1990 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
90-767 Chesler, Phyllis, speaker at womans conference File May 4, 1990
90-771 Chicopee Ski Club, kids lessons File December 30, 1990
90-774 Chicopee Tennis Club, feature picture centre court File May 2, 1990
90-785 Chretien, Jean, speaking to Liberals in Kitchener File February 22, 1990
90-787 Christian, Rosemary, Humane Society File November 28, 1990
90-798 Christmas lights, Trevor Reeves, 64 Scenic Woods Crescent, Bookout File December 14, 1990
90-802 Christmas trees, at White Rose File November 17, 1990
90-808 CIDA, Guelph, University of Guelph, Bonnie Smith File April 25, 1990
90-811 Circus, Garden Brothers File March 30, 1990
90-814 City Hall, packed for council meeting File January 29, 1990
90-816 Clark, John, and Daisy the horse File August 4, 1990
90-824 Claxton, Lois : portrait File December 7, 1990
90-827 Clements, Blair, at Natchez Road File October 10, 1990
90-832 Clock Tower File June 1, 1990
90-835 Close, Sergeant Randy, police missing person file File June 22, 1990
90-840 Coating wall above street File June 26, 1990
90-845 Cochrane, Tom, at The Twist File February 21, 1990
90-847 COE, crowd picture File June 17, 1990
90-849 COE picture, acrobats, overall, comedy File June 13, 1990
90-851 Cohen, Charles File March 26, 1990
90-853 Cold medicines, at a pharmacy File December 2, 1990
90-857 Collens, Skip, ball tourney, Cambridge File June 28, 1990
90-868 Condo construction halted, King Street and River Road File January 18, 1990
90-869 Conestoga College, car design and car race File December 6, 1990
90-872 Conestoga College, pizza eating contest File September 6, 1990
90-874 Connor, Mary and Maurice Boast, local recyclers File April 11, 1990
90-880 Conway, Sean, Provincal Education Minister File February 20, 1990
90-882 Cooke, David, MPP File August 24, 1990
90-886 Co-op Book Store, closed File June 30, 1990
90-890 Cooper, Bob, The Tax Alert Inc., founder File September 27, 1990
90-892 Cooper campaign office File September 13, 1990
90-903 Cosgrove, Joanne : portrait File May 30, 1990
90-904 Cosic, Peter, owner of Dorchester Cambridge Hotel, auction File January 8, 1990
90-906 Council meeting, new City Hall File April 9, 1990
90-914 Cove, Peter, with guys, shovelling snow File December 4, 1990
90-916 Cowan, Chris, Waterloo Dodge File March 8, 1990
90-924 Craig, Heather and Douglas, skipping File May 16, 1990
90-930 Credit card security File October 1, 1990
90-935 Crockett, Jim, Kraus Carpet strike File September 13, 1990
90-939 Cross, Cilla File March 26, 1990
90-943 Crowley, Kevin, Record Staff File June 28, 1990
90-957 Cutting, Staff Sergeant Clay File April 5, 1990
90-958 Cutting, Kirk, Sports World File August 22, 1990
90-959 Cycle racing, downtown Kitchener File August 16, 1990
90-962 D.J. Laundry Cafe File October 17, 1990
90-974 Dare, Brian, Dare Foods official File February 28, 1990
90-979 David, Dominic, Hoffman Meats employee File April 18, 1990
90-980 Davidson, Edith, with garage sale donations File July 26, 1990
90-982 Davis, Billy Newton, at Lulu's Roadhouse File May 10, 1990
90-983 Davis, Buddy, sculptor, with dinosaurs File April 15, 1990
90-985 Davis and Heyens, plaque unveiling File May 12, 1990
90-987 Dawson, Rob File March 26, 1990
90-989 Deaf people at Sweenys office File June 26, 1990
90-996 Deer Ridge Golf Club model File July 10, 1990
90-998 Deilcraft, Lange File July 25, 1990
90-1001 Deilcraft, factory closing, Milverton (b&w print for commercial reprint) File November 15, 1990
90-1004 Demetriou, Jamie, member of cycle club File July 17, 1990
90-1008 DeRuyter, Ron, Record Staff : portrait File February 3, 1990
90-1011 DeSouza, Anthony, with dad Fernando and mum Bonnie Curtis, at K-W Hospital File November 12, 1990
90-1026 Dietrich, Ashley, sleeping in wagon File June 18, 1990
90-1032 Dihlman, Charles, Halloween barbecue File October 31, 1990
90-1034 Dingethal, Jay, with rifle File April 18, 1990
90-1037 Disney World Trip File November 7, 1990
90-1039 Dittrich, Kimberlee, to the Gulf File December 23, 1990
90-1040 Dobson, Cathy, at piano File October 4, 1990
90-1042 Docherty, James, has a son in the Persian Gulf File December 13, 1990
90-1045 Doll Show, in Cambridge File July 15, 1990
90-1048 Donaldson, Dan, G.M. Centre in the Square File February 26, 1990
90-1049 Donaldson, Randy, Cambridge unemployed person File October 25, 1990
90-1050 Donovan, Kevin, head shot File December 13, 1990
90-1052 Doon Black Powder File August 5, 1990
90-1060 Dorfman, Mark, Chairman of Environmental Conference File April 23, 1990
90-1063 Dorsch, Kal, installing Christmas sign in Kitchener downtown File November 13, 1990
90-1066 Douglas, Thomas, Kitchener Nissan File March 22, 1990
90-1069 Downtown Kitchener File November 5, 1990
90-1076 Drilling testing, in Elmira File January 15, 1990
90-1081 Dubery, Frank, Aberfoyle, model railway File April 9, 1990
90-1083 Ducks at Waterloo Park File June 7, 1990
90-1092 Dunn, Al, Al Dunn Heating File April 5, 1990
90-1101 Duschenes/Lavell, Centre in the Square File April 19, 1990
90-1104 Dyck, Richard, coach of Elmira District Secondary School senior girls basketball team, for High School page File September 25, 1990
90-1106 Earth Day, co-ordinator and globe, Mr. Beernink File April 19, 1990
90-1107 Eastside Mario's File March 14, 1990
90-1108 Eastwood Collegiate Institute, donation to K-W Hospital File December 20, 1990
90-1109 Eastwood Collegiate Institute, musical Man of La Mancha File March 26, 1990
90-1110 Eastwood Collegiate Institute, trampoline demonstration File January 31, 1990
90-1111 Eastwood Collegiate Institute, play, The Fantasticks File November 21, 1990
90-1112 Eberhart-Moffat, Rev. Elizabeth File August 13, 1990
90-1118 Eco-Fest, Victoria Park File June 24, 1990
90-1130 Eglert, Kim, Bread & Roses Vondo. File December 31, 1990
90-1131 Eglin, Peter, WLU professor, professor in Kingston File April 2, 1990
90-1135 Eidlin, Barry, Guelph, return from Soviet Union File April 26, 1990
90-1144 Elliott and Campbell, Victoria Park File April 9, 1990
90-1147 Ellis-Sam, Judy, Waterloo pro golfer File June 28, 1990
90-1149 Elmira District Secondary School, play rehearsal File December 4, 1990
90-1156 Elmira Maple Syrup Festival File April 7, 1990
90-1160 Elmwood, windy landscape File March 1, 1990
90-1166 Emery, Bob, guy planting flowers File June 6, 1990
90-1167 Emmett, Diane, GST office manager File December 28, 1990
90-1169 Englis Baron, Martin, Waterloo resident, at meeting over old buildings File August 1, 1990
Results 2401 to 2500 of 4127