A CD-ROM titled, "CTT pres. cover / 4, 25, 00." The CD-ROM contains a folder named "eps files" with the following documents: inside.eps 20,781 KB PostScript 2000-04-24; outside.eps 20,961 KB PostScript 2000-04024. In addition, the CD-ROM includes a folder named "fonts" with a subfolder named "helvetica" and three documents "A Helvetica Compressed" 0 KB 1995-02-13, "A Helvetica Condensed" 0 KB 1995-02-13, "A Helvetica Inserat" 0 KB 1995-02-13; as well as another folder "zaft din" and two documents "A Zapf Dingbats" 0 KB 1995-02-13, and "ZapfDin" 0 KB 1993-08-05. Moreover, the CD-ROM also contains a folder named "postcript (2 pages)" and two documents ctt.folder.final.pdf 51 KB Adobe Acrobat Document 2000-04-24, and cct.folder.final.ps 41,726 KB PostScrpt 2000-04-24. Additional digital files include: CTT Logo.eps 55 KB PostScript 1999-07-23; ctt.folder.final 244 KB FINAL file 2000-04-24; ctt.folder.final.report 3 KB REPORT File 2000-04-24; mPowered Logo.eps 145 KB PostScript 2000-04-24; and Screenshots.eps 20,566 KB PostScript 2000-04-24.
The file also includes a photocopy of a document (title page and one page article) titled, "Connect Ontario notice of intent" published by mPowered CCT. The document was submitted by the Economic Development in Canada's Technology Triangle (EDICTT), representing Canada's Technology Triangle (Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo and the Region of Waterloo).
Cowan, Donald D.