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54 Archival description results for Canada

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118th Battalion trooping the colours.

One postcard identified by Norman C. Schneider as the 118th Battalion in Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ont., 1916. Also in this image is a photographer with camera and tripod, preparing to take a picture. This postcard was sent to Floss Ahrens in Kansas City by E. Maude Garner and is stamped and postmarked Kitchener, Oct. 16, 1916.

Schneider, Norman Christoph

Betty Forbes's photograph album pages.

Loose album pages containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Evelyn Alice Foster Ferguson (nee Buck), Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Houlding, Marie Swan, Ruth Beynon, Caroline Spencer, Marion Hanneford, George Alexander Forbes, and many others. Several of the photographs feature scenes taken outside in Brantford and Hespeler, Ontario, King’s farm, family pets, and camping activities particularly at Camp Wapomeo in Algonquin Provincial Park. Also includes a postcard photograph of Taylor Statten, founder of Camp Ahmek in Algonquin Provincial Park.

Forbes, Betty

Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.

Postcard featuring photograph of Mackenzie King standing at the front of his childhood home. He is seen standing with right hand in suit pocket and left on the cope of a walking cane. Top of postcard reads: Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.

Schneider family

Canadian prairies.

File consists of three postcards, b&w and col. One, a view of Medicine Hat, Alta., appears to be a hand coloured photographic card, one is a b&w photograph labelled "Ranching, horse round-up in Alberta," The third is labeled "Reaping, Western Canada C.P.R."

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Duke of Connaught reading reply to Mayor William Daum Euler's address.

One photograph printed on a postcard of the Duke of Connaught reading a reply to Mayor William Daum Euler's address during his visit to Berlin, Ontario on May 9, 1914. This photograph was found with Hervey Bowman's belongings. The photograph was originally housed in an envelope, which is included in the file.

Schantz Russell Family

Familienbriefe: 1954-1958.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Ulrich Sommer and his wife Gisela Sommer’s immigration to Canada with their two children Cornelius Sommer and Angelika Sommer in 1954. Also contains letters confirming Ulrich and Gisela Sommer passed an exam designed for new Canadians that was established by the Government of Ontario’s Department of Education Information Branch. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, children’s drawings, pamphlets, hand-drawn floor plans, wallpaper samples, a cross-stitch sampler, and photographs of family members.

Familienbriefe: 1983-1985.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as information related to Angelika Sommer’s partner Gunther (surname unknown) and Cornelius Sommer’s request to his grandmother, Elisabeth Höpken, for a loan of money to buy a house near Toronto, Ontario. Records include letters, greeting cards, and postcards.

Familienbriefe: 1985-1987.

  • SCA344-GA393-19
  • File
  • November 22, 1979-June 8, 1996, predominant 1985-1987
  • Part of Sommer family fonds.

Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters sent between Gisela Sommer and Ulrich Sommer that were written while Gisela visited her parents in Germany. Of special interest is a letter by Ulrich to Gisela that describes his experience attending Barker Fairley’s birthday celebration at University College in Toronto, Ontario on May 21, 1986. Records include letters, greeting cards, postcards, funeral invitations, and photographs of family members.

Georgian Bay.

File consists of three postcards, b&w and col. One, a view of Bayview Cottage, the summer home of the Breithaupts, appears to be a hand coloured photographic card. One by J.W. Bald is a b&w photograph labelled "Evergreen Isles, Georgian Bay." One is published by Valentine-Black Co. Ltd. and is labelled "Tourist camp, Honey Harbor, near Penetanguishene, Ont."

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Letters and postcards from Betty and Peg.

Letters and postcards from Betty and Peg Forbes to their parents, Millicent Lyall Forbes and George Alexander Forbes. Postcards feature illustrations and photographs of the Bigwin Inn in Lake of Bays, Ontario and Huntsville, Ontario.

Letters and postcards from Betty and Peg.

Letters and postcards from Betty and Peg Forbes to their parents, Millicent Lyall Forbes and George Alexander Forbes, during their time at Camp Wapomeo in Algonquin Park. Includes a postcard photograph of Taylor Statten, founder of Camp Ahmek in Algonquin Provincial Park.

Letters and postcards to Peggy and Betty Forbes.

Letters to Betty and Peg Forbes from their mother, Millicent Lyall Forbes. Also includes letters to Betty Forbes from Jack, Lois, and Sally and a postcard addressed to Betty Forbes with a photograph of Central Park, Calgary, Alberta from Helena Williams.

Forbes, Betty

Letters from Betty and Peg.

Letters and postcards from Betty and Peg Forbes to their parents, Millicent Lyall Forbes and George Alexander Forbes, during their time as students at Bishop Strachan School in Toronto, Ontario.

Letters from Peggy and Betty.

Letters and postcards from Peg and Betty Forbes to their mother, Millicent Lyall Forbes. Letters from Betty Forbes during her time as a nurse in Vancouver are included.

Letters to Betty and Bill.

Letters, cards, and postcards written to Betty Forbes and Bill Land from Millicent Lyall Forbes, Helene, Isabelle Alexandra Burt (Aunt Diddy), and Uncle Art. File also includes letters from Ray McMurphy to Betty Forbes, an account with Smuck's China and Gift Shop in Kitchener, and a wedding program for Thomas Land and Sylvia Wink.

Forbes, Betty

Loose postcards.

File consists of 212 loose postcards, including black and white and sepia-toned photographs, black and white and sepia-toned rotogravures, photochroms, and other colour prints. Postcards contain views of numerous European cities and landforms (including Binz, Potsdam, Oberammergau, Berlin, Wittenberg, Lucerne, the Rhine, and the Alps), as well as views along the Canadian Pacific Railway in British Columbia and Alberta (photographed by Byron Harmon) and the Columbia River Highway in Oregon (photographed by Cross & Dimmitt), and views of Banff, the Rocky Mountains, Stratford (Ontario), and other places and scenes. Some duplicates are present. Six postcards contain a stamp (four German, one Canadian, and one Czechoslovakian). Two postcards were sent through the mail; one from Keffer to his wife, and one from Max [last name illegible] to Keffer (in German). Six of the postcards were published by Valentine & Sons.

Keffer, Ivan Wilbur

Louis Jacob Breithaupt: European trip album.

Albums contains photographs and postcards recording a trip to Europe made by Louis Jacob Breithaupt in 1900. Some items have manuscript identifications. One photograph is a photomontage of images of Berlin, Ontario., including an aerial view, industries, homes, etc., as well as an inserted portrait of Louis Jacob. The album begins with images of ships and progresses with images of England, France, Germany, Switzerland, etc.

Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family

Montreal : toboggan slide.

File consists of one picture postcard, col., with "Canadian sport series : toboggan party" printed on the recto; two copies of another "Park toboggan slide, Montreal," with glitter representing ice on the slide.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Postcards received.

File consists of twenty-one picture postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are partially or wholly in German, most written by his parents and grandmother Catherine during a trip to the Pacific coast. Includes a scene of canoeing in Victoria Park, Berlin, Ontario, dated August 1905; a view of the steamer "City of Toronto" at Penetanguishene, dated September 14, 1905; Winnipeg main street, September 20, 1905; "Threshing," Regina, September 27, 1905; "Group cowboys, Canadian Northwest," October 7, 1905.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Postcards received.

File consists of twenty-seven picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German from his father and grandmother. Includes a leather postcard from Sanger, Cal., October 1908; "Canadian child studies : the hockey player," from a painting by C.W. Simpson, dated November 11, 1908, and scenes from Toronto and Hamilton. Includes Valentine, Easter, Halloween and Christmas greetings.

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German from his father and grandmother. Includes "Canadian Winter sports : skating, Grenadier Pond, Toronto, Canada," March 9, 1909; "Winter sports : Tobogganing, High Park, Toronto, Canada," December 12, 1909. Includes Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas greetings, as well as scenes of Hanlan's point and the waterfront in Toronto.

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of thirty-two picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German, many are from his father Albert on a trip in western Canada. Includes a view of "Steamer Toronto" at Penetanguishene, dated February 26, 1906; "Branding steers," undated, "Buffalo,", September 1906; "King St. W., Toronto, September 15, 1906; "200 -- Broncho buster," September 20, 1906, painting copyright H.H. Tammen, 1902; "Cowboys off for town," September 26, 1906, painting by [?].

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Postcards received.

File consists of thirty picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Fred Breithaupt. Some are in German. Includes "Canadian child studies : tobogganing," from a painting by C.W. Simpson, January 7, 1907; "A young [tobogganing] enthusiast : Rosedale, Toronto," January 7, 1907; a postcard made of leather, "Won't leave here for awhile," June 28, 1907. Also includes views of Hamilton and Toronto as well as Valentine, Easter and Christmas greetings.

Breithaupt, Frederick Albert

Saskatoon, Sask..

File consists of four picture postcards, black-and-white and colour, of views of Saskatoon. Includes Nutanba Collegiate, C.N.R. Depot. Y.W.C.A. and University buildings.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Schneider, Herbert J. family.

Snapshots of Herb and Betty: skiing, fishing, hiking and sailing in New Zealand, Alaska, Austria, Switzerland and Georgian Bay. Includes two postcards, one to Herb from Carl Holman, head brewer for Carlsberg Beer.

Schneider family


Norman Schneider's scrapbook of clippings relating to the Norman C. Schneider family, local history, local weather, personalities, sports, Kitchener downtown, J.M. Schneider Ltd., Waterloo-Wellington Airport, local postcards.

Schneider, Norman Christoph