1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-1117 Indian artist at Southridge school File 1978
78-1124 Irland, Basia, University of Waterloo fine arts student File January 17, 1978
78-1125 Irrigation on strawberries, West Wind Farms, Wellesley File July 14, 1978
78-1129 Jankowski, Carol, artfest president for Big Sisters File October 01, 1978
78-1133 Jogging, Dom Cardillo and Brian Lempeski File November 06, 1978
78-1134 Johnson, Bette, QC Personnel for finance File September 27, 1978
78-1135 Johnson, Brian, for finance File April 19, 1978
78-1138 Jordon, Susan, Air Canada strike reaction story File August 21, 1978
78-1140 Junior Achievement industrial auction File April 29, 1978
78-1142 Junior Olympics, Belwood Crescent File August 15, 1978
78-1151 KCI student protest File December 06, 1978
78-1153 Keck, Karl in old house on Duke Street, Kitchener File July 28, 1978
78-1155 Kerr, Marjorie, Ayr librarian, G. Wright File December 08, 1978
78-1157 KCI winter carnival, car wrecking File February 13, 1978
78-1158 Kid drinking out of bottle, Waterloo park File June 29, 1978
78-1159 Kid ice skating at Albert McCormack arena File October 03, 1978
78-1160 Kids in tree, moving tree house File July 12, 1978
78-1162 Kid on the street with barefeet for strapping feature File June 20, 1978
78-1166 Kid jumping in park with football File April 26, 1978
78-1173 Kids blowing dandelions into the wind File May 30, 1978
78-1175 Kids rolling car tires File July 03, 1978
78-1176 Kids on rings in Weber park File October 20, 1978
78-1180 Kids playing soccer in snow and sliding in snow at Victoria School, taste of winter File November 28, 1978
78-1182 Kid with leaves and wheelbarrow File October 17, 1978
78-1184 Kids swimming at Chicopee swimming area File August 14, 1978
78-1189 Kids hitting kid with snowballs on River Road File November 28, 1978
78-1193 Kids in sewer pipe reading Alexandria School File September 11, 1978
78-1198 Kienzle, Bob, Woolich Recreation director, Hannon File November 23, 1978
78-1203 Kingham, Ernie, plant grower File May 17, 1978
78-1207 Kirck, Gladys and sister, Dorothy Osborne from England File September 12, 1978
78-1211 KW Art Gallery, A. J. Casson, and painting File June 06, 1978
78-1218 Kitchener car barns, King Street, demolition File October 20, 1978
78-1226 Kitchener coordinating committee in session File February 14, 1978
78-1237 Kitchener Liberal Association nomination meeting File February 14, 1978
78-1240 Kitchener public library moving day File November 27, 1978
78-1250 Kitchener library new addition File March 27, 1978
78-1256 Kitchener parks and recreation city wide swim meet File August 10, 1978
78-1266 Kite flying kid in March winds File March 27, 1978
78-1267 Kiwanis festival soloists under eight File April 27, 1978
78-1278 Kortright Waterfowl park, Guelph File February 03, 1978
78-1285 Kurt, Arthur plowing machine in field, Doon File May 04, 1978
78-1286 K-W Art Gallery, northern painter on display File September 02, 1978
78-1287 K-W Art Gallery show File February 12, 1978
78-1290 K-W Art Gallery, lifeline show opening File February 03, 1978
78-1301 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital ambulift File December 22, 1978
78-1306 Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital maternity ward murse bathes baby File May 27, 1978
78-1311 KW Kennel club dog show at Bingeman Park File January 15, 1978
78-1312 KW Kiwanis club sweetheart ball File February 10, 1978
78-1314 KW Little Theater, Boeing... Boeing File October 04, 1978
78-1320 KW Sales and Ad club, heritage day File February 21, 1978
78-1324 Labatt's house File July 25, 1978
78-1338 Laurel Creek conservation area File May 28, 1978
78-1339 Laurel Creek conservation area maple sap File March 08, 1978
78-1343 Lawson, Dr. File August 04, 1978
78-1347 Libbus, Bill and his soap box derby car File July 21, 1978
78-1348 Liberal nomination for Waterloo riding File March 15, 1978
78-1353 Lion Safari, Etherington, re PULSE story on outings File February 28, 1978
78-1356 Listowel high school penny golf game File June 09, 1978
78-1358 Loberg, Betty and daughter Mary Ann, visitors from Norway File August 09, 1978
78-1359 Lobsterfest, rotary club at Bingeman Park File June 02, 1978
78-5 Accident, Bridgeport and Albert, car hit pole File May 17, 1978
78-9 Accident, car and hydro pole File January 03, 1978
78-10 Accident, Charles and Queen Street in Kitchener File May 30, 1978
78-11 Accident, cyclist hit on 24 highway over 401 File July 11, 1978
78-13 Accident, Fairway Road, police cruiser File December 20, 1978
78-18 Accident, Fairway Road, car overturns File April 21, 1978
78-19 Accident, Guelph police cruiser, Sgt. Barry Symons File November 21, 1978
78-22 Accident, 401 and Doon-Blair Road File June 04, 1978
78-26 Accident, 7-8 on ramp, tractor trailer File April 19, 1978
78-27 Accident, man falls off roof in Waterloo File May 17, 1978
78-30 Accident, train, car at River Road and King Street File November 09, 1978
78-33 Accident, two vans collide File January 18, 1978
78-37 Accident, Wagners Corners pig truck File July 24, 1978
78-42 Add Type...staff File November 17, 1978
78-43 Band J photo lab File November 30, 1978
78-48 Belinda and Brother File May 16, 1978
78-52 Big Brothers Association, cheque presentation File November 15, 1978
78-54 Canada Trust car winners File August 03, 1978
78-65 Ray Delion, leisure robe File November 02, 1978
78-74 Eatons handbags File September 06, 1978
78-77 Fitzgerald Brothers File March 28, 1978
78-79 Friday's Hair style File December 15, 1978
78-86 Grobe Nurseries File August 03, 1978
78-89 HiWay Market lilies File March 02, 1978
78-96 Kabel's Men's Wear File November 09, 1978
78-97 Kaufman Footwear File August 24, 1978
78-101 Kitchener Dodgers Juniors, 9 Gary Logel File April 20, 1978
78-103 Kitchener Plymouth Chrysler File April 06, 1978
78-107 Krist, Blaine File October 17, 1978
78-108 Lashbrooks, shoes, boots File November 28, 1978
78-110 Lashbrooks, boots File November 30, 1978
78-112 Little Tinkers, cribs, buggy and playpen File April 21, 1978, November 07, 1978
78-118 Matador Steakhouse and Tavern File 1978
78-125 Pleon's drycleaning File April 13, 1978
78-126 Prudentital Insurance president and Archie Gillies File June 26, 1978
78-129 Schlueter Chevrolet new cars File April 11, 1978
78-135 Steves TV File May 25, 1978
78-140 Tony's Pizza, sign in Waterloo File March 03, 1978
78-152 Wesseling Audio File March 06, 1978
78-158 Air Canada sign an dstalled car File February 02, 1978
Results 401 to 500 of 3683