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BT Ontario

17 Archival description results for Woodstock

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Clement, Muriel Alberta Kerr.

File consists of one full body studio portrait of Muriel Alberta Kerr Clement. Muriel is shown sitting on a bench with her legs crossed, wearing a hat, dress, and heels.

Clement Bowlby Family

Furniture and woodworkers union materials.

  • SCA275-GA296
  • Collection
  • 1931-1935

Fonds consists of ephemera relating to the unionization of furniture makers and woodworkers in the Kitchener, Stratford, and Woodstock area. Includes a mock liberty bond for the defence of workers arrested protesting, a card promoting socialist ... »

Mackay, Isabel.

File consists of one head and shoulders studio portrait of Isabel Mackay in her wedding dress. The upper part of her dress can be seen, and she is holding a bouquet of ferns and carnations and wearing a snake upper arm cuff.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone.

File consists of one full length studio portrait of Isabel Mackay with an unknown woman. The two are seater side by side wearing elaborate gowns.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Rex, Kay.

Photograph of Kay Rex as a child seated at a desk with arms crossed and looking at camera.

Rex, Kay

Woodstock, Ontario, street scene.

Group of six men standing in an intersection in Woodstock, Ontario, tentatively identified as either Ingersoll Ave. or Vansittart Ave. The man at the extreme right is probably R.D. Montgomery.

Montgomery, Frances Kathleen