Québec (City)


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Québec (City)

BT Québec

28 Archival description results for Québec (City)

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Chateau Frontenac and promenade.

Photograph taken looking along the edge of the Promenade des Gouverneurs in Quebec City. The Chateau Frontenac can be seen as well as a striped awning and the metalwork fence of the Promenade. In the distance is the St. Lawrence River and a portion of ... »

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Citizenship legislation.

Material created or accumulated by Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament related to efforts to amend citizenship legislation, particularly provisions related to the citizenship revocation process. Records include news releases, ... »

Telegdi, Andrew Peter

Quebec City.

Photograph of Quebec City taken looking down onto the Promenade des Gouverneurs and the St. Lawrence River. The photograph was possibly taken from the Citadel. Buildings that can be seen include the Chateau Frontenac, Quebec Terminal Company, Quebec Fire,... »

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Quebec City promenade.

Photograph taken looking along the edge of the Promenade des Gouverneurs in Quebec City. A striped awning can be seen, as well as the metalwork fence of the Promenade. In the distance is the St. Lawrence River.

Creighton, Charles Dickens

Sales representative reward program : trip to Quebec : 1994 (file 1 of 2).

File consists of material relating to the planning, coordination, and publicity for the sales incentive trip to Quebec City and Montreal in 1994 for Projection Systems sales representatives. Includes correspondence and memoranda (some faxed), completed ... »


Sales representative reward program : trip to Quebec : 1994 (file 2 of 2).

File consists of material relating to the planning, coordination, and publicity for the sales incentive trip to Quebec City and Montreal in 1994 for Projection Systems sales representatives. Includes correspondence and memoranda (some faxed), completed ... »
