Fonds SCA248-GA251 - Bernard Suits fonds.

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Bernard Suits fonds.

Title notes

  • Source of title proper: Title from content of the fonds.

Level of description


Reference code


Dates of creation area


Physical description area

Physical description

49 cm of textual records and other materials.
38 audio cassettes (ca. 57 hrs.).
4 videocassettes (ca. 3 hrs.) : VHS

Archival description area

Name of creator


Biographical history

Bernard Herbert Suits was a philosopher and professor. He was born November 25, 1925 in Detroit, Michigan. Suits attended Denby High School in Detroit and went on to receive his BA at the University of Chicago, his MA in Philosophy also at the University ... »

Scope and content

Materials created and accumulated by Bernard Suits over the course of his education and teaching career. Includes materials created as a student such as class notes and exams, materials created as a professor at the University of Waterloo including ... »

Notes area

Immediate source of acquisition

Donated in 2013 by Cheryl Ballantyne.


Arranged in seven series as follows:
1. Juvenilia;
2. Teaching;
3. Professional Activities;
4. Correspondence;
5. Non-Fiction Works;
6. Fiction Works;
7. Audio Visual Materials.

Series are arranged alphabetically, except for correspondence, which is arranged chronologically.

Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

File 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21 are restricted.

Access points

Name access points

Control area

Dates of creation, revision and deletion

Description by Jessica Blackwell, Summer 2014.