
6226 Archival description results for Canada

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Waterloo County log school house.

One image of the first school house in Waterloo, built in 1820. Mis-identified in the book as located in the Pioneer Village at Doon, actually located in Waterloo Park.

Rempel, John I.

Waterloo Fire Hall with horse-drawn fire trucks.

Photo of a postcard depicting members of the Waterloo Fire Department with horse-drawn vehicles in front of fire station. John Simpson seated on fire wagon on left.
The first automotive pumper fire truck was acquired on June 11, 1927. The fire hall was demolished in 1967.

Company of Neighbours

Waterloo Meat Market, King St.: shop interior.

Interior of John B. Fischer's butcher shop located at King Street north. Note ceiling fan, carcasses hanging and the preparation area with two unidentified butchers. Two men in suits standing on left side. John B. Fischer served as Mayor of Waterloo in 19... »

Company of Neighbours

Waterloo plant : visitor's tour.

File consists of 26 negatives of the Waterloo plant Visitor's Tour, each negative labelled 75/0002 through to 75/0023.

Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd.

Waterloo plant : visitor's tour.

File consists of negatives of the Waterloo plant Visitor's Tour, each negatives labelled N-75/0001 A through to N-75/0001 Z.

Joseph E. Seagram and Sons, Ltd.

Results 5901 to 6000 of 6226