Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the Canadian Parliamentary Delegation's visit to the Republic of China (Taiwan) between March 31 and April 7, 1996. Telegdi and his wife, Nancy ... »
Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to the Canadian Parliamentary Delegation's visit to the Republic of China (Taiwan) between March 31 and April 7, 1996. Telegdi and his wife, Nancy Curtin-Telegdi, travelled to the Republic of China (Taiwan) as part of this delegation. Records include tickets, briefing notes, correspondence, invitations, business cards, guest lists, menus, schedules, press clippings, and other textual records and ephemera. Also contains a published copy of an article titled, The Republic of China on Taiwan belongs in the United Nations by Lien Chan. The article was originally printed in the Fall 1993 issue of Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute.