


Scope note(s)

  • Formerly Berlin.

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

  • Here is a more detailed history.

Equivalent terms


  • UF Chicopee
  • UF Bridgeport
  • UF Freeport
  • UF Doon
  • UF New Aberdeen

Associated terms


2483 Archival description results for Kitchener

2345 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Christmas, Holidays, Feature

Images of children tobogganing and playing hockey; a group of children at a window holding up a sign that reads "measles"; and Mennonite group traveling down a snow lined road in a horse-drawn buggy passing by the intersection at Victoria Street North and Frederick Street.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Church of the Good Shepherd.

Clippings from the July 24, 1935 edition of the Evening Telegram relating to the laying of the cornerstone of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Kitchener, Ont. J.M. and Helena Schneider appear in one of the news photos.

Schneider family

Church of the Good Shepherd.

Snapshot of the removal of the cornerstone box from the Church of the New Jerusalem at the corner of King and Water Streets.

Left to right, Edward Braun, builder, J.M. Schneider, Chair of the Board, Lorne Braun, Caretaker.

Schneider family

Church of the Good Shepherd : cornerstone dedication picnic.

Adults and children leaving the [Church of the New Jerusalem], presumably after a service; an external view of the church building and architecture taken from across the street and up close, including a view of a sign that reads: "Church of the New Jerusalem / Rev. John W. Spiers, M.Ed. Pastor. / 15 Water St. N. / Sunday School 9:45 AM / Services 11 A.M. / All are welcome"; a view of a different sign that reads: "Church of the Good Shepherd / New location of the / Church of Jerusalem / Now at corner of King & Water Sts. / Rev. John W. Spiers Pastor;" a brass band performing in uniform with partially built building visible in background along with a view of officials, including J.M. Schneider standing on a podium; a view of a crowd of spectators; a 1935 stone being put into place as others, including J.M. Schneider look on; remarks being given next to stone after its placement; multiple pans of seated and standing spectators in at the cornerstone placement event; and children, including those from the Schneider family, watching mortar and stones being laid on top of cornerstone.

The film then jumps forward in time to: external view of the completed church building during winter, seen from the corner of Margaret Ave. and Queen St. with vehicles parked and driving along a snow covered Margaret included in frame; people dressed for cold weather exiting the church building; a camera pan of the stained glass windows above the front entrance; external views of the church architecture; more people leaving the church, several of whom smile toward the camera, and others walking along Queen.

Canister includes handwritten notes about places and people captured on film. Individuals include, among others:

  • Harry Halliwell
  • J. M. Schneider
  • Dick Wright

Schneider family

Church of the Good Shepherd, Kitchener, Ontario.

Leaflet published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Swedenborgian Church in Kitchener, Ontario. Leaflet includes a brief history of the Church, its buildings, its Pastors and congregations. Norman C. Schneider is listed as Sunday School Superintendent.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Circus Parade, King Near Benton.

Copy negatives of elephants walking down city streets. The first is of an old photograph of elephants walking down a city street captioned: "Circus Day in Berlin". Caption accompanying negative reads: "1) Circus Day in Berlin nr p/o at Benton." The second is of elephants walking down a city street, taken from behind, while passing the Market Hotel accompanied by a caption that reads: "5) circus parade king near benton 1904". File also includes caption notes for the next 6 files in series titled PARADES.

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

Circus Parade, King. St. near Water.

Two copy negatives of old photographs. One shows elephants walking double file down a dirt road beside [electric railway?] tracks headed by two single elephants with ladies riding on top. The negative is annotated: "Circus Parade. King St. near Water St. 1904." The other, taken from the same position, shows uniform wearing [firemen?] horseback riding a double file down a dirt road while carrying flags that read: "Fighting the Flames".

Kitchener-Waterloo Record

City Hall : old City Hall, copy.

Copy negative of a photo of a painting by Reuben Jukes of Kitchener done in 1924 of the 1869 city hall, which was being torn down in Fall 1924.

The painting now hangs in Kitchener City Hall at 200 King Street West.

Belair, Charles

Results 501 to 600 of 2483