1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-3561 Thiel, Carl, lawn bowling official File July 18, 1978
78-3562 Thomas, Doreen File January ?, 1978
78-3563 Thomas, Dr. E. Donnal File October 04, 1978
78-3571 Tilden, Bill, Skovsgaard File June 12, 1978
78-3576a Toppan, Tony, Dubrick Real Estate File December 27, 1978
78-3580 Turnbull, Larry, advertisement Imperial Oil File April 27, 1978
78-3581 Tucker, Lloyd File March 14, 1978
78-3602 Wiens, Mark, passport carrier finalist File August 01, 1978
78-3603 Whaley, Mark File October 13, 1978
78-3606 Whitfield, Frank, Canada Trust Real Estate File May 24, 1978
78-3611 Willmot, Jack, Eatons File January 05, 1978
78-3616 Witmer, Dr. Cam File June 14, 1978
78-3313 Moore, Jake File July 06, 1978
78-3317 Morgansen, Dr. Don File June 02, 1978
78-3324 Motz, John and Tom, passport File March 09, 1978
78-3325 Motz, Paul File November 24, 1978
78-3334 Murray, Don, Stevens Motors File October 16, 1978
78-3344 Nolan, John, Columbus Kitchener, Inc. File February 06, 1978
78-3345 Nowak, Mark File November 10, 1978
78-3358 Pam, Evelina, Communist Party File November 03, 1978
78-3359 Pappert, Mary, Kitchener alderman File October 30, 1978
78-3360 Paquette, Wayne, United Auto Workers UAW File August 24, 1978
78-3363 Paterl, Herb, Southwood Secondary School File June 21, 1978
78-3365 Paul, Dr. Alan File October 23, 1978
78-3366 Paulter, Alf, Fairway File May 12, 1978
78-3367 Payne, Mike, athlete File June 14, 1978
78-3369 Pearce, Jean, Eaton's File February 16, 1978
78-3373 Peplow, Bill File October 05, 1978
78-3375 Pernfuss, Jane, Headway Enterprises File May 03, 1978
78-3377 Pezzack, Yvonne, Northfield File August 09, 1978
78-3382 Poechman, Bob, Skovsgaard Real Estate File August 29, 1978
78-3383 Plantert, Robert G. File May 19, 1978
78-3386 Poljanski, Nick, Huras Real Estate File March 22, 1978
78-3387 Poos, John, Heffner File April 11, 1978
78-3393 Priestman, Ken File July 25, 1978
78-3399 Randhawa or Randhcuva, Dattar, Kaye Ford File September 13, 1978
78-3403 Rayner, Leo, Kaye Ford File September 13, 1978
78-3406 Reid, Alex, Sun Life File December 11, 1978
78-3410 Reidt, Wendy, Canada Permanent File January 19, 1978
78-3411 Rempel, Rudy File January 12, 1978
78-3413 Renaud, Bill, Newtext cleaners File June 16, 1978
78-3414 Rettinger, Jim, athlete File June 22, 1978
78-3418 Richards, Ray, MerryHill Golf and Country Club File March 29, 1978
78-3419 Rickert, Jack, Olsen Real Estate File May 02, 1978
78-3420 Rickert, Jack, Mitgang Real Estate File December 20, 1978
78-3425 Roberts, Mike, finance File April 11, 1978
78-3427 Robertson, Wendy File June 29, 1978
78-3433 Rolufs, Fred, Wolle Real Estate File December 14, 1978
78-3440 Rudland, Harry, KPC File June 20, 1978
78-3444 Ruxton, John, Hiway Market File August 28, 1978
78-3445 Ryan, Fred, Oktoberfest, Inc. File September 22, 1978
78-3447 Saigh, Dr., solar energy conference File August 08, 1978
78-3460 Schlee, Wilfrid File December 11, 1978
78-3464 Schmidhuber, Bert, Olsen Real Estate File July 04, 1978
78-3466 Schmidt, Mrs. C.B. File November ?, 1978
78-3478 Sehl, Anne Marie, school daze, St. Mary's High school president File May 29, 1978
78-3479 Sehl, James, Hoppe Real Estate File May 25, 1978
78-3484 Shantz, Ward, Chairman Waterloo County Supplies Company File April 05, 1978
78-3485 Shaver, Steve File January ?, 1978
78-3486 Sheehey, Glen, KPC File June 20, 1978
78-3487 Sherban, Carol File October 02, 1978
78-3491 Shewell, Brian, Hiway Market File August 25, 1978
78-3494 Silvestro, Sam, Schlueter File September 26, 1978
78-3495 Siminoski, Irene, Olsen Real Estate File June 22, 1978
78-3500 Skovsgaard, Ben File January 06, 1978
78-3505 Smith, Geraldine Brampton psyschic File January 12, 1978
78-3507 Smith, Stewart, Ontario Liberal Leader File April 20, 1978
78-3510 Snider, Adeen, Canada Trust File May 18, 1978
78-3512 Snider, Len, Shriner File April 06, 1978
78-3517 Speaker, Lucy, George Kecskes, Real Estate File November 14, 1978
78-3521 Speyer, Chris, PC candidate File March 07, 1978
78-3527 Stephenson, Dr. Bette File October 29, 1978
78-3531 Stevens, Lyle, Shriner File April 06, 1978
78-3534 Stevenson, Donna, Joe's Camera File April 17, 1978
78-3535 Stewart, Eileen, Canada Trust Real Estate File May 18, 1978
78-3536 Stinson, Eugene, Dominion Hotel File October 02, 1978
78-3542 Stoody, Bill, Record File May 29, 1978
78-3545 Strickland, Brian, election File November 07, 1978
78-3548 Suetta, Ann File August 03, 1978
78-303 Bregman, Dean, shoots 70 on his 70th birthday? File August 21, 1978
78-304 Breithaupt and senior citizens group, quilting File May 25, 1978
78-314 Bridgeport Emmanual Church re-marriage ceremony File September 08, 1978
78-329 Brown, Syd, ATO.P.C. inquiry File August 16, 1978
78-330 Brown, Syd, police chief gets fitness test at cop gym File May 30, 1978
78-335 Bubble gummer File June 02, 1978
78-341 Budget speech reaction at Fairview mall File April 08, 1978
78-343 Burns meat packing plant exteriors File March 29, 1978
78-345 Bus strike, Gray Coach Lines File September 11, 1978
78-346 Butcher feature, Conestogo grad at Knechtels File July 12, 1978
78-347 Cadell, Professor Ted and electronic medical device hobby File September 20, 1978
78-349 Cakes, winning cakes File October 13, 1978
78-350 Calorie Counters rally File March 08, 1978
78-354 Cambridge antique show File September 14, 1978
78-360 Cambridge YMCA, new fitness director, Paul Stevvarato File September 19, 1978
78-2369 KW track and field team practise at Centennial stadium File June 22, 1978
78-2371 Tennis, Western Ontario mens singles championship File August 07, 1978
78-2376 University of Waterloo teaching handicapped to swim File February 24, 1978
78-2383 WLU top athletes of the year File March 21, 1978
78-2385 Wheelchair basketball File February 22, 1978
78-2389 Wrestling, Glenview Park Cambridge File February 03, 1978
Results 1 to 100 of 3683