1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-2818 Abbot, Carmeta, Chairwoman parents for French File February 02, 1978
78-2822 Allilson, Larry, Amble In Real Estate File December 18, 1978
78-2824 Anstett, Larry File September 20, 1978
78-2826 Arnold, Roland, new owner, Walper Hotel File November 03, 1978
78-2828 Aziz, Ed File April 13, 1978
78-2833 Baer, Linda, Advertisement, Grand River Personnel File July 17, 1978
78-2835 Baird, Ron, Hiway Market File August 25, 1978
78-2838 Ball, Nancy File November 08, 1978
78-2849 Bast, Keith File December 04, 1978
78-2853 Bauder, Wendy File April 07, 1978
78-2859 Beacock, Ian File February 22, 1978
78-2862 Beasley, Guy File June 14, 1978
78-2863 Beattie, Rene, the Studio File July 19, 1978
78-2866 Beer, Ruth, Skovsgaaard Real Estate File January 06, 1978
78-2867 Behar, Bev., Planned Parenthood File May 24, 1978
78-2869 Bell, Irena, Manor House File October 25, 1978
78-2872 Benedict, Ron, Olsen Real Estate File May 26, 1978
78-2874 Benninger, Peter, Advertisement, Eber File November 02, 1978
78-2875 Berlet, David, Northfield File August 09, 1978
78-2876 Beyers, Sharon File May 23, 1978
78-1366 Lovers at Waterloo park File April 27, 1978
78-1375 Lutheran conference File May 06, 1978
78-1381 MacMillan, Ralph, Christmas tree, King, G. Wright File December 15, 1978
78-1383 MacDonald, Bishop James File April 26, 1978
78-1388 Maier, Mike, hauling wood on tobbogan File February 13, 1978
78-1393 Manning, Dr. Eric, re SIN File December 29, 1978
78-1403 Market parking garage File December 07, 1978
78-1406 Marshall, Pat, artist in egg File March 07, 1978
78-1408 Marting, Edward, Arrow shirts File December 01, 1978
78-1413 Matador fitness center open house File April 02, 1978
78-1415 Matthews, Burt, University of Waterloo president, jogging File January 13, 1978
78-1416 Mayer, Doug, KW Rotary Center File August 16, 1978
78-1422 McKee, Dave, collects paper File April 07, 1978
78-1423 McLeod, Rachel at Kiln farm File March 27, 1978
78-1428 Mennonite lady buying ice File August 03, 1978
78-1431 Mennonites painting country school File July 11, 1978
78-1432 Mennonite buggies at Elmira store File February 03, 1978
78-1433 Mennonite children coming home from school File April 04, 1978
78-1443 Mental Health Association auction File November 07, 1978
78-1448 Milckau, Erich count Milke von. tower Westmontrose File May 26, 1978
78-1450 Millbank, cheese making File September 28, 1978
78-1452 Millar, Claudette, mayor of Cambridge File November 22, 1978
78-1455 Milojkovic, Mrs. Miroslav and daughter, Elisabeth Karner File November 15, 1978
78-1456 Milloy, John, Queens Park page home File December 16, 1978
78-1459 Mimik engineering, new invention at Hall manufacturing File June 12, 1978
78-1460 Mini computer show at Waterloo Motor Inn File February 07, 1978
78-1462 Missionary church conference File May 17, 1978
78-1466 Miss KW pageant File June 06, 1978
78-1467 Mini regatta File June 10, 1978
78-1471 Model airplanes File September 13, 1978
78-1474 Molinary, Cathy on skateboard and dog File September 20, 1978
78-1487 Mount Trashmore, grading for seed File August 01, 1978
78-1488 Mower in tow File May 24, 1978
78-1490 Mueller, Mr. and Mrs. Erhardt making Christmas decorations File December 06, 1978
78-1491 Multi Cultural Center advance pictures File June 07, 1978
78-1502 Nassau, Willie and old camera from museum File January 19, 1978
78-1505 Neufield, Susan File August 29, 1978
78-1508 New Dundee, May 24 holiday weekend File May 22, 1978
78-1513 New Hamburg Main Street File January 24, 1978
78-1517 New Hamburg town clean up arbour day File May 27, 1978
78-1519 New years baby, Bill and Fil Sawarna File January 01, 1978
78-1521 Nicholl, Maurice and old paintings File May 16, 1978
78-1522 Night out feature of the Kitchener Waterloo area File June 13, 1978
78-1531 Oktoberfest at Ontario Place, Julian Beltrane File September 09, 1978
78-1533 Oktoberfest barrel race File October 10, 1978
78-1538 Oktoberfest closing up shot at Bingeman Park File October 15, 1978
78-1542 Oktoberfest German shepherd dog show File October 08, 1978
78-1548 Oktoberfest, Miss Oktoberfest pageant File October 05, 1978
78-1549 Oktoberfest, Miss Oktoberfest rides in police car File October 12, 1978
78-1550 Oktoberfest motocycle races File October 09, 1978
78-1551 Oktoberfest official opening speakers corner File October 06, 1978
78-1568 Optimists walkathon File May 13, 1978
78-1570 Osborne, Jack and Shirley with garbage strewn on yard File July 08, 1978
78-1572 Pachauer, Werner, goldsmith feature File October 26, 1978
78-1587 Penney, Gloria, taxi driver returns pensioners cheque File October 02, 1978
78-1589 Perak, Paul, page in Toronto File October 18, 1978
78-1590 Perry, Bob, driving examiner File May 10, 1978
78-1591 Phone center, Donna Lucas opens new phone store File November 21, 1978
78-1596 Pinball machines, Glenridge Plaza File February 02, 1978
78-1600 Pinehurst conservation area, near Cambridge, girl tying buoys and boys holding snake File May 30, 1978
78-1601 Pine tree, old File May 23, 1978
78-1604 Phillips, Robin, theatrical director at Stratford for PULSE feature File May 30, 1978
78-1609 Plantz, Arthur from Sunnyside home File April 17, 1978
78-1610 Plattsville horse show File June 16, 1978
78-1620 Police band at Sunnyside home File July 10, 1978
78-1623 Police, Detroit, for Fournier feature File September 21, 1978
78-1626 Police, Henchmen in custody File May 29, 1978
78-1627 Police, Highland games File July 28, 1978
78-1634 Police search murder scene File December 14, 1978
78-1635 Police sketch of murder suspect File December 14, 1978
78-1644 Post boxes pasted with communist posters File March 27, 1978
78-1646 Postal strike at Waterloo File October 17, 1978
78-1658 Preston, Cambridge Kinsmen campaign for cystic fibrosis File April 04, 1978
78-1659 Preston, Cambridge, kids with butterfly nets File July 17, 1978
78-1661 Preston Public School, Louis Gere, architect tours File November 16, 1978
78-1675 PULSE cover line-ups for theaters downtown Kitchener File September 17, 1978
78-1680 Puppets, Woman today File April 08, 1978
78-1683 Puslinch Lake, waterskiers File August 07, 1978
78-1684 Puslinch Lake, dead fish along shore File April 17, 1978
78-1687 Queen Elizabeth Public School, water damage from busted main File October 03, 1978
Results 201 to 300 of 3683