Indigenous Peoples



Scope note(s)

  • Special Collections & Archives preserves archival and published material related to Indigenous Peoples in Ontario and Canada, Australia, and Norway. Collections include correspondence related to a rebellion by the Mohawk nation in the eighteenth century as well as the journals, correspondence, and other records of Colin Rankin and Donald McKay, both of whom worked as fur traders for the Hudson Bay Company. In addition, the department holds five land grants issued by the Department of Indian Affairs bestowing lands formerly promised to the Ojibwe and Odawa of Manitoulin Island. Other collections include the research and publications of E Palmer Patterson, a historian who wrote about the history of Indigenous communities in Canada, and Sally Weaver, an anthropologist whose work focused on gaining justice and recognition for Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, and Norway.

Source note(s)

Display note(s)

Hierarchical terms

Indigenous Peoples

Indigenous Peoples

Equivalent terms

Indigenous Peoples

Associated terms

Indigenous Peoples

4 Archival description results for Indigenous Peoples

4 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Department of Indian Affairs land grants.

  • SCA324-GA365
  • Collection
  • 1886-1915

Five land grants from the Department of Indian Affairs granting promised Indigenous lands. The grants are made out to Benjamin Franklin Mutchmor (200 acres), Elizabeth Mutchmor (175 acres), Charles Woodward (100 acres), and Mary Rowe (100 acres). The lands granted were to be for the use of the Ojibwe and Odawa of Manitoulin Island.

Canada. Department of Indian Affairs

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews.

  • SCA363-GA416
  • Collection
  • March 23, 1780

Correspondence from Daniel Claus to Captain Matthews. The letter is regarding the capture of Peter Hansen and his servant as members of the rebellion by the Mohawk nation to be used to gather intelligence. The letter also mentions a contract for fresh meat, and that members of the village had been unwell. At this time Claus had been appointed deputy agent of the Six Nations in Canada under Frederick Haldimand.

Colin Rankin fonds.

  • SCA6-GA3
  • Fonds
  • 1799-1968

Fonds consists of correspondence, documents, journals, and a photograph relating to Colin Rankin's activity as a Fur Trader for the Hudson's Bay Company. Included are three journals kept by Donald McKay, Fur Trader, between 1799 and 1806, which were acquired by Rankin probably during his stay in the Temiskaming district.

Rankin, Colin