Waterloo Region



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Waterloo Region

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Waterloo Region

4195 Archival description results for Waterloo Region

79 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Harding, F.W.

Two copies of a photograph of F. W. Harding seen looking at camera while seated and leaning back in a chair with right arm on desk.

Dominion Rubber Company

Hailer, Jacob.

Studio portrait of Jacob Hailer. Jacob is seated holding a cane with his foot propped on a stool.

Wagner Hailer family

Gross, Don and Lyndon with snowman.

Image of Don and Lyndon Gross standing in front of in front of a snowman, seen in profile, on a residential street. Snowshoes and a toboggan are positioned at the base of the snowman.

Schantz Russell Family

Gribble, Faith [?].

One upper body studio portrait, possibly of Faith Gribble. Photograph is in an embossed green enclosure with a purple interior and reads "With the Compliments of the Season."

Schantz Russell Family

Gribble family.

Studio portrait of [Mary Harriet Gribble] with grandchildren Elsie Snider and Ralph Snider, the children of Faith Gribble and William Snider. Gribble is shown looking down at newborn Elsie, held on her lap, while Ralph, about three years of age, stands next to them, looking over shoulder off camera.

Schantz Russell Family

Greb Shoes, 1960s (file 2 of 2).

File consists of press clippings and other material relating to Greb Industries and Greb Shoes during the 1960s, and Charles E. Greb's tenure as manager of the Winnipeg plant. Includes news releases, correspondence, footwear price lists, product tags, a memorandum to retail customers, ts. speeches by Charles E. Greb and J.D. Campbell (vice-president, marketing), and other documents.

Press clippings also relate to local history and news in Kitchener-Waterloo, the death of politician Maitland Steinkopf (also founder of Canada West Shoe Manufacturing Company), and GGD advertising agency (used by Greb). Photographs are of men and women wearing Greb footwear, Hush Puppies displays, an unidentified event attended by Harry and Arthur Greb, and Charles E. Greb awarding Best in Show at the K-W Kennel Club.

Greb Industries Limited

Greb Shoes, 1960s (file 1 of 2).

File consists of press clippings and other material relating to Greb Industries and Greb Shoes during the 1960s, and Charles E. Greb's tenure as manager of the Winnipeg plant. Includes news releases, correspondence, footwear price lists, product tags, a memorandum to retail customers, ts. speeches by Charles E. Greb and J.D. Campbell (vice-president, marketing), and other documents.

Press clippings also relate to local history and news in Kitchener-Waterloo, the death of politician Maitland Steinkopf (also founder of Canada West Shoe Manufacturing Company), and GGD advertising agency (used by Greb). Photographs are of men and women wearing Greb footwear, Hush Puppies displays, an unidentified event attended by Harry and Arthur Greb, and Charles E. Greb awarding Best in Show at the K-W Kennel Club.

Greb Industries Limited

Grant, Mable.

One full length studio portrait of Mable Grant seen standing in a long lace and velvet dress in front of lace curtains.

Schantz Russell Family

Grand Valley Institution for Women.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his post-political career related to the Grand Valley Institution for Women in Kitchener, Ontario. Records include an overview of the correctional, mental health, reintegration, educational, and other programs at the facility.

In addition, the file contains program statistics and an anonymous letter from a federally sentenced women about the intrusive nature of prison searches. Moreover, the file contains a list of issues at the facility written by an unknown individual that notably asserts Indigenous inmates are over-represented in the general population and maximum secure unit and that certain behaviours are more strictly enforced with Indigenous inmates causing them to be frequently segregated.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Grand Valley Institution for Women.

Material accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to Grand Valley Institution for Women (GVI) in Kitchener, Ontario. Records include correspondence between Telegdi and Dianne Brown, Warden, GVI. In this correspondence, Telegdi asked Brown for information on the number of women returning to GVI with a new offence versus a suspension. In later correspondence, Brown provided Telegdi a series of appendices from a report titled, Mental Health Strategy for Women Offenders containing statistics on women prisoners related to mental health, revocations, segregations, and releases. Several appendixes provide statistical information on similar topics specifically related to Indigenous women in prison.

The file also includes an agenda and two reports possibly provided to Telegdi during a site visit to GVI in 2008. The first report provides a brief statistical overview of the facility structure, organizational chart, facility profile, facility expenditures, population profile, offender profile, escapees, and offender complaints and grievances. The second report provides a detailed description of the prison and its operational units, population, reintegration programs, correctional programs, mental health programs, education and employment programs, social programs, and Indigenous programs including Circles of Change. The report also outlines various groups and committees that offer support to women at GVI including Native Sisterhood, Black Inmates and Friends Assembly (BIFA), and the Lifers and Long-term group. Moreover, the report describes the GVI’s community partnerships, and escorted temporary absence programs.

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Gofton, Alfred.

Head and shoulders studio portrait of Alfred Gofton seen looking at the camera, dressed in a suit and tie.

Schneider family

Gofton, Alf and Charlotte Braun.

Snapshots showing Alf Gofton and Charlotte Braun on their wedding day. Includes Ethel (Lapsley) Schneider as bridesmaid or matron of honour and Norman C. Schneider.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Results 2501 to 2600 of 4195