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1 Main O.L.C.

Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students lying in three rows on and under a bed in a dorm room. Martha Rieder (top row at left), Emma Kaufman (middle row, second from right) and Ella Cook (bottom row, centre) appear in the photo.

Rieder and Anthes family

1 Main O.L.C.

Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students lying in three rows on and under a bed in a dorm room. Martha Rieder (top row at left), Emma Kaufman (middle row, second from right) and Ella Cook (bottom row, centre) appear in the photo.

Rieder and Anthes family


Upper body studio portrait of Anna [?] seen looking at camera.

Rieder and Anthes family

Cook, Ella.

Photograph of [Ella Cook] reclining against a pile of pillows, including one with OLC [Ontario Ladies' College] on the front, with arm behind head. Ella and the pillows are positioned on and around two chairs sitting underneath fabric hanging from the ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Dormitory room.

Photograph of an Ontario Ladies' College students dorm room window with furniture in front of it. At left is a partially visible bed and at right is a dresser decorated with photographs and trinkets. Between the two pieces of furniture are two rocking ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Dormitory room.

Photograph of Ontario Ladies' College students seated together in a resident room listening to one of the group read from a book. Martha Rieder is seen in profile seated at right.

Rieder and Anthes family

Dormitory room.

Photograph of two unidentified Ontario Ladies' College students seated in a dorm room with chairs turned toward each other and doing something with their hands. The pair are seated in from of a tall window partially covered by fabric draped from the top ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Informal group portrait of five unidentified Ontario Ladies' College students seated vertically in a row on the steps of Trafalgar Castle, the school's main building. Lion sculptures that line the steps are included in frame.

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Informal portrait of Ontario Ladies' College posed outdoors for the camera while standing in a row behind a cannon on the school grounds. From left to right: ?, Martha Rieder, [Lucie Edkins], Ella Cook, ?, ?.

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Photograph of a group of Ontario Ladies' College students seated in a row and posed the same, with hands laced together on a crossed leg outside of the OLC school building. Ella Cook is seated fourth from left and Martha Rieder is seated at far right.

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Blurry photograph of a group of Ontario Ladies' College students seated and standing on the front steps of the OLC school building. Several are wearing fancy hats. Martha Rieder is seated in the front row at right.

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students posed for the camera around a ladder in a dorm room. Several of the group are positioned so that their heads are poking through the spaces between the ladder rungs. Emma Kaufman is at left, ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Photograph of four Ontario Ladies' College students seated together in a dorm room, two on top of the laps of the others, all looking happily mischievous. The student at far right is likely Ella Cook.

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Photograph of a group of Ontario Ladies' College students posed in short rows a difference heights so that they are in the shape of a loose pyramid. The group is seen in a dorm room, some looking away from the camera in profile and some holding flags (... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students posed for the camera around a ladder in a dorm room. Several of the group are positioned so that their heads are poking through the spaces between the ladder rungs. Emma Kaufman is at left, ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students, some making funny faces, seated and standing around a dinning table. Martha Rieder is standing at right, front, with eyes closed, Ella Cook is seated at left with eyes wide and Emma Kaufman is ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Group portrait.

Informal portrait of Ontario Ladies' College posed outdoors for the camera with tennis rackets while standing around a cannon on the school grounds. Martha Rieder and Ella Cook are seen as part of the group wearing hats trimmed with black ribbon. Lucy ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Kaufman, Emma and Lucie Edkins.

Photograph of Emma Kaufman and Lucie Edkins posed for the camera side by side and dressed in what are likely costumes. Emma is holding an open fan upright in hands and Lucie appears to have something in hair to make it look lighter. A Federal Life ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Kaufman, Emma and Lucie Edkins.

Photograph of Emma Kaufman and Lucie Edkins posed for the camera side by side and dressed in what are likely costumes. Emma is holding an open fan upright in hands and Lucie appears to have something in hair to make it look lighter. A Federal Life ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Kelly, Blanche Mildred Clement, Emma Kaufman and Evelyn Breithaupt.

File consists of one studio portrait of, left to right, Emma Kaufman, Blanche Mildred Clement Kelly, and Evelyn Breithaupt taken when they were attending Ontario Ladies College. The group is posed identically, seen wearing similar hats and black ribbons ... »

Clement Bowlby Family


Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students posed for the camera, while singing or laughing in what is likely a dorm room. Group includes Emma Kaufman (middle row, second from left) and possibly Ella Anthes (back row, second from left) ... »

Rieder and Anthes family


Photograph of fabric hanging from the ceiling in a tent-like fashion in the corner of a dorm room with a pile of pillows, including one with OLC [Ontario Ladies' College], underneath. Three flags including a Union Jack and the American flag are visible ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Ontario Ladies' College grounds.

Photograph of the grounds of the Ontario Ladies' College with Trafalgar Castle surrounded by trees partially visible in background. In the distance, at left, are two students, one of whom is holding a tennis racket.

Rieder and Anthes family

Ontario Ladies' College students.

Informal group portrait of Ontario Ladies' College students posed for the camera, while singing or laughing in a dorm room. Group includes Emma Kaufman (middle row, second from left) and possibly Ella Cook (back row, second from left) and Blanche Mildred ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Pillow fight O.L.C.

Photograph of six Ontario Ladies' College students posed for the camera as if mid-pillow fight. Everyone is seen wearing a straw hat and the group appears to be 'attacking' Martha Rieder who is seen lying on the ground with an arm up in defense. One of ... »

Rieder and Anthes family

Room O.L.C.

Photograph of Ontario Ladies' College students laying on the ground of a dorm room with pillows and blankets pretending to sleep. Most the students are partially laying on each other with eyes closed and smiles on their races. Martha Rieder is at far ... »

Rieder and Anthes family


Upper body studio portrait of unidentified woman seen looking slightly off camera and wearing a hat.

Rieder and Anthes family