File consists of one day book belonging to Louis Breithaupt. The pages are numbered by hand to p. 60 and are variously headed "Buffalo" and "Berlin". It is uncertain whether handwriting is contemporary or added later by Louis Jacob Breithaupt,.
p. 1-53 ... »
File consists of one day book belonging to Louis Breithaupt. The pages are numbered by hand to p. 60 and are variously headed "Buffalo" and "Berlin". It is uncertain whether handwriting is contemporary or added later by Louis Jacob Breithaupt,.
p. 1-53 contain entries from June 1852 to Oct. 1861 relating to his business in Buffalo, N.Y. [and probably Berlin as well as of 1857].
p. 54-55 written on by Louis J. Breithaupt, Jan. 7, 1870. "Facts" and penmanship practice.
p. 56 accounts resume at Nov. [1861?] Page is headed "Breithaupt & Strauss". Accounts appear to relate to business in Berlin. P. [68] contains an entry on Oct. 20 [1862?] relating to balance "Schoellkopf " according to statement. Page is headed "Buffalo, September 1861" in an unidentified handwriting.
p. [70] ends with entry for Jan. 1863. Page [71] overleaf starts at Nov. 18, 1865 and is weekly accounts, including wages paid to named individuals in "Beam House", "Currier Shop", "Yard." P. [78] headed "Berlin Dec. 23rd 1865" contains annotation: "This was written by P. Cress: all on this page but this."
Accounts continue to p. [185] ending with June 22, 1867.
p. [186] begins day book described on end leaf as "Team book kept by Louis J. Breithaupt Berlin, Ont., 1869-1870. The first entry is dated Aug. 13, 1869. Entries concern loads carried by various teams, what was carried and where carried to, threshing, plowing, etc.. LJB would be 15 years old at this time. Ends at p. [236], entry for Sept. 15, 1870.
P. [237 blank].
P. [238] contains inscription: "L.J. Breithaupt, Berlin, Ont., student of Berlin Central School, Berlin Ontario, Sept. 15, 1870. Page also contains a list of "Old bricks for inside wall of house."
P. [239] contains a list of "Boarders: when they come and when leave."