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131 Archival description results for Canada

6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

118th Battalion clippings.

Clipping of an article (ill.) from the October 4, 1966 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record titled "Memento of Kaiser bust given to Pioneer Village" and an undated clipping with caption: "The dunked bust of German emperor was salvaged from mud of Victoria Park lake."

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Berlin Light Commission.

File consists of a carbon sheet with background data about the history of the Commission, clippings about the work of the Commission and about the bringing of hydro-electric power to Kitchener in 1910.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Berlin Rubber Co.

File consists of one clipping reporting an excursion of Berlin Rubber Co. employees to Penetang on Saturday, July 14, 1906. Comments on Breithaupt Leather and cottaging.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Berthing card and meal card.

A berthing card and meal card issued to Cameron Hill during the Second World War likely when he traveled on a troopship sailing from Halifax Harbour in Halifax, Nova Scotia to Liverpool, England between August and September 1941.

The berthing card indicates that Cameron was assigned to cabin S22, in section 3 of the Sports deck. The meal card indicates that Cameron was assigned to eat first meal (breakfast) during the second sitting at table number 28. The name of the ship that Cameron traveled on is unknown.

Hill, Cameron Clare

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1948. Several entries describe Betty’s work in British Columbia, family events, dances, a trip to Alaska, holidays, and Peg Forbes’s wedding to Colin Andrew (Joe) Wilson. The diary contains letters, invitations, lists, a patch, and press clippings including one titled, Girls advised to train for career and marriage published in The Globe and Mail on January 27, 1948.

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1944 during her time as a student at the School for Nurses at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario. Several entries describe Betty’s work at the hospital, student exams and marks, school dances, class dinners, and capping ceremony. The diary includes press clippings, letters, notes, event programs, and a photograph of an adult and child. In addition, numerous entries describe events and activities related to the Second World War including an entry written on D-Day (June 6, 1944). Some of these entries contain attached items such as press clippings related to military personnel and banknotes including a 1 lire banknote issued by Italy in 1939, 5-francs Type 1942 issued by Banque de l'Algérie, a 10-AM lire banknote as well as a one shilling and a half shilling Japanese government-issued Oceanian Pound.

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1945 during her time as a student at the School for Nurses at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario. Several entries describe Betty’s work at the hospital, student exams, patient care, and school dances. The diary includes press clippings, a convocation program, letters, telegrams, notes, pressed flowers, restaurant menus, business cards, event programs, and a photograph likely of Betty and an unknown individual. In addition, numerous entries describe events and activities related to the Second World War including an entry written on Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) on May 8, 1945, an entry written on Victory over Japan Day (VJ Day) on August 15, 1945 as well as entries describing food rationing, and the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd president of the United States (1933–45). Also includes one United States Army Anti-Aircraft Command sleeve insignia. The insignia is circular with an embroidered white background, blue border, and two red capital letter A's in the centre.

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1946 during her last year as a student at the School for Nurses at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Ontario. Several entries describe Betty’s work at the hospital, student exams, patient care, school dances, a scholarship she received, and her enrollment in a diploma course in Child Study at the University of Toronto. The diary includes press clippings, menus, convocation programs, invitations, postcards, telegrams, tickets, letters, ribbons, and two photographs of unknown individuals.

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1947. Several entries describe family events, parties, dances, trips to Buffalo, Sudbury and British Columbia, and Betty’s work at Claremont Nursery School. The diary includes letters, telegrams, invitations, programs, press clippings, pressed flowers, a napkin, and a photograph of an unknown individual.

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's photograph album.

An album containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Alexander Forbes, Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Pamela Wilson, Ross Wilson, Margaret Neilson, Jean Lyttle, Isabel Taylor, Jane Drope, Betty Hall, Joan MacPhail, Joan Norwich, Jayne Clement, Jack Vincent, Betty and Lou Breithaupt, Eleanor Snyder, Jean Augustine, Patty Ann Augustine, Barbie Augustine, and many others. Several photographs feature Camp Forty at Lake Tyson, Thistletown (part of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto), Christmas celebrations, christenings, and trips to British Columbia, Arizona, California, Texas, South Carolina, and Yellowstone National Park. Also includes a ticket stub or name card for Millicent Lyall Forbes when she attended the Canadian Nurses Association 25th biennial meeting at the University of British Columbia between June 26-30, 1950.

Forbes, Betty

Betty Forbes's wedding planner.

A wedding planner notebook containing correspondence, sketches, advertisements, and notes pertaining to Betty Forbes's wedding ceremony with Bill Land on May 29, 1954 in Hespeler, Ontario.

Forbes, Betty

Buena Vista : Schneider home.

Clippings from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record regarding the history of the Schneider home, called "Buena Vista," at 145 Queen St. S., Kitchener, Ontario.

  • "Let's reminisce," by Alex O. Potter from the December 12, 1964 edition of the newspaper detailing the history of the home, its purchase from Eph Erb in 1911 and later sale to Irvin Erb. Potter includes other Schneider information discovered in a 1906 album issued to celebrate an old boys' reunion and the 100th anniversary of the settlement of the community.
  • "Reviving a piece of history" by Andy Schoenhofer from page F5 of the November 18, 1989 edition of the newspaper
  • "Heritage home helps give firm a higher profile," from the June 18, 1997 edition of the newspaper

Schneider family

Canada-Cyprus Friendship Group.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to his involvement with the Canada-Cyprus Friendship Group. Records include a list of members, correspondence, meeting notices and agendas, invitations, speech transcripts, and other material. Also includes copies of the Cyprus Bulletin published between February 24, 1998 and September 13, 1999 as well as copies of the Cyprus Embassy Newsletter published between March 1998 and October 2000.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Canadian-Hungarian relations.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament documenting his personal interest and political involvement in matters relating to Canadian-Hungarian relations. Material in this file is primarily related to the planning of events and activities across Canada commemorating the 1956 Hungarian Revolution such as conferences held by the University of Ottawa Institute for Canadian Studies and the University of Toronto, screenings of the film Freedom’s Fury and the CBC documentary The Fifty-Sixers, the opening of the NEW LIVES photographic exhibition curated by the National Arts Centre, and the development of a special stamp issued by Canada Post. Records include correspondence, invitations, brochures, press clippings, news releases, speaking notes, calendars, and other textual material. The file also contains programs for a state dinner in honour of His Excellency László Sólyom, then President of the Republic of Hungary, as well as a picture of Telegdi and Sólyom shaking hands during the event.

Moreover, the file includes a copy of a framework agreement between St. Jerome’s University in Waterloo, Ontario and Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest, Hungary to develop co-operation between the two institutions in the fields of education and research.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Card of thanks.

A press clipping addressed to the Editor News Record from the Bechler family photo album. Clipping consists of a card of thanks from Frederich Bechler to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., the employers of Russell's Cigar Factory, friends, and family thanking the addressed for support after the death of his daughter, Wilhelmina Henrietta Bechler.

Bechler family

Carlisle, John : clippings and ephemera.

File consists of clippings relating to the performance of Elizabeth Ziegler sports teams on which John Carlisle played, including hockey and track and field. Includes his report card from 1931-1939 and a felt crest. Includes pamphlet produced for the 50th Anniversary of the school.

Bowlby, Davison, Hoffman Family

Church of the Good Shepherd.

Clippings from the July 24, 1935 edition of the Evening Telegram relating to the laying of the cornerstone of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Kitchener, Ont. J.M. and Helena Schneider appear in one of the news photos.

Schneider family

Church of the Good Shepherd, Kitchener, Ontario.

Leaflet published to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Swedenborgian Church in Kitchener, Ontario. Leaflet includes a brief history of the Church, its buildings, its Pastors and congregations. Norman C. Schneider is listed as Sunday School Superintendent.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clippings, primarily relating to both the [1894?] Lacrosse championship and the 1959 Kitchener downtown fire.

Martin, John Gartshore


Clippings (ill) from an undated edition of the Waterloo Chronicle titled: "Schneider Retains Seat for Liberals; Miss Janzen Predicts New Election in 18 Months with P.C.'s Victorious." Includes table with vote counts for Janzen, Schneider, and Schroeder.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping of photo with caption from the June 7, 1952 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record: "GREET DEFENCE MINISTER - Henry A. Hosking, MP for Wellington South (left), of Guelph, and Norman C. Schneider, MP elect for Waterloo North, welcomed Defence Minister Claxton (right) when he landed at the Waterloo-Wellington airport yesterday after a flight from Ottawa. Behind Mr. Claxton is Russell Daly, Guelph, president of the Western Ontario Liberal Association."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping of a captioned family portrait by Trussler from an unidentified and undated newspaper with the title "Every Waterloo North Candidate a Winner - If Vote is Counted Just in the Family."

Photo caption: "SCHNEIDER FAMILY CIRCLE - Norman Schneider, Liberal Candidate, poses with three generations of the family. Shown are (front, left to right) Gretchen Schneider, daughter of Herbert; Mrs. Howard Schneider, holding son, Gregory; Mrs. Norman Schneider, holding grandson, Michael, son of Herbert; Mr. Schneider, holding grand-daughter Nancy, daughter of Herbert; Eric Schneider, son of Herbert; (back) Howard George Schneider; Brita May and husband Robert White of Toronto; Mrs. Herbert (Betty) Schneider and her husband."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping from an unidentified newspaper titled "Squeals of Delight Over Succulent Pig Tails at Knockers Club Feats" relating to Knockers Club annual pigtail feast in Ottawa.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping of photo with caption from unidentified and undated newspaper: "SPEAKS IN WATERLOO - The prime minister [Louis St. Laurent] spoke from the City Hall steps in Waterloo this afternoon. Mayor Roberts (left) and N.C. Schneider, MP, are with him."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping of photo with caption from the March 20, 1953 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record: "RARE COMMONS PHOTO - For the first time in some years, the House of Commons at Ottawa had its picture taken yesterday afternoon. Arrow points to N.C. Schneider, MP for Waterloo North. Prime Minister S. Laurent (wearing glasses) is directly above the page's head (lower left). At his right is Trade Minister Howe and on his left is Agriculture Minister Gardiner. Directly across from the prime minister is George Drew, opposition leader. Speaker Ross Macdonald of Brantford is in the chair at centre."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping titled "Baked Pig Tails, Plus Tall Tales Mingle at Knockers Club Fiesta" relating to 1954 event in Ottawa. Includes captioned photo by Newton: "At Pig Tail Dinner - Ottawa Knockers Club held its famous annual pig tail dinner at the [Chateau?] last night. Lining up for the delicacy are, left to right: Raymond Brunet, guest speaker of the evening; Controller Paul Tardif, George McIlraith, MP, with Norman Schneider, MP, doing the serving."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping of photo with caption from the June 26, 1964 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record concerning a tea sponsored by the North Waterloo Liberal Women's Association.

Caption from photo: "TEA AND POLITICS - Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Schneider, RR 1, Preston, listen to folk singers at a tea held in their garden yesterday sponsored by the North Waterloo Liberal Women's Association."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping from 1990 showing an aerial view of the Seagram Stables, later the J.M. Schneider Stock Farm, on Bridgeport Road, Waterloo: "Celebrating Progress since 1890," Waterloo Chronicle, 1990. The clipping is an announcement of the 100th anniversary of the Waterloo Chamber of Commerce and the caption under the picture is: "Seagram Stables, now Tower's Plaza."

Schneider family


Clipping of photo with caption from undated and unidentified newspaper: "PARADE BEGINS - Mr. Schneider and wife smile happily as the Liberal victory parade to Waterloo, St. Jacobs and Elmira begins. The motorcade disbanded at Elmira." File includes clipping of vote count results for Emel, Isley, Janzen and Schneider.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clippings relating to a performance by the Schneider Orpheus Male Choir for members of Parliament and Senate in Ottawa. Includes Kitchener-Waterloo Record news story and captioned photo clipping titled "Ottawa Hall Rings As K-W Choir Sings," by Richard Jackson.

Photo caption: "K-W GROUP ENTERTAINS PARLIAMENT - The 28-voice Schneider Orpheus Male Choir from Kitchener-Waterloo, currently on a tour of Ontario, is shown here as it entertained members of Parliament, the Senate and their wives at a special concert arranged by Norman C. Schneider, Liberal member for Waterloo North. Mr. Schneider is shown (right foreground) as he introduced the choral group. (Dominion-Wide)"

Schneider, Norman Christoph


File consists of six clippings relating to A.L. Breithaupt in his position as Chairman of the Berlin Light Commission.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius


Two clippings from 1957 about the removal of the J.M. Schneider stock farm farm on Bridgeport Road, Waterloo, Ont., formerly the Seagram Stables: "Famous Waterloo farm is rapidly disappearing as homes rise," Kitchener-Waterloo Record, May 8, 1957, ill. Includes an undated clipping of a photograph with caption: "To remove stock farm."

Schneider family


One clipping of a photo with caption from an undated edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record regarding Norman C. Schneider's nomination as a Liberal candidate in the federal election: "NOMINATE CANDIDATE - Norman C. Schneider (left), MP for Waterloo North, was nominated candidate for the Liberal Party in the next federal election last night. Clark Murray (centre), MP for Oxford, was the guest speaker at the rally and G. Bruce McCullough (right), president of the Liberal association, was chairman."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clippings from an unidentified newspaper and an undated issue of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record relating to Norman C. Schneider's political career.

  • "Norman C. Schneider in Liberal Race," April 18, 1952 (ill.)
  • "Schneider Named Liberal Candidate; No Opposition" (ill.)

Caption from Record photo: "NOMINATE LIBERAL CANDIDATE - Norman Schneider (left) was nominated Liberal candidate in the May 26 by-election at a meeting last night in the Waterloo North Liberal Association. Left to right are Mr. Schneider, Justice Minister Garson, Bruce McCullough, president of the association, and Harold S. Wagner, secretary."

Schneider, Norman Christoph


Clipping of article (ill.) titled "Waterloo North has long loved the Liberals," from the Saturday, March 30, 1963 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record. Includes photos of Ivan Bowman, Hugo Kranz, Joseph E. Seagram, Mike Weichel and Norman Schneider, William Lyon Mackenzie King, Billy Weichel, Senator Euler, and L.O. Breithaupt.

Schneider, Norman Christoph


File consists of an unaddressed letter written by Ella Anthes Cook, an unsigned letter received by Ella, and a letter and postcard received by Ella from H. Milton Cook. Postcard contains a photograph of Cook with two other men in front of a pavilion, Woodside [farm?], Waterloo.

Rieder and Anthes family

Correspondence from Thomas H. Johnson, Dept. of Crown lands, Toronto, Ont., May 3, 1881.

Letter from Thomas H. Johnson to Colin Rankin's purchase of the "east half of lot 15 in the 14th [concession] of Papineau, containing 30 1/2 acres" at a rate of 50 cents per acre; a land grant certificate with seal dated June 14, 1881; a typescript reproduction of the text on the certificate; and a typescript description of the land accompanied by a hand drawn sketch.

Rankin, Colin

Crime prevention.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to crime prevention in the Waterloo region. Includes documents highlighting Telegdi's involvement with the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council, correspondence between Telegdi and the National Crime Prevention Centre, and items related to a forum called, What Works: The Power of Prevention such as a program, itinerary, speaker bios, and summary sheets. Andrew Telegdi attended the forum as a guest speaker. The file also contains correspondence and a commemorative booklet celebrating the twenty-fifth Annual Justice Dinner of the Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Director's files : general : Planar Circuits.

File consists of material relating to personnel activities for Electrohome subsidiary Planar Circuits (St. Catharines, ON). Includes memoranda, manuscript notes, job descriptions, photocopied pages of information about St. Catharines, and a press clipping. File probably belonged to Gary Alcock, Director of Human Resources.

Alcock, Gary

Election campaign.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his campaign to be elected as a Member of Provincial Parliament representing the Liberal Party for the Waterloo North riding in the 1990 Ontario general election. Records include a candidate survey, press clippings, newspaper advertisement mock-ups, pamphlets, and invitations to an event to meet Premier David Peterson that was hosted by Andrew Telegdi, John Bell, David Cooke, and Carl Zehr in Waterloo, Ontario.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Familienbriefe: 1954-1958.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Ulrich Sommer and his wife Gisela Sommer’s immigration to Canada with their two children Cornelius Sommer and Angelika Sommer in 1954. Also contains letters confirming Ulrich and Gisela Sommer passed an exam designed for new Canadians that was established by the Government of Ontario’s Department of Education Information Branch. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, children’s drawings, pamphlets, hand-drawn floor plans, wallpaper samples, a cross-stitch sampler, and photographs of family members.

Forty-sixth anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Cyprus.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to celebrations commemorating forty-six years of independence for the Republic of Cyprus. Records include a formal congratulatory statement to the members of the Canadian Justice for Cyprus from Telegdi and an invitation to Telegdi from the Canadian Justice for Cyprus Committee (PSEKA Canada) for a dinner celebrating the anniversary in Scarborough, Ontario.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Funeral of Charles Rosekat.

A press clipping titled "Drowned Man Laid to Rest" regarding the funeral of Charles Rosekat's from the Bechler family photo album. Announcement notes Rosekat drowned August 4th at Grimsby Beach and was a Kaufman Rubber Co. employee.

Bechler family

Funeral program for Andrew Telegdi.

A program for Andrew Telegdi’s funeral service held on January 28, 2017 at Knox Waterloo Presbyterian Church in Waterloo, Ontario. The program includes a eulogy for Andrew Telegdi and outlines the order of the funeral service. The service included a traditional blessing prayer delivered by Oqwilowgwa Kim-Recalma-Clutesi, tributes offered by Bardish Chagger, Don Chapman, John and Jonathan English, scripture reading by Margie Telegdi-Smith, and family tributes by Paul Telegdi and Erin Telegdi.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Furniture and woodworkers union materials.

  • SCA275-GA296
  • Collection
  • 1931-1935

Fonds consists of ephemera relating to the unionization of furniture makers and woodworkers in the Kitchener, Stratford, and Woodstock area. Includes a mock liberty bond for the defence of workers arrested protesting, a card promoting socialist industrial unionism, a handbill outlining union desires, a letter from Canada Furniture Manufacturers regarding an adjustment to pay rates, a handbill encouraging furniture workers to unionize, and a photocopy of a letter to Herman Kreuger.

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Waterloo, Ontario. The material documents the opinions of some constituents as well as Telegdi’s political involvement in the matter. Records include correspondence, invitations, schedules, news releases, reports, notes, meeting agendas and minutes, press clippings, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

High technology industry.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the development of the high technology industry and infrastructure in Kitchener and Waterloo, Ontario. Records include correspondence and notes as well as invitations, agendas, programs, and other textual material created during the planning of Peter Harder and Allan Rock's separate visits to Waterloo in 2002. At the time, Peter Harder was Deputy Minister of Industry Canada and Allan Rock was Minister of Industry. Andrew Telegdi hosted both visits.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Hockey team.

Contains a newspaper clipping of a picture of the Kaufman Footwear hockey team for 1935 under the headline "Kaufman's Team Reaches Playoffs". Caption below photo reads: "Reaching the play-offs in the Kitchener Industrial Hockey League, Kaufman's team are show above. Back row - Alf Schaefer, coach; M. Kowalski, H. Schaefer, M. Wannamaker, C. Schlote, W. Plomski, E. Wannamaker, J. Frank, C. Steppler and J. Loth, manager. Front row - E. Good, A. Bernhardt and H. Current; I. Weber, mascot. - (Photo by Denton, Kitchener.)

Kaufman Footwear


Clippings and commemorative publication published to mark the 75th anniversary of the birth of Ontario Hydro and its connection to Kitchener.

Schneider family


An invitation received by Andrew Telegdi to a dinner hosted by the Progressive Conservative Party in the riding of Waterloo in honour of Walter McLean, then Member of Parliament for Waterloo. The dinner was held on June 2, 1988 at the Valhalla Grand Ballroom in Kitchener, Ontario. Michael Wilson, then Member of Parliament for Etobicoke Centre and Minister of Finance, was the guest speaker for the dinner.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Kaufman Furniture Ltd. : union.

Material relating to Kaufman Furniture Ltd. in Collingwood, Ont. and International Woodworkers of America. Includes correspondence, agreements, handwritten notes and drafts, reports, memoranda to employees and clippings.

Kaufman, William Hutton

Kaufman, Emma : 1966 : 85th birthday.

Material relating to a "pre-birthday party" held for Emma Kaufman at Covenant College in Toronto, Ontario. Contains an invitation, guest-book sheets, regrets list, snapshots, photographs, and party ephemera.

Augustine, Ham, Kaufman family

Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre’s equity and inclusion fundraising dinner honouring Andrew Telegdi.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi related to the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre’s equity and inclusion fundraising dinner held in his honour. Telegdi previously served as the President of the Kitchener-Waterloo Multicultural Centre and the dinner honoured his extensive contribution to the organization and the local community. The dinner was held on November 29, 2012 at Bingemans Conference Centre in Kitchener, Ontario. Records include a flyer invitation, itinerary, a guestbook, pin, program, and related correspondence including a letter from Justin Trudeau extending his congratulations to Telegdi. The file also contains a photograph of Telegdi and three unidentified individuals at an unknown event.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Letters to Betty and Bill.

Letters, cards, and postcards written to Betty Forbes and Bill Land from Millicent Lyall Forbes, Helene, Isabelle Alexandra Burt (Aunt Diddy), and Uncle Art. File also includes letters from Ray McMurphy to Betty Forbes, an account with Smuck's China and Gift Shop in Kitchener, and a wedding program for Thomas Land and Sylvia Wink.

Forbes, Betty

Liberal Party of Canada.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada. Records include items related to the association's activities and events such as the 2003 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between November 12-15, 2003 in Toronto, Ontario and the 2009 Leadership and Biennial Convention held between April 30 to May 3, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia. In addition, the file contains items from the National Liberal Women's Caucus and Equal Voice, a multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing and supporting women at all levels of political office. Records include invitations, correspondence, certificates, agendas, forms, a 2015 election handout titled, Stand with Justin Trudeau for LGBTQ2 Rights, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Local history : clippings.

Clipping titled "Local historians paint scholarly picture of Kitchener including barbs, bouquets" from the December 10, 1983 edition of the Kitchener-Waterloo Record consisting of a review of Kitchener: an illustrated history by John English and Kenneth McLaughlin.

Schneider family

Local history : clippings.

Clipping "Remembering Kitchener's colourful past," illustrated with a photograph identified as the 118th Battalion at parade in Victoria Park, 1917.

Schneider family

Local history : texual records.

Series consists of material relating to the history of Kitchener, Ontario and the Region of Waterloo. Includes clippings, photographs, publications and special issues of newspapers. Some of these contain references to the Schneider family and company.

Schneider family

Marston, Katherine.

Clipping of Saturday Night article "She Runs a Country Weekly that wins Prizes" by John A. Carroll about Canadian Katherine Marston, owner and editor of the Elora Express.

Long, Elizabeth

Memorial service program for Hilde English and related material.

A program for Hilde Maria English’s memorial service held on July 9, 2006 at the Centre for International Governance Innovation in Waterloo, Ontario. The program includes a list of participants and outlines the order of the service. The service included prayers, musical performances, and tributes. The Master of Ceremony was the Honourable Justice Patrick Flynn. Andrew Telegdi delivered a eulogy for Hilde English during the memorial service. The file also includes draft copies of Telegdi’s eulogy for Hilde English, handwritten notes, and related correspondence. Andrew Telegdi was close friends with Hilde English and her husband John English.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Minister of Foreign Affairs’ visit to Hungary and Poland.

Material created and accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament when he accompanied Peter Mackay, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Budapest, Hungary to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Hungary Revolution and to participate in bilateral meetings in Warsaw, Poland between October 20-24, 2006. Records include invitations, programs, and correspondence such as a letter of welcome from Robert Hage, Canada's Ambassador to Hungary. Also includes tickets to events such as the Canada Salutes Hungary Gala in Budapest, Hungary, and a memorial publication published by the Hungarian Culture Centre Mindszenty Hall in Windsor, Ontario. In addition, the file contains a briefing book for Hungary and Poland as well as a presentation folder containing a program of events for celebrations in Hungary and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter


A flyer invitation for the Kitchener-Waterloo Nomination Night held at the Transylvania Club in Kitchener, Ontario on October 19, 2000. This event was held to nominate a candidate to represent the Liberal Party in the riding of Kitchener-Waterloo in the 2000 Canadian federal election. The speaker and special guest of the event was Shelia Copps, Member of Parliament representing Hamilton East and Minister of Canadian Heritage. The flyer features a picture of Andrew Telegdi on the front and a form for individuals to submit if they wanted to participate in Telegdi’s subsequent election campaign on the back.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Official opening of six housing projects under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the official opening of six buildings in the Region of Waterloo that provided two hundred and forty-four units of affordable housing under the Canada-Ontario Affordable Housing Program. Andrew Telegdi attended this event and delivered a speech. Records include an invitation, event itinerary, a media advisory, a press release, speaking notes, and other textual material.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Photograph album 4 : Mary Ann Kabel.

Album belonging to Mary Ann Kabel (later Martin) containing snapshots of her and her friends, friends' wedding photographs, and snapshots of John Gartshore Martin at the military school in Vernon, BC. Album also contains newspaper clippings and memorabilia. Clippings relate to news and announcements about Mary Ann's friends and other men from Kitchener-Waterloo serving in World War II (including deaths, injuries, etc.) and the weddings of Mary Ann's friends.

Martin, John Gartshore

Pope Hartford car : Schneider family vehicle.

Four photographs and one news story about the Schneider family's Pope Hartford car. One photograph shows Norman and Fred Schneider, Alf Gofton, Walter Zeller and Carl Ahrens in the car, with Norman Schneider's note : "Our first car, a fifth hand Pope-Hartford". One shot shows Freeport Bridge in background.

Schneider family

Post-secondary research and education funding.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to post-secondary research and education funding. The material documents efforts to secure additional funding for universities across Canada and specifically for the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University through scholarships, fellowships, donations, and the selection of Canada Research Chairs. Records include correspondence, news releases, an invitation, schedule, program, speaking notes, and other textual records.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Press clippings : 1949-1959

File consists of press clippings relating to Electrohome and Carl A. Pollock from 1949-1959. File also includes clippings about a fire on King Street in Kitchener in 1959.


Results 1 to 100 of 131