- New Zealand
- Newark
- Newburgh
- Newcastle
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Newmarket
- Niagara Falls
- Niagara-on-the-Lake
- Nice
- Nigeria
- Nîmes
- Nobleton
- Normandy
- North America
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- North River
- North Woolwich
- Northampton
- Northwest Territories
- Norval
- Norway
- Norwich
- Nova Scotia
- Novato
- Nunatsiavut
- Nunavik
- Nunavut
- Oceania
- Ohio
- Ohsweken
- Oldenburg
- Oneida County
- Ontario
- Opelika
- Orange
- Orangeville
- Oregon
- Orillia
- Ornans
- Oro-Medonte
- Oshawa
- Ottawa
- Owen Sound
- Oxford
- Oxford Mills
- Paestum
- Pakistan
- Palermo
- Paradise Lake
- Parc de la Chute-Montmorency
- Paris
- Paris (Ont.)
- Pella
- Penetanguishene
- Pennsylvania
- Perkinsville
- Peru (Ill.)
- Peterborough
- Petersburg
- Philadelphia
- Pickering
- Picton
- Plombières les Bains
- Pointe au Baril
- Poitiers
- Poland
- Pontarlier
- Pont-Saint-Esprit
- Pontypool
- Porcupine Lake
- Port Arthur
- Port Burwell
- Port Carling
- Port Dalhousie
- Port Elgin
- Port Hope
- Port Severn
- Prescott
- Prince Edward Island
- Providence
- Punkeydoodles Corners
- Puslinch Lake
- Quadra Island
- Québec
- Québec (City)
- Queenston Heights
- Queensville
- Racine
- Rama
- Reading
- Red Bank
- Rednersville
- Regina
- Reidsville
- Reims
- Reno
- Restoule Lake
- Rhode Island
- Rhodes
Results 401 to 500 of 673
Cape Town
- Africa
- South Africa
- Cape Town
Scope note(s)
Source note(s)
Display note(s)
Hierarchical terms
Cape Town
BT South Africa
Cape Town
Equivalent terms
Cape Town
Associated terms
Cape Town
1 Archival description results for Cape Town
1 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
- 1
Broader term
- South Africa
No. narrower terms
- 0