Anonymous open letter created by a group of feminists from Québec outlining the outcomes from the October Crisis (Québec, October 1970) and the relationship between Québécois feminist movements and the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ).
Letter begins ... »
Anonymous open letter created by a group of feminists from Québec outlining the outcomes from the October Crisis (Québec, October 1970) and the relationship between Québécois feminist movements and the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ).
Letter begins by explaining the relationship between the FLQ struggle and women’s struggle. It then moves to an overview of the events that lead to the October Crisis and the invocation of the War Measures Act, while calling for an independent Québec. Later, it covers the effects of the October Crisis for the citizens of Québec in general, and for women in particular (retelling raids, questionings, jailing, and overall police activities and attitudes). It continues with an exposition on women's inequality in government and society. The letter finishes by appealing for support to the FLQ and the women’s movement.
Letter seems to have been written shortly after the invocation of the War Measures Act in October 1970, and a year after the Women’s Movement in Québec began (possibly refers to the Québec Women’s Liberation Front (FLF) created on December 1, 1969).