Fonds SCA427-GA497 - Correspondence to Maryse Choisy by a sex worker.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Correspondence to Maryse Choisy by a sex worker.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


  • [ca. 1962] (Creation)

Physical description area

Physical description

1 cm of textual records

Archival description area

Scope and content

One item of correspondence addressed to Maryse Choisy by an unidentified sex worker, signed "a fan." The writer of the letter states that she has read Choisy's "Psychoanalysis of the Prostitute" and encourages her not to make the mistake of making ... »

Notes area

Immediate source of acquisition

Purchased from Capitol Hill Books in 2023.

Language of material

  • English

General note

Maryse Choisy (1903-1979) was a French writer, journalist and philosopher. She was influenced by the work of Freud and received psychoanalytical treatment from him. She also wrote a response to Andre Breton’s “Surrealist Manifesto” criticizing the ... »

Access points

Genre access points

Control area

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Created JB 2023.

Language of description

  • English