1990 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
90-472 Beyer, Ruth and Jasmine, tenants File July 15, 1990
90-475 Bickers, Dave, house arson victim, 29 Reyburn Avenue File July 7, 1990
90-476 Bieronski, Tony File May 15, 1990
90-480 Bike-trailer File June 30, 1990
90-482 Bildstein, Doug, Rotary fishing party File May 12, 1990
90-483 Billings, Eric, motorcycle accident, City File September 21, 1990
90-485 Binks, Chris, sprained ankle File August 16, 1990
90-486 Birch, Heinz, GDR Ambassador, to Canada File June 30, 1990
90-488 Bird, Professor Michael File November 9, 1990
90-490 Bird Sisters, Grand River Folk Society File November 17, 1990
90-492 Bird, Tony, folksinger File March 24, 1990
90-495 Bishop, Sheri, compost, at University of Guelph File November 26, 1990
90-502 Black loyalist settlers, monument File November 2, 1990
90-505 Bleams Road, tree removal File February 21, 1990
90-506 Blenkarn, Don, speaks File September 21, 1990
90-510 Bloemer, Kai, at Concordia Club Oktoberfest File October 5, 1990
90-512 Blood donor clinic, K-W Hospital, Stephen File March 7, 1990
90-523 Bluevale Collegiate Institute, Grease production File November 1, 1990
90-529 Body found, at Steed and Evans, on Bridge Street File March 8, 1990
90-537 Bookmobile, on Morrison Road File June 4, 1990
90-546 Bowers, Julies, Cambridge residence File March 19, 1990
90-548 Bowler, Harry, president and GM of Budd File February 1, 1990
90-551 Bowman, Ken, Kitchener Farmer's Market, and Ray Butler File July 11, 1990
90-554 Boy Scouts, to Korea File September 26, 1990
90-556 Boyd, Cindy with her two sons, eating ice cream, in New Hamburg File April 23, 1990
90-557 Boyd, Margaret, astronaut File June 8, 1990
90-566 Bravery Award Ontario, Kitchener firefighters, Bob Innaner and Peter Bagnarol File November 9, 1990
90-570 Breithaupt Community Centre File March 20, 1990
90-574 Breslube expansion File June 5, 1990
90-581 Broomball, Victoria Park pond File February 21, 1990
90-586 Brown, Dwyane and Linda, house burned down on New Years File January 7, 1990
90-587 Brown, Liana, St. Teresa Elementary School File February 7, 1990
90-590 Brown, Mike, Crown, on Guelph murder trial : portrait File November 9, 1990
90-597 Brox's Olde Town Village, liquidation sale File November 30, 1990
90-598 Brubacher, David, Poole Mennonite Church File January 11, 1990
90-599 Brubacher, Ray : portrait File September 15, 1990
90-600 Brubacher, Roy, St. Jacobs Water File September 18, 1990
90-604 Brunk, Darlene, Record Circulation, promo Tavistock File August 15, 1990
90-606 Bryant, Phil, Steves TV, Gerry File September 14, 1990
90-608 Buchanan-Smith, Jock, University of Guelph, telephone books as bedding File October 25, 1990
90-609 Buckland, Bruce, Minister of Natural Resources File May 30, 1990
90-610 Buckland, Bruce, uses beauty lotion as bug repellant File May 10, 1990
90-611 Budd, Corina, selling flowers File April 15, 1990
90-614 Budget, low income family, Demontigmy family, Waterloo, Smith File April 24, 1990
90-616 Building, 10 Duke Street West File February 8, 1990
90-617 Bulgarian State Folk Ensemble, Centre in the Square File May 2, 1990
90-618 Bundy of Canada Ltd., demo, Cambridge, City File September 22, 1990
90-624 Burns, Dan : portrait File May 30, 1990
90-626 Burns, George, co-owner Kitchener Spirit File January 12, 1990
90-628 Burnstein, Barry : portrait File March 7, 1990
90-631 Bush party, Cressman, fatality File October 6, 1990
90-635 Butson, Rory, Just Plants Inc. File May 24, 1990
90-637 Byers, Ron, Plattsville pastor File February 11, 1990
90-639 Byrne and Noot, water distribution File February 6, 1990
90-642 Byrne, Kathleen, Record Staff File November 29, 1990
90-645 Bystrzycki, Carl, LifeLine Support System File March 28, 1990
90-652 Cagneys Restaurant File December 18, 1990
90-656 Cambridge, bank robbery, Brierdale Plaza File May 29, 1990
90-663 Cambridge-Hespeler, by-pass bridge construction File December 10, 1990
90-668 Cambridge Self Start Centre File September 20, 1990
90-669 Cambridge, senior park patrol File August 8, 1990
90-674 Cambridge, worker hurt, Knox Church File January 10, 1990
90-675 Cameron, Laura, broken shower door File May 10, 1990
90-677 Cameron, Richard, Weiland Ford File February 22, 1990
90-678 Cameron Street traffic lights File June 25, 1990
90-680 Campbell, Grant, judge File July 10, 1990
90-681 Campus Court Mall, University Avenue, Waterloo File April 4, 1990
90-682 Can Skate File December 20, 1990
90-686 Canada Trust, construction of headquarters File October 1, 1990
90-688 Canada Trust, demolition, King Street and Ontario Street File July 30, 1990
90-689 Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, articials for sale File September 11, 1990
90-692 Canadian Unity, Victoria Park File June 16, 1990
90-695 Candy Factory, Schneiders in Guelph File April 5, 1990
90-700 Car fire with propane tank, Cambridge File May 25, 1990
90-701 Car fire, on Manitou Drive File June 21, 1990
90-707 J.F. Carmichael Public School, tree prunning File July 17, 1990
90-712 Carroll, Mary, wrote letter to the editor File November 15, 1990
90-727 Cayenne, Tony File August 13, 1990
90-730 Centennial Public School, VIP drug program graduation, Chief Miller and boy File January 31, 1990
90-731 Central Wellington Secondary School, fish release File May 8, 1990
90-737 Centre in the Square, Harry Belafonte and David Tolly File January 20, 1990
90-739 Centre in the Square, Cushion Concerts, Licorice Allsorts File October 20, 1990
90-741 Centre in the Square, Oktoberfest Prest. Concert File October 7, 1990
90-746 Cha, Chu : portrait File May 29, 1990
90-747 Chaisson, Lisa, at Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser, corn roast File September 1, 1990
90-749 Chamberlain, Dr. Clive, Guelph murder trial : portrait File November 7, 1990
90-754 Chandrashekar, Dr. Muthu, University of Waterloo, solar energy File February 16, 1990
90-755 Changing signs File May 15, 1990
90-758 Charcoal Steak House, construction of hotel File May 30, 1990
90-766 Chenoweth, Chad, getting wet File July 30, 1990
90-768 Chev Caprice, car for Wheels Column File June 12, 1990
90-769 Chicopee Ski Club File January 3, 1990
90-773 Chicopee Ski Club, slushy slopes File March 13, 1990
90-777 Children's International Summer Village File July 11, 1990
90-778 Childrens World Summit, candelight vigil File September 23, 1990
90-781 China Photo Exhibit, at University of Waterloo, RW File January 23, 1990
90-784a Chisholm, Brother Harry, head of maintenance, at St. Jeromes File May 24, 1990
90-784b Chopra, Naresh, Weiland Ford File October 1, 1990
90-789 Christman, Raymond, Penn. Sect. of Commerce : portait File May 2, 1990
90-792 Christmas dinner, for the needy, St. Andrew's File December 25, 1990
Results 1 to 100 of 4127