Victoria Park


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Victoria Park

115 Archival description results for Victoria Park

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118th Battalion clippings.

Clipping of an article (ill.) from the October 4, 1966 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Memento of Kaiser bust given to Pioneer Village" and an undated clipping with caption: "The dunked bust of German emperor was salvaged from mud of Victoria Park lake."

Schneider, Norman Christoph

118th Battalion trooping the colours.

One postcard identified by Norman C. Schneider as the 118th Battalion in Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ont., 1916. Also in this image is a photographer with camera and tripod, preparing to take a picture. This postcard was sent to Floss Ahrens in Kansas City ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Album #1.

p. 1-4. Niagara Falls, Buena Vista. Snapshots featuring Norman C. Schneider and Hyalie MacDondald, interspersed with shots of Niaga Falls and the cable car. Other shots of the two men, J. M Schneider and others are taken at Buena Vista, J.M. Schneider's ... »

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Boys with football, Howie, Herb, Don Daub, Mickey Braun, ?, and Pal.

Film of Howard and Herbert Schneider tossing a football around with Don Daub, Mikey Braun and an identified friend with their dog, a Boston Terrier named Pal, running between everyone, chasing the ball.

Film box includes handwritten notes about film that ... »

Schneider family

Canoe Race and demonstration, Victoria Lake.

Film of adults standing in canoes racing and demonstrating various stunts as crowds of people watch from the shoreline in Victoria Park. Includes a view of the boathouse.

Film box includes handwritten notes about film that read: "Canoe race + demo Victoria Park Kit".

Schneider family

Dorothy and Frank on bridge in Victoria Park

Photograph of Frank Schantz and Dorothy Russell standing apart on rear concrete bridge in Victoria Park. The pair, dressed for cool weather, is seen at a distance, slightly from above. Bare and evergreen trees and a view of snow covered park are included ... »

Schantz Russell Family

Duck Enclosure VP

Photograph of a small body of water inside of an enclosure next to tree-lined railway. A duck, two chickens and a coop are included in shot.

Schantz Russell Family

Fowl pen

Photograph of Chinese geese, chickens and other fowl in Victoria Park fowl pen that includes a small waterway and a barn-like shelter. The smoke tower from the old glue factory is faintly visible in background skyline.

Schantz Russell Family

Fowl pen and dovecote

Photograph of Chinese geese, ducks and chickens grazing in Victoria Park fowl pen. Enclosure includes barn-like shelter with dovecote on roof.

Schantz Russell Family

Local history : clippings.

Clipping "Remembering Kitchener's colourful past," illustrated with a photograph identified as the 118th Battalion at parade in Victoria Park, 1917.

Schneider family

Postcards received.

File consists of twenty-one picture postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are partially or wholly in German, most written by his parents and grandmother Catherine during a trip to the Pacific coast. Includes a scene of canoeing in Victoria Park, ... »

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Russell, Harold with unidentified adult.

Image of Harold Russell as an infant, wrapped in a blanket and wearing a hat, being held by an unidentified adult in [Victoria Park] along a shoreline. In the background trees, a foot bridge and a swan are visible.

Schantz Russell Family

Schneider Avenue from Victoria Park gate

Photograph of Schneider Avenue taken from stone gates at Victoria Park entrance. Leafy trees, wooden electrical poles and pedestrian sidewalks line the length of the residential street.

Schantz Russell Family

Schneider, Norman C. : biographical.

Clipping from the April 20, 1946 edition of the Kitchener Daily Record titled "Guess again," about Norman C. Schneider's photograph of Victoria Park tree reflections in the water. Includes clippings and correspondence from other newspapers.

Schneider family

Skating at Victoria Park.

Film of people skating and playing hockey in Victoria park. Includes crowds of people skating with views of the boathouse in view; a group playing pick-up hockey with the bandstand visible in background; and members of the Schneider family, including ... »

Schneider family

Skating Races at VP

Photograph of a skater, seen from behind, seated on a wooden barrel on a body of frozen water. In the background are other people skating and a large crowd of onlookers, positioned along the edge of the ice. Trees are visible behind the crowd and ... »

Schantz Russell Family

Swan Island

Photograph of Swan Island taken from the west bank of the lake, looking toward pavilion area. A swan is visible in water at right of island.

Schantz Russell Family

Swan Island

Photograph of a cluster of tress on Swan Island, surrounded by snow. A residential building is partially visible at left in background.

Schantz Russell Family

The ice storm.

One photograph taken in Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ontario showing ice on trees, skaters behind.

Schneider family

Unidentified group skating at Victoria Park.

Image of three adults and two children posing for the camera while standing in skates on a frozen body of water. The adults are standing in the back row and the children are standing at front, one of whom is holding a hockey stick horizontally.

Schantz Russell Family

Unidentified young adult on empty plinth.

Photograph of an unidentified young adult standing on top of the empty Kaiser Wilhelm I plinth in Victoria Park imitating a statue with one arm outstretched and the other at placed on hip.

Schneider family

Victoria Park.

Photograph of Victoria Park with view of the tree lined lake and the bust of Kaiser Wilhelm I.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Victoria Park bridge

Photograph of Roos Island bridge taken from Water Street side of lake bank. Swan Island partially visible at right.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park lake

Photograph of Victoria Park lake taken from Roland Street bridge, including view of Swan Island. Smoke tower from old glue factory partially visible in background skyline.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park lake

Photograph of Victoria Park lake taken from Roland Street bridge, including a view of a row of poplar trees along shoreline at right. Smoke tower from old glue factory visible in background skyline.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park lake and bridge

Photograph of Victoria Park lake taken near Roos Island bridge. An adult and child are visible canoeing in the background, as are others seated with their backs to the camera, on the bridge near Water Street kiosk.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park rear channel

Photograph of rear channel in Victoria Park. The area is surrounded by trees with lily pads in water and detritus on exposed sandbar. A bear cage and picnic shelter are partially visible at right.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park rear island

Photograph of rear island in Victoria Park surrounded by trees and a partially drained channel with litter on the sandbar. A car is visible driving by in the background.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park rear island and bridge

Photograph of a scenic view of the rear island and bridge in Victoria Park surrounded by large trees. Two blurry figures are visible walking along a pathway at right.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park rear island and channel

Photograph of rear island and channel in Victoria Park, featuring a large leafy tree and a partial view of a wooden bridge. An automobile is visible in background, at left.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park reflections.

Two snapshots of trees in Victoria Park with their reflections in still water. One shows the bandshell and one the boathouse [or pavilion?].

Schneider family

Victoria Park: Swan Trapped in Ice, Nov. 11, 1957 MR.

Parks Dept. personnel free swans trapped in ice by quick freeze. In boat: front, Stu Tschirhart, in back, Ken Shiry. On island: Clarence Grass, Park Superintendent, hands in pockets and cap on. Station Wagon belonged to Ellroy Lippert, Park Administrator.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Victoria Park trees

Photograph of trees, one with a stump seat, in Victoria Park. A wrought iron bench and lampposts are visible in the background.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park west pathway

Photograph of west pathway and lake in Victoria Park including view of Swan Island and, in the distance, the Roos Island bridge. Victoria School tower is faintly visible in background skyline.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park west pathway

Photograph of tree-lined west pathway, along lake's edge in Victoria Park. The crossed legs and feet of a seated man appear immediately at left, and a group walking toward Roos Island bridge are visible further down the path.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park west pathway

Photograph of the west pathway and lake in Victoria Park, seen in winter, along a row of bare poplar trees at right. An automobile is visible in the distance, passing along the shore line, at left.

Schantz Russell Family

Victoria Park west pathway

Photograph of west pathway and lake in Victoria Park, including view of Swan Island and, in the distance, the Roos Island bridge. A white swan is in the water, at centre, and a couple is partially visible, at left, walking along the path.

Schantz Russell Family

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