter of John A. White Jr.) at a table with Marion Gofton and Edith MacPhail, and 1 snapshot of Lorna Gardner in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Kitchener.

Schneider family