Creative process


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Creative process

61 Archival description results for Creative process

61 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Alice Mary Hagen fonds.

  • SCA7-WA4
  • Fonds
  • 1893-1975

Fonds consists of Alice Hagen's correspondence, clippings, articles and ephemera relating to her work in pottery and ceramics. Includes correspondence with Elizabeth Long regarding her part in painting plates for the Canadian Senate's gift of hand-... »

Hagen, Alice Mary

Annie Elizabeth May Hewlett fonds.

  • SCA10-WA6
  • Fonds
  • 1911-1974, predominant 1952-1955

Fonds consists of material created, published, and accumulated by Annie Elizabeth May Hewlett. Includes a scrapbook and correspondence.

Hewlett, Annie Elizabeth May


  • SCA328-GA372
  • Collection
  • 2017

Fonds consists of four prints titled "A.R.H." by Olivia Carvalho. The prints feature a portrait and handwriting of Alice Riggs Hunt.

Carvalho, Olivia

Barbara Smucker fonds.

  • SCA95-GA65
  • Fonds
  • 1965-1997

Materials created and accumulated by Barbara Smucker relating to her professional activities. Primarily includes materials relating to her various published works including research, reviews, and manuscripts and typescripts.

Smucker, Barbara

Bernard Suits fonds.

  • SCA248-GA251
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1937]-2007

Materials created and accumulated by Bernard Suits over the course of his education and teaching career. Includes materials created as a student such as class notes and exams, materials created as a professor at the University of Waterloo including ... »

Suits, Bernard

Bernt Vik fonds.

  • SCA177-GA152
  • Fonds
  • [194-]

Eight handbound volumes. Bernt Vik attended a textile school in Sweden, possibly in Gothenburg. He and his classmates created handbound books of their notes and handouts because affordable texts from Europe and Scandinavia were not available. The volumes ... »

Vik, Bernt

Bertram R. Davis collection.

Collection consists of materials created and accumulated by Bertram R. Davis on the history of Bristol and the romantics. Includes correspondence between 164 correspondents, 45 manuscript groups, research notes, photographs, clippings, articles, ... »

Davis, Bertram R.

Bertram R. Davis "Robert Southey" Collection.

The collection centres on Robert Southey and Bristol and gives an overview of the social, political, and literary upheaval which gave birth to the Romantic movement and shaped the rest of the nineteenth century. The collection also contains material on ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark collection.

  • SCA204
  • Collection
  • [18--]-2000

The Breithaupt Hewetson Clark collection includes family papers the three families named; the Breithaupt family, the Hewetson family, and the Clark family. Made up of over several hundred cubic feet of archives, about 12,000 photographs, several thousand ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark collection.

Materials include family papers from three families, the Breithaupt family, the Hewetson family, and the Clark family; records from the Guild of All Arts in Scarborough, Ontario, founded by Rosa Breithaupt Hewetson Clark and Spencer Clark; and several ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Central Ontario Art Association fonds.

  • SCA222-GA209
  • Fonds
  • 1944-2005

Fonds consists of records documenting most aspects of the development of the Central Ontario Art Association, the events and activities of the association, and its administration and membership in the period from its formation in 1954 to about 2000, with ... »

Central Ontario Art Association

David Hill sketchbooks.

  • SCA184-GA159
  • Fonds
  • 1947-1983

Sketchbooks and loose sketches by David Hill, American artist. Includes material relating to his death and estate, primarily correspondence to Joe Plaskett. Includes correspondence to David Hill by Virgil Burnett.

Hill, David

Donna Jean MacKinnon fonds.

  • SCA394-GA459
  • Fonds
  • [1950?]-2020

Materials created or accumulated by Donna Jean MacKinnon during her professional life as a journalist. Includes articles written by MacKinnon in different news media and materials related to MacKinnon’s book Newsgirls : gutsy pioneers in Canada’s ... »

MacKinnon, Donna Jean

Elaine M. Catley fonds.

  • SCA1-WA1
  • Fonds
  • 1926-1975

Correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts of poetry and prose, clippings of published work and reviews. Correspondents include Nellie McClung (2 letters), Laura Goodman Salverson (1 letter) and Charles G.D. Roberts (1 letter).

Catley, Elaine Maud

Eric P. McCormack fonds.

The fonds consists of materials documenting Eric McCormack's career as a writer. It contains manuscripts, typescripts, clippings, ephemera, and correspondence.

McCormack, Eric P.

Eric P. McCormack fonds : 2003 accrual

The accrual consists of materials documenting Eric McCormack's career as a writer. It contains manuscripts, typescripts, clippings, ephemera, and correspondence.

McCormack, Eric P.

Eric P. McCormack fonds : 2015 accrual.

Accrual consists of typed and handwritten drafts and notes created by Eric McCormack for his works "Cloud," "Family Traditions," "Inspecting the Vaults," and "The Paradise Motel."

McCormack, Eric P.

Helen Edmonds sketchbook

  • SCA183-GA158
  • Collection
  • July 1991

Sketchbook belonging to Helen Edmonds, dated July 1991, containing sketches in the style of Virgil Burnett. Most sketches are drawn with brown ink and feature people, landscapes, buildings, and sculptures. The sketchbook also includes watercolour ... »

Edmonds, Helen

Herbert Odd fonds.

  • SCA180-GA155
  • Fonds
  • 1950-1990

Fifty-five sketchbooks by Herbert Odd containing pen and ink drawings, with some watercolour sketches and some pencil sketches.

Odd, Herbert

Isabel Ecclestone Mackay fonds.

  • SCA3-WA2
  • Fonds
  • 1891-1979

Fonds consists of materials relating to the personal and professional life of Isabel Ecclestone Mackay. Includes primarily prose and poetry by Mackay, as well as photographs, correspondence, scrapbooks and ephemera.

Mackay, Isabel Ecclestone

Jane Urquhart fonds.

The fonds consists of a single diary kept by Jane Urquhart from 1974 to 1981, before she began her writing career, and documents primarily several trips to Europe taken with Tony Urquhart. This diary served as a sketchbook, journal and trip diary, and ... »

Urquhart, Jane

Jane Urquhart fonds : 2015 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Jane Urquhart relating to her personal and professional life. Includes manuscripts and typescripts of Urquhart's works, research materials, correspondence, biographical materials, and materials ... »

Urquhart, Jane

John Herbert accrual.

Materials relate primarily to the professional life of John Herbert, between 1953 and 2001, including manuscript and typescript poems, plays, works and essays, as well as ephemera relating to his works. The ephemera covers publicity, advertising and ... »

Herbert, John

John Herbert fonds.

Materials relate primarily to the professional life of John Herbert, from 1940 to 1981, such as his literary works; theatre advertising, programs, and photographs; correspondences to critics, fans, his agent, and others; and reviews on his works. The ... »

Herbert, John

Julia McCarthy fonds.

  • SCA405-GA472
  • Fonds
  • [198-?]-[2021?]

Materials created or accumulated by Julia McCarthy during her professional and personal life. Includes journals and personal correspondence received by McCarthy, drafts of poems and anthologies, professional correspondence related to the publication of ... »

McCarthy, Julia

Ken Ledbetter fonds.

  • SCA216-GA195
  • Fonds
  • December 1989

File consists of one typescript film script (101 p.) by Gary and Ken Ledbetter, based on stories by Ken Ledbetter. The script is a first draft and dated December, 1989, and the cover page is signed by authors.

Ledbetter, Ken

Luella Creighton fonds.

  • SCA126-GA99
  • Fonds
  • 1917-1990, predominant 1950-1990

Material documenting Luella Creighton's student days at Victoria College, University of Toronto, 1924-1926. Her personal life is further documented through a series of diaries, 1963-1990. Most of the textual material in the fonds, however, relates to her ... »

Creighton, Luella Bruce

Lydia Dotto fonds.

Materials created or accumulated by Lydia Dotto during her professional life. Includes published and draft articles and reports written by and about Dotto in different media; reviews of Dotto's books; research materials and interviews; video ... »

Dotto, Lydia

Mary Quayle Innis fonds.

  • SCA154-GA127
  • Fonds
  • 1954-1995

Contains materials by and about Mary Quayle Innis. Includes correspondence written mostly to her daughter, Anne Innis Dagg from 1956 to 1968, as well asnotes kept while Innis was Dean of Women at University College, 1954-1961. Also present are files ... »

Innis, Mary Quayle

Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds.

Fonds consists of material documenting Nancy-Lou Patterson's career as an "creative author" of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as poetry from 1950 to 1995. It contains correspondence, ephemera, manuscripts, typescripts and published pieces, as ... »

Patterson, Nancy-Lou

Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds : 2000 accrual.

This accrual continues to add to the holdings of Nancy-Lou Patterson's most recent activities, writing and design work. Of particular interest, however, is the presence of a significant amount of "juvenile" and young adult work, both written and artistic.... »

Patterson, Nancy-Lou

Nancy-Lou Patterson fonds : 2021 accrual.

Student portfolio created by Nancy-Lou Patterson and presented as a special art project in January 1947, possibly during her time at the University of Washington. Art project is of story The Princess and the Goblin and includes a front cover with a small ... »

Patterson, Nancy-Lou

Rienzi Crusz fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the literary career of Rienzi Crusz. Includes material relating to his creative writing process; the critical reception of his work; his activities as a poet, such as readings, literary award judging, and grant ... »

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 1993 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 1995 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 1997 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 1999 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2001 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2005 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2007 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2009 accrual.

Fonds consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz documenting his personal and professional life. Includes manuscript materials, correspondence, materials relating to his published works, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2010 accrual.

Accrual consists primarily of handwritten and typed poetry and prose, some of which are already listed in the finding aid and accrual lists. Also includes correspondence, personal files and biographical information.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2013 accrual.

Accrual consists primarily of handwritten and typed poetry and prose, some of which are already listed in the finding aid and accrual lists. Also includes correspondence, reviews, published pieces and ephemera.

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2014 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz, primarily relating to his professional life. Includes materials relating to his creative process; the critical reception of his work; his activities as a poet; and biographical ... »

Crusz, Rienzi

Rienzi Crusz fonds : 2016 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Rienzi Crusz relating primarily to his professional life. Includes drafts of his works, information on readings and publication, correspondence, etc.

Crusz, Rienzi

Robert Alden Sanborn fonds

  • SCA4-GA2
  • Fonds
  • 1914-1962

Fonds consists of unpublished typescripts and manuscripts by Robert Alden Sanborn. Influenced by the work of Carl Jung, the unpublished works are predominantly related to Sanborn's interest in the social development of children and several of the drafts ... »

Sanborn, Robert Alden

Textile work scrapbooks.

  • SCA379-GA441
  • Collection
  • [ca. 1880]-[ca. 1889]

Two scrapbooks with handwritten patterns, clippings, and knit or crochet pattern samples.

Tony Urquhart fonds

The fonds documents Tony Urquhart's work as a painter, sculptor and teacher of art. Included is information on his earliest exhibited work as well as early correspondence and information on his activities relating to the arts in Canada. Of importance are ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2009 accrual.

Accrual consists of material relating to the artistic career of Tony Urquhart as well as his personal life. The materials in this accrual are arranged according to the series set out in the original finding aid, with some exceptions.

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2014 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urqhart relating to his personal life and his work as an artist. Includes materials showing his creative process; materials relating to his involvement in arts organizations; materials ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2015 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart relating to his professional life. Includes primarily slides of images of graveyards taken largely in France. Also includes material relating to the exhibit "Vimy and After: Drawings ... »

Urquhart, Tony

Tony Urquhart fonds : 2015-2 accrual.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Tony Urquhart, relating to his personal and professional life. Includes correspondence, clippings, notes, typescripts, etc.

Urquhart, Tony

Virgil Burnett fonds.

Fonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, illustrations, clippings, sketchbooks, and other materials created and accumulated by Virgil Burnett that document his personal and professional life. Includes materials relating to his work with the Pasdeloup Press.

Burnett, Virgil

Virgil Burnett fonds : 2012 accrual.

Accrual consists of material relating to the artistic and literary career of Virgil Burnett. Includes sketchbooks with illustrations and life drawings; commonplace books with original works as well as copied quotations, passages and ephemera; manuscripts;... »

Burnett, Virgil

Virgil Burnett fonds : accruals.

Accrual consists of materials created and accumulated by Virgil Burnett that relate to his professional and personal life. Includes correspondence to and from Burnett, artworks and writings by Burnett and others, materials relating to the creation and ... »

Burnett, Virgil