1990 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
90-2605 Pizza party, at Pogy File June 25, 1990
90-2608 Plane crash, double fatality File September 10, 1990
90-2621 Polluted water, Guelph, District/City section File September 21, 1990
90-2624 Pool cleaning File May 23, 1990
90-2632 Potworka, Karen, Kitchener parking officer File October 25, 1990
90-2635 Poverty Feature, Ann File July 19, 1990
90-2636 Poverty, guy at window File August 14, 1990
90-2639 Prang, Len File October 11, 1990
90-2642 Pressman, Barbara File June 20, 1990
90-2649 Preston High School, Cambridge, science project winners File May 24, 1990
90-2651 Preston Springs, head shot File May 8, 1990
90-2655 Pride riding camp, riding trail along Grand River File July 14, 1990
90-2656 Prime Bar BQ, for Dinning Out column File October 29, 1990
90-2659 Pro-Choice rally File October 13, 1990
90-2665 Protesters, at John Sweeney's office File March 29, 1990
90-2667 Proulx, Laurier, at demolition of buildings, for city hall project File July 27, 1990
90-2675 Pumpkin head File October 27, 1990
90-2678 Purdon, Alma, garden hose File June 7, 1990
90-2696 Rae, Bob, NDP Provincial leader File February 28, 1990
90-2700 Rainy night File August 27, 1990
90-2707 Read, Jim, Kitchener Fasteners File August 22, 1990
90-2710 Recchia, Lee, V.P. Waterloo Inn File September 7, 1990
90-2712 Record, Australians tour File October 10, 1990
90-2716 Record circulation, carrier award, Danny Weber File January 30, 1990
90-2718 Record building with carrier File April 18, 1990
90-2725 Record, shoot out winner, Dave Pluecks File March 29, 1990
90-2732 Reform Party meeting, Gordon Shaw speaking File November 21, 1990
Results 4101 to 4127 of 4127