
173 Archival description results for England

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Motz, William John : Canadian newspaper tour scrapbook.

File consists of a scrapbook kept by William John Motz with photographs and ephemera from the Canadian newspaper tour of Europe from June 6th-July 26th, 1929. The tour visited: Paris, Chester, Windsor, Versailles, The Trossachs, Amiens, Vienna, Vimy, ... »

Motz Family

Mrs. Drummond.

Postcard with photograph of Flora Drummond standing, at right, with right arm in air. Other women and men on the boat are seen holding large signs that read "Votes for Women," "Hyde Park Sunday June 21," and "Cabinet Ministers Specially Invited". Caption ... »

Mrs. Pankhurst.

Postcard with studio portrait of Christobel Pankhurst taken by Martin Jacolette, South Kensington. Caption under portrait reads: "Mrs. Pankhurst. Hon. Secretary, National Women's Social & Political Union. 4, Clement's Inn, W.C."

Negatives European trip.

Negatives depicting landscapes, landmarks, and members of the Breithaupt family travelling through Europe in 1930, specifically photographs cover travelling in England, Scotland, and the trip back to Canada. Also contains two paper developing envelopes ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Negatives European trip.

Negatives depicting landscapes, landmarks, and members of the Breithaupt family travelling through Europe in 1930, possibly in Germany and the United Kingdom.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family


Silver shilling from Newark (England) showing on the obverse a crown with C-R across the field and XII below and on the reverse OBS NEWARKE 1645 in three lines. This coin was minted as siege money during the English Civil War.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from England showing on the obverse the head of Henry II and on the reverse a short cross with four pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Stephen of Blois and on the reverse a cross moline. The coin is considered a Watord type due to the large hoard of this style of coin found in Watford.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Aethelred II and on the reverse a small cross.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Cnut and on the reverse a short cross with a broken annulet surrounding a pellet in each angle.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfcrown from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of William III and on the reverse four crowned shields.

Pyke, Edgar William


Copper farthing from Norwich, England showing on the obverse the words A NORWICH FARTHING in three lines across the field and on the reverse the coat of arms of Norwich. These private tokens were issued due to a lack of official coinage in the period ... »

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry III and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of John and on the reverse a short cross with five pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry II and on the reverse a short cross with crosslets in the angles. The name Tealby was given to these coins because of the hoard of over 5000 of these coins was discovered at ... »

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward the Confessor and on the reverse a cross with arms that terminate in trefoils.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of William I (also known as William the Bastard) and on the reverse a cross with the letters PAXS in circles in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward the Confessor and on the reverse a hammer cross.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver sixpence from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of William III and on the reverse four crowned shields.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver groat from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Edward IV and on the reverse a long cross with three pellets in the angles.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver penny from Norwich (England) showing on the obverse the head of Harold II and on the reverse PAX between horizontal lines.

Pyke, Edgar William

Notebook of a European tour.

File consists of one notebook used as a diary by Albert L. Breithaupt from June 10 to August 29, 1896, while on a trip to England, Scotland and Germany, with family members. The first entries are written in Berlin, Ontario. Of note is the entry for June 1... »

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Oliver, Arthur Pope and Catherine Pope Oliver.

Studio portrait of Arthur Pope Oliver, as an infant, sitting on the lap of his mother Catherine Pope Oliver. Catherine is seen looking off camera, wearing a large floral printed dress, and Arthur is wearing a white lace gown.

Clement Bowlby Family

Overseas deployment.

Material created or accumulated by Cameron Hill during the Second World War while he was deployed overseas in England and Egypt.

Hill, Cameron Clare


Silver sixpence from Oxford (England) showing on the obverse the characters relig : prot leg : and liber : par in three lines across the field along with the date 1643. The reverse shows the head of Charles I.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfcrown from Oxford (England) showing on the obverse Charles I on a horse and on the reverse RELIG: PRO: LE / ANG: LIB: PAR in two lines across the field with the date 1644.

Pyke, Edgar William


Photograph of people in a parade, possibly the Horse Guards Parade in London or similar.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Photograph album 5 : trip to England and Scotland.

Album containing snapshots and souvenir postcards from a trip to England and Scotland. The trip was probably taken by Margaret (Wilson) More and her husband William More [?], Richard S. Wilson, and other members of the Wilson family. Album also includes ... »

Martin, John Gartshore

Pope, William Burt.

Upper body studio portrait of William Burt Pope seen in partial profile, seated with left hand at side of face and right hand on back of chair.

Clement Bowlby Family

Procession of suffragists.

Illustrated postcard featuring a procession of suffragists marching in a line with mouths open and arms outstretched, many with umbrellas in hand. The woman at the front of the line is holding a sign that reads: "Down with the Men and Up with the Women". ... »

Projection Systems application photographs.

File consists of photographs, transparencies, and slides depicting Electrohome Projection Systems products and their applications in various corporations and organizations. Applications pictured include: CSX Transportation Control Center (Jacksonville, ... »


Propaganda Research Papers : Series 3A Week No. 60. Intake Report : U.S.A. Broadcasts for the American Listener during week 21st – 27th Oct.

Weekly intake report on broadcasts in English for North American listeners mainly from the United States of America, Germany, Italy and England. Copy no. 27.

University of Waterloo. Department of Political Science.

Propaganda Research Papers : Series 3B Week No. 62. Intake Report : U.S.A. Broadcasts in English for North America during week 5th – 11th Nov.

Weekly intake report on broadcasts in English for North American listeners mainly from the United States of America, Germany, Italy and England. Copy no. 27.

University of Waterloo. Department of Political Science.

Propaganda Research Papers : Series 3B Week No. 63. Intake Report : U.S.A. Broadcasts in English for North America 12th – 18th Nov.

Weekly intake report on broadcasts in English for North American listeners mainly from the United States of America, Germany, Italy and England. Copy no. 27.

University of Waterloo. Department of Political Science.

Propaganda Research Papers : Series 3B Week No. 64 Intake Report : U.S.A. Broadcasts in English for North America during week 19th – 25th Nov.

Weekly intake report on broadcasts in English for North American listeners mainly from the United States of America, Germany, Italy and England. Copy no. 27.

University of Waterloo. Department of Political Science.


Four receipts issued to Cameron Hill while he was temporarily stationed on the Isle of Man with leave to Bournemouth, England between May 11, 1945 and May 31, 1945.

Two of the receipts are from James Lay & Co. Limited, a clothier located in Douglas, ... »

Hill, Cameron Clare


File consists of receipts for personal expenditures made by A.L. Breithaupt in New York and England.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Rosa M.H. Clark: European trip album.

Album contains postcards and photographs documenting a trip made May 24 to July 31, 1960 by Rosa and Spencer Clark to Italy, Greece, Yugoslavia, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Many items are accompanied by ... »

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Royal Air Forces Ex-P.O.W. Association reunion : programme and press clipping.

A programme outlining the events and activities of the Royal Air Forces Ex-P.O.W. Association international reunion for kriegies held in London, England from May 13-16, 1977. The programme belonged to Cameron Hill who attended the reunion.

Also includes ... »

Hill, Cameron Clare

Seagram, Julia.

Full body studio portrait of studio portrait of Julia Seagram seen seated with hands in lap looking of camera.

Seagram Family

Seagram, Keren.

Full body studio portrait of Keren Seagram seen seated in profile reading from a book on a table.

Seagram Family

Seagram, Thomas.

Full length studio portrait of Thomas Seagram looking toward the camera standing with a cane and left arm resting on the back of a high back chair.

Seagram Family

Seagram, William Ballard.

Full length studio portrait of William Ballard Seagram looking off camera standing with right hand in pocket and holding a top hat in his left hand.

Seagram Family

Sketch of Farhnam and vicinity.

File consists of a sketch of Farnham, UK and vicinity, by W.H.E. Schmalz. The sketch shows Farnham, the River Wey and the surrounding elevations. Sketch is signed R.M. College, Kingston March 27, 1911.

Schmalz, W.H.E.

Spiritualist manuscript : Mr. and Mrs. Pagesmith and circle.

A manuscript notebook that records the details of séances held by a group of individuals in Weston-super-Mare, England between April 16, 1924 and February 27, 1925. The handwritten entries in the notebook describe the manner in which a circle was opened ... »

Pagesmith, Mr. and Mrs.


Illustrated postcard of a man kneeling in front of a stove, cooking something on a long fork, in a messy kitchen while holding a crying baby. In the background is a woman yelling from an open door with a "Votes for Women" poster visible at left. ... »


Illustrated postcard of a police office with a gesturing suffragette holding a "Votes for Women" poster thrown over his shoulder. Captioning on postcard reads: "The Suffragettes. Are we downhearted? No!"

Featuring a cartoon by Donald McGill, the postcard ... »

Suffragist at home.

Illustrated postcard of a woman lying in bed, turned to yell at an unhappy man seated at right, presumably her husband, who holding two crying babies. Caption on postcard reads: "The Suffragist at home. We don't know what we want, but we'll get it."

... »

Training operations in England.

Snapshots likely taken by Cameron Hill while he was stationed in England at No. 11 Operational Training Unit RAF (11 OTU). The photographs feature Cameron Hill, fellow air crew, aircraft, landscapes, houses and historic churches such as Salisbury ... »

Hill, Cameron Clare

Update photos.

File consists of photographs, negatives, and a slide used in the company newsletter Electrohome Update. Includes photographs, snapshots, and portraits of Electrohome staff and employees; and photographs and snapshots taken at exhibits and meetings and of ... »


Voyage from Halifax Harbour to Liverpool.

Snapshots likely taken by Cameron Hill during his voyage from Halifax Harbour in Halifax, Nova Scotia to Liverpool, England. The photographs feature Cameron Hill, fellow aircrew, ships, landmarks, landscapes, streets, and houses.

Hill, Cameron Clare


Copper farthing from Worcester, England showing on the obverse castle, with a falcon above it and the words WORCESTER FARTHING surrounding and on the reverse C W [City of Worcester] 1667 FOR NECESSARIE CHAING C W 1667. This is a tradesman token.

Pyke, Edgar William


Silver halfgroat from York (England) showing on the obverse the head of Henry VIII and the reverse a coat-of-arms on cross fourche; T W at sides, bishop's hat below for Archbishop Thomas Wolsey. Minted under the authority of the church.

Pyke, Edgar William

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