1978 negatives Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
78-2392 Talbot, John in concert, KCI File September 21, 1978
78-2393 Tama Inn, New Hamburg File December 29, 1978
78-2398 Tattoos for a day File May 20, 1978
78-2407 Thomas, David Clayton at Breslau hotel File December 11, 1978
78-2412 Tobacco harvesting near Ayr File July 28, 1978
78-2415 Todays housing, Kaufman Construction, The Chestnut File March 13, 1978
78-2420 Todays housing, Beechwood one File February 16, 1978
78-2423 Todays housing, 39 Helene Crescent, Waterloo File June 19, 1978
78-2427 Todays housing, Toynbee Crescent File October 16, 1978
78-2430 Todays housing, 138 Cindy Avenue, Hespeler, Cambridge File February 20, 1978
78-2434 Toman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Malaysian visitor File December 21, 1978
78-2443 Toys for Christmas, Hiway Market File December 02, 1978
78-2454 Tree cutters of Kitchener, feature File June 06, 1978
78-2456 ?, Trevor and Ian, winners of CDN science fair, first prize, Erin File May 23, 1978
78-2457 Trilliums in Nomer Watson Park File May 16, 1978
78-2461 Tuerr, Paul, developer, for Koch column File September 21, 1978
78-2463 Twin City Spinners, demonstration in Fairview Park Mall File August 13, 1978
78-2466 Unexpected pleasures, Cambridge Public Library File February 20, 1978
78-2469 Ukrainian easter eggs being decorated at library File March 18, 1978
78-2470 Unbranded food cans File April 02, 1978
78-2472 Union Street storm drain and sewer construction File April 06, 1978
78-2481 University of Waterloo medieval sports File May 30, 1978
78-2482 University of Waterloo NEVER AGAIN Jewish protest File July 08, 1978
78-2486 The Imprint, new paper at University of Waterloo File June 20, 1978
78-2496 University of Waterloo, Dr. Ralph Haas and Don Kobi File November 03, 1978
78-2497 University of Waterloo, Theatre of the Arts... play... the Shadow Box File November 03, 1978
78-2502 University of Waterloo, art faculty and student show File March 31, 1978
78-2504 University of Waterloo, figure study sessions File March 06, 1978
78-2514 United Trails, bus inspection File November 08, 1978
78-2518 Valentines Day feature File February 06, 1978
78-2519 Valhalla Inn, Kids decorating Christmas Tree File December 12, 1978
78-2529 Victoria Park Lake, lake drained, sunners sitting amongst crocus File April 26, 1978
78-2534 Victoria Park ducks File May 16, 1978
78-2537 Victoria Park ducks and swans File June 06, 1978
78-2543 Victoria Street construction from Fisher Road to Stoke Drive File December 08, 1978
78-2544 Victoria Park, St. Mary's high school, canoeing File May 24, 1978
78-2553 Walker, Brad, photographing winter scene File February 19, 1978
78-2563 Water tower, Waterloo, with sign hanging, "Vodka" File March 9, 1978
78-2566 Watering city plants on Queen Street File June 16, 1978
78-2568 Waterloo civic staff physical fitness test File January 03, 1978
78-2571 Waterloo Collegiate Dames at Sea File February 16, 1978
78-2575 Waterloo County touring club File April 02, 1978
78-2577 Waterloo family Y bike rodeo File June 15, 1978
78-2581 Waterloo figure skating arena construction File February 07, 1978
78-2588 Waterloo Motor Inn Pickel Barrel File November 03, 1978
78-2589 Waterloo Motor Inn File July 10, 1978
78-2593 Waterloo NDP nomination meeting Makarchuck, Bailey and Speaker File April 09, 1978
78-2595 Waterloo Park, zoo animals File July 31, 1978
78-2597 Waterloo Park, new signs File May 04, 1978
78-2599 Waterloo Park, paddleboats File June 18, 1978
78-2601 Waterloo Park, sanding roads File February 23, 1978
78-2606 Waterloo Regional Health Unit lineup for polio shots File August 10, 1978
78-2628 Weather, frost File February 15, 1978
78-2629 Weather, Elmira man shovelling snow off roof File February 21, 1978
78-2631 Weather, cleaning driveway with snow blower File January 03, 1978
78-2643 Weather, kids diving at Waterloo Park pool File August 14, 1978
78-2644 Weather, kids and icicles File February 01, 1978
78-2645 Weather, kids in Victoria Park wading pool File June 20, 1978
78-2647 Weather, kids with umbrellas running in rain File May 08, 1978
78-2655 Weather, kids and snow in October outside Parkdale arena File November 01, 1978
78-2662 Weather, pigeon nesting and rain shot File April 08, 1978
78-2663 Weather, preschoolers at play File April 26, 1978
78-2665 Weather, roof worker and girl with heart on snowsuit File February 23, 1978
78-2669 Weather, "Come to the spring" billboard File December 14, 1978
78-2672 Weather, winter scenics File February 07, 1978
78-2676 Weather sheep grazing and farmer discing north of Guelph File May 23, 1978
78-2681 Weather, street hockey game File April 01, 1978
78-2686 Weber, Mrs. president of KW Organist Society File April 13, 1978
78-2688 Webster, Reverend Bill File December 13, 1978
78-2689 Webster, Reverend Bill and Family, day in the life of a minister File December 18, 1978
78-2691 Welham, Ann, Cambridge, Russian Christmas eggs File November 23, 1978
78-2693 Wellesley/Bender, Tracey with giant squash File October 02, 1978
78-2698 Wellington County museum, kids making Christmas decorations File December 07, 1978
78-2702 West Montrose general store and horses and sheep File May 11, 1978
78-2711 What's for sale, Montcalm Drive File October 30, 1978
78-2714 What's for sale, 192 Glen Road File November 03, 1978
78-2715 What's for sale, 596 Glen Forest Blvd., Waterloo File November 07, 1978
78-2716 What's for sale, 84 Burbank Road File September 08, 1978
78-2733 What they're building, 120 Green Valley Drive, Kitchener File July 31, 1978
78-2734 What they're building, 101 Hastings Court, Baden File August 29, 1978
78-2735 Wheel-a-thon, twin city wheel spinners File October 23, 1978
78-2740 Weber, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H., 64th anniversary File January 06, 1978
78-2741 Wesley partners club craft show File March 09, 1978
78-2748 Windsurfer on Laurel Lake File August 16, 1978
78-2753 Window washer feature File March 28, 1978
78-2758 Willie's Two dining out File August 29, 1978
78-2763 Winter storm, 100 km winds snow folder #1 File January 26, 1978
78-2765 Winter scenics File January 24, 1978
78-2766 Winterbourne burning leaves File October 30, 1978
78-2780 Wilfrid Laurier University opera, the Consul File March 11, 1978
78-2784 Woodland Cemetary, Bishop Reding offering a memorial mass File June 10, 1978
78-2785 Woodlawn Cemetary, German remembrance service File November 29, 1978
78-2786 Woodside National Park, cooking in kitchen File June 11, 1978
78-2792 Women of the year winners File October 12, 1978
78-2795 Wright, Julie and pampa grass in Bloomingdale File September 25, 1978
78-2796 Wright, Bill and Stella File July 13, 1978
78-2801 YMCA, Waterloo waterbabies, preschool swim class File March 17, 1978
78-2803 Young Drivers of Canada, holidays giving out blood alcohol cards File December 23, 1978
78-2806 Yule, Linda, the plant lady File July 17, 1978
78-2807 YWCA, World Development panelists, Carol Farkas, Bruce Snyder, Richard MacBridge File February 20, 1978
Results 101 to 200 of 3683