- SCA238-GA237-2-47
- File
- [18--]
Part of Bowlby Boyd family fonds.
File consists of one upper body studio portrait of two children, identified on verso as possibly Olive and WIlliam. Photographer: Sallows
Bowlby Boyd Family
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Part of Bowlby Boyd family fonds.
File consists of one upper body studio portrait of two children, identified on verso as possibly Olive and WIlliam. Photographer: Sallows
Bowlby Boyd Family
Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Rose Hilliard.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
Eight pieces of correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Rose Hilliard, postmarked Waterloo and Goderich, Ont. Includes stamped envelopes.
Schantz Russell Family
Correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Thelma Faithwaite.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One piece of correspondence to Dorothy Etta White from Thelma faithwaite, Goderich, Ont. Includes stamped envelope.
Schantz Russell Family
Octagonal construction in Ontario : jails : J.2 and J.4.
Part of John Ivan Rempel fonds.
One image of an octagonal jail from Goderich, Ontario, and one image of a half-octagonal jail from Barrie, Ontario.
Rempel, John I.
Part of Rieder and Anthes family fonds.
Blurry photograph of an unidentified group seen from a distance standing and seated outside of a hotel with a large Sunset sign over the front front porch.
Rieder and Anthes family