- SCA386-GA451
- Collection
- 1936
A collection of materials relating to the 1936 Winter and Summer Olympics held in Berlin and Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany.
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A collection of materials relating to the 1936 Winter and Summer Olympics held in Berlin and Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany.
This file consists of photocopies made for K.M. McLaughlin by the National Archives of Canada and consists of documents pertaining to the Acadian Club raid and the attempt to gain restitution from the government. The file contains copies of letters by N.... »
Acadian Club
One notebook kept by Auna Krems with passages from the Bible. The notebook is almost entirely in German with the exception of the last page which is the English lyrics to the gospel song "Room Among the Angels." It is possible that Auna was living in ... »
Part of Concordia Club fonds.
The majority of the archives of the Concordia Club were destroyed either as a result of the ransacking of the club by the 118th Batallion in 1916, or as a result of the fire of November 17, 1971. As a result the earliest records of Concordia have largely ... »
Concordia Club
Concordia Club fonds : accruals.
Part of Concordia Club fonds.
Accrual consists of two scrapbooks (2003-2005 and 2006-2009) documenting the activities of the Concordia Club.
Concordia Club
Accounts of the German Baptist Church from 1894-1923. The volume contains lists of members, including many familiar local names, and statements of accounts. It also contains documents relating to the Benton St. Baptist Church, including annual reports ... »
Dunke, Edwin B.
Collection consists of three manuscript German prayer books dating from 1783 to the late 19th century. Each book contains a series of prayers such as communion, confession, morning, and evening prayers, in addition to examples of Fraktur (folk) art in ink and watercolour.
Gustav Seide Jakob Lorber mysticism collection
Collected by Gustav Seide, this collection includes primarily works by 19th century German mystic Jakob Lorber and his circle such as Gottfried Mayerhofer. Also included are works by other mystics including Emanuel Swedenborg and religious texts ... »
Seide, Gustav
Fonds consists of material created and accumulated mainly by Ivan W. Keffer, and some by his wife Mary L. Keffer, that documents the lives and activities of the Keffers, especially during the time they lived in Germany. Records also relate to the career ... »
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Kenneth Rowntree Germany collection.
Collection consists of materials collected by Kenneth Rowntree during his time in Germany as part of the Canadian Army Dental Corps at the end of the Second World War. The collection includes materials primarily created in Oldenburg including a scrapbook ... »
Rowntree, Kenneth
Margareta Riehl birth certificate.
Fonds consists of one birth-and-baptismal certificate (Geburts-und-Taufschein) for Margareta Riehl. The certificate is written in German and is a fraktur text featuring examples of decorative calligraphy and artwork.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Fonds consists of material relating to descendants of Johann Christoph and Anna Elizabeth Schneider, their families, friends and activities. It also contains genealogical information about the Schneider and Ahrens family origins in Germany and relatives ... »
Schneider family
Collection consists of 11 albums of Schwaben music and sketches. Note that in the titles of the albums the word "Nazi" does not relate to the National Socialist German Workers' Party. Nazi is an abbreviation of the name Ignatz, a colloquialism used to ... »