1990 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
90-360 Backwards day at Kitchener Public Library File July 10, 1990
90-361 Bacque, James, author File May 15, 1990
90-362 Baden Co-Op, almost fire File July 17, 1990
90-365 Baird, Patty : portrait File March 29, 1990
90-366 Baird, Robert : portrait File March 29, 1990
90-369 Baird, Sandy, K-W Record publisher File January 17, 1990
90-370 Baird, Sandy, publisher File May 28, 1990
90-376 Bakers Cove, Wharf Restaurants, Entertainment File October 5, 1990
90-377 Bakker, Hans, University of Guelph, sociology professor File April 16, 1990
90-378 Bakker, Robert, K-W Power and Sail Squadron File May 2, 1990
90-386 Ballroom dancing, Bingeman Park File January 27, 1990
90-391 Barfoot, Paul, semi-blind, Living Section File June 26, 1990
90-394 Barlen, Bob, drama classes File January 16, 1990
90-405 Barth, Erich, artist File August 13, 1990
90-409 Bass, Dr. Leon File May 16, 1990
90-410a Basse, Harold, playing pool File June 14, 1990
90-412 Bauer, Dianne, taking B.P. for heart month File February 23, 1990
90-413 Baulk, Keith, golf course manager File August 24, 1990
90-415 Bauman, Clare, impaired driver, with family File February 4, 1990
90-416 Bauman, Ed, Laurel Springs Water Corporation File November 29, 1990
90-418 Bauman, Mel, Listowel, makes small horses File July 31, 1990
90-420 Baxter accident File July 25, 1990
90-428 Beatty, Lori, with lost puppy File October 13, 1990
90-436 Bedford, Barbara, Canada Trust Realty : advertisement File October 11, 1990
90-437 Bednarska, Eva, old books File May 3, 1990
90-446 Belamys Restaurant File January 10, 1990
90-447 Belfry, Gord, wild turkey raiser File October 4, 1990
90-449 Bellman, Doan, Sleeman's Brewery, Guelph File May 18, 1990
90-456 Bennett, Debbie, teacher File November 8, 1990
90-462 Bergen, Heidi, sponge in face, at fun fair File June 3, 1990
90-463 Berlin, Susan File April 24, 1990
90-464 Bernard, Dave, rugby tackle File March 29, 1990
90-467 Bester, Ken, guy doing lights File March 27, 1990
90-470 Beuhler, Irma, Ontario Maple Syrup Museum File April 4, 1990
90-481 Bikers, A.B.A.T.E. File October 6, 1990
90-484 Bilyea, Chris, Kitchener Nissan File March 22, 1990
90-489 Bird Sisters File November 13, 1990
90-496 Bissett, Kathy, quilter File February 17, 1990
90-498 Bjerland, Karen, Cambridge Family Services File October 10, 1990
90-507 Blessed Sacrament Elementary School, Fitness Week kickoff File May 25, 1990
90-508 Blinkhorn, Pat, Hanson Pontiac : advertisement File September 26, 1990
90-509 Block wall, blown down File January 25, 1990
90-520 Bluevale Collegiate Institute, all nighter File December 7, 1990
90-525 Blum, Dave File August 13, 1990
90-528 Boat race, Labatt's 23rd File April 21, 1990
90-544 Boucher, Mary, Benninger Realty : portrait File October 31, 1990
90-545 Bowden, Joan, baking cake File October 1, 1990
90-549 Bowman and Carey, bicycle File April 9, 1990
90-550 Bowman, Doug and Judy, problems with Golden Triangle Development File June 26, 1990
90-552 Boxing day sales, Conestoga Mall File December 26, 1990
90-563 Brass Taps, University of Guelph bar File March 13, 1990
90-567 Bray, Kenneth, adjudicator File April 26, 1990
90-569 Breese, John, Shannon and Sharlene, at stream File March 16, 1990
90-573 Brenton, Harry, at employment office File July 23, 1990
90-575 Brick, Terry, fixing traffic signal File December 13, 1990
90-577 Bristol, David, Junior Naturalist's Club, recycling newsprint File July 11, 1990
90-578 Bristow's Inn, Elmira opening File June 3, 1990
90-582 Brouwer, Rick, Elmira family File September 9, 1990
90-584 Brown, Colin, Aussie wedding File May 28, 1990
90-588 Brown, Maureen, drummer with blues band File February 1, 1990
90-589 Brown, Mike, basketball File April 8, 1990
90-592 Brown, Rosemary, at Galt Collegiate Institute, Cambridge File February 16, 1990
90-594 Brownrigg, Rhonda, Pitney Bowes File January 29, 1990
90-602 Brukner, Robert, House of Friendship, volunteer File December 17, 1990
90-612 Budd, Esther, K-W Knitter File June 12, 1990
90-613 Budget, Federal, Petro Can File February 20, 1990
90-619 Bundy of Canada Ltd., Cambridge, plant closing File September 14, 1990
90-620 Bunghardt, Greg, St. Anne Elementary School File March 22, 1990
90-625 Burns, George, Kitchener Spirit owner : sports File November 20, 1990
90-632 Buskers, dancing with man File August 22, 1990
90-636 By-Election, Kitchener Ward 2, all candidates meeting File November 14, 1990
90-638 Byers, Pastor Ron, Plattsville File February 16, 1990
90-649 Cabana, Sarah, 3, cancer patient File January 13, 1990
90-651 Cafe Bon Choix File December 24, 1990
90-653 Cairns, Beverly, Elora Environment Festival File May 31, 1990
90-658 Cambridge City Council, meeting, re: environment File May 9, 1990
90-660 Cambridge, fire, on King Street, Preston File May 21, 1990
90-664 Cambridge Highland Games File July 21, 1990
90-665 Cambridge Memorial Hospital, kids from Country Corners Day Care File January 29, 1990
90-666 Cambridge Nativity, District File December 17, 1990
90-673 Cambridge, Wellington Street and Main Street, construction File September 11, 1990
90-676 Cameron, Peter, OPIRG, Guelph File March 12, 1990
90-683 Canada Day, family festival, Centreville-Chicopee File June 30, 1990
90-697 Cannon, Marilyn, Women in Business File May 17, 1990
90-698 Capindale, John, and Eileen Grogan, animal testing for cosmetics File October 15, 1990
90-714 Carter, George, Terry Fox Run File August 13, 1990
90-715 Carter, Greg, women's issues File November 23, 1990
90-719 Casa Rugantino, for Restaurant Review File December 11, 1990
90-720 Cassidy, Roger, McHappy Day File April 25, 1990
90-723 Catholic Youth play File July 24, 1990
90-724 Cator, Dennis, Waterloo Dodge File March 8, 1990
90-728 Cedar Street, assault File April 23, 1990
90-729 Cemetary Tours, Garnet Richmond File August 31, 1990
90-734 Centre in the Square, Dave Allen File October 13, 1990
90-738 Centre in the Square, Canadian Brass File December 12, 1990
90-744 Centre in the Square, Swing with the Stars File November 15, 1990
90-745 Centre in the Square, Theatre Picardi File January 13, 1990
90-753 Chambers, Steve, Uniroyal Union VP, in Elmira, RW File January 19, 1990
90-756 Chapman, Judy, visiting teacher File February 12, 1990
90-757 Charcoal Steak House, construction File May 23, 1990
Results 2301 to 2400 of 4127