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BT Europe


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Computer education in Ontario secondary schools / G.C. Bonham and D.D. Cowan.

Two original typed copies of a manuscript titled, "Computer education in Ontario secondary schools" by G.C. Bonham and Donald Cowan. One copy of the manuscript is thirty-three pages and the other copy is twenty-eight pages. The paper was published in the ... »

Cowan, Donald D.

Map : 4th Canadian Armoured Division.

Map showing the movements (with dates) of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division from the UK, the crossing to Normandy, and the advance into Holland and then across northern Germany. John Gartshore Martin's regiment (Lincoln and Welland) was part of this ... »

Martin, John Gartshore

Motz, William John : Canadian newspaper tour scrapbook.

File consists of a scrapbook kept by William John Motz with photographs and ephemera from the Canadian newspaper tour of Europe from June 6th-July 26th, 1929. The tour visited: Paris, Chester, Windsor, Versailles, The Trossachs, Amiens, Vienna, Vimy, ... »

Motz Family

Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.

Album contains postcards and photographs documenting a trip made May 24 to July 31, 1960 by Rosa and Spencer Clark to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Many items are accompanied by ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Scrapbook 1.

Scrapbook created by John Gartshore Martin about his experiences in WWII. Includes snapshots, newspaper clippings, ephemera, and correspondence. Snapshots were taken during John's training in Canada and his time in Europe, and show sporting events; ... »

Martin, John Gartshore

Urquhart, Jane.

File consists of two photographs of Jane Urquhart speaking at the John Adams Institute in Amsterdam.

Urquhart, Jane

World War II : Normandy and Holland.

Six photographs of Normandy and Holland during World War II, probably taken by John Gartshore Martin. Photographs originally mounted in a frame with captions below each: Trun-Falaise gap Normandy 1944; Caen Normandy 1944; Road to Bergen-op-zoom Holland 19... »

Martin, John Gartshore