Women’s studies, gender, and sexuality


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Women’s studies, gender, and sexuality

14 Archival description results for Women’s studies, gender, and sexuality

14 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Alice Riggs Hunt fonds : 2016 accrual

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Alice Riggs Hunt and her family. Includes correspondence to and from Alice, locks of hair, and photographs. The photographs document other members of the Hunt family including her mother Mary ... »

Hunt, Alice Riggs

Amelia Alderson Opie letter.

  • SCA68-WA38
  • Collection
  • 1838

One holograph letter from Amelia Alderson Opie to an unidentified correspondent dated May 5, 1838 refusing an invitation.

Opie, Amelia

Angolan missionary letters.

  • SCA429-GA500
  • Fonds
  • August 23, 1887-July 22, 1902

Three letters written by Marion Webster during her time as a missionary in Angola for the Evangelical Congregational Church in Angola. Her letters detail the history and geography of Angola, as well as activities undertaken by her. Also includes 5 ... »

Webster, Marion

Correspondence to Maryse Choisy by a sex worker.

  • SCA427-GA497
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1962]

One item of correspondence addressed to Maryse Choisy by an unidentified sex worker, signed "a fan." The writer of the letter states that she has read Choisy's "Psychoanalysis of the Prostitute" and encourages her not to make the mistake of making ... »

Eleanor Hallowell Abbott Coburn letter.

  • SCA51-WA28
  • Collection
  • July 25, 1924

One item of correspondence from Charles Gaston Smith Jr. of the Harvard Club of Boston to Eleanor Hallowell Abbott. The letter is dated July 25, 1924 and in it Smith asks Coburn if she knows of any girls in real life that are of the same quality as those in her books.

Emily Bax correspondence.

  • SCA36-WA20
  • Collection
  • 1938-1939

Two items of correspondence from Emily Bax to a Mrs. Milner Wood of Woodman's Point on the St. John's River, dated June 3, 1938 and May 16, 1939. Topics discussed include Emily Bax's book, the World's Fair, the King's speech, and her daily life and plans.

Letter from Reverend Alfred H. Tyrer with birth control pamphlets.

  • SCA402-GA468
  • Collection
  • 1941

Materials related to Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer’s books and publications on birth control, sex education, and marriage life.

Includes pamphlets and order forms for Tyrer’s books Where did we come from, mother dear? (Marriage Welfare Bureau, 1939) and ... »

Tyrer, Alfred Henry

Lucy Stone letters.

  • SCA39-WA21
  • Collection
  • 1883

Collection consists of two items of correspondence from Lucy Stone to Mr. Michards. The letters are dated April 19th and 29th of 1893 and ask Mr. Michards to examine the records of his organization and see what arrangements Stone had made with them.

Stone, Lucy

Mabel Welma Fox scrapbook album.

  • SCA392-GA457
  • Collection
  • 1921-1923, 1925

Collection consists of a scrapbook album created by Mabel Welma Fox during her time at the University of Michigan (1921-1923). The scrapbook is covered with correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, ephemera, physical objects, and annotations ... »

Fox, Mabel Welma

Minnie Roberts correspondence collection.

  • SCA446-GA520
  • Collection
  • 1911-1915

A group of correspondence from Minnie Roberts, to her friend Eda Fuhrman. Minnie sent the letters to Eda who was still living in Kitchener, while she was living and working as a nurse in New York City. The letters detail her experiences as a nurse, her ... »

Open letter from Québec feminists.

  • SCA401-GA467
  • Collection
  • [1971?]

Anonymous open letter created by a group of feminists from Québec outlining the outcomes from the October Crisis (Québec, October 1970) and the relationship between Québécois feminist movements and the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ).

Letter begins ... »

Victoria Mary Sackville-West letter.

  • SCA64-WA36
  • Collection
  • 1944

Fonds consists of one holograph letter dated March 9, 1944 from Sackville-West to Mrs. Leslie Hotson discussing the effects of war on South-West England.

Sackville-West, Victoria

Women writers manuscript letters collection.

  • SCA46-WA25
  • Collection
  • 1887-1925

Collection consists of 26 items of correspondence written by women writers, primarily of the 1920's. Many of the letters are addressed to Edward Marsh and St. John Ervine and concern a tribute to Thomas Hardy for his 81st birthday.