Women’s studies, gender, and sexuality


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Women’s studies, gender, and sexuality

7 Archival description results for Women’s studies, gender, and sexuality

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Consent card.

  • SCA390-GA455-1
  • Collection
  • ca. 1930

One possibly satirical consent card, stating that the woman who fills the card in is giving her permission to engage in sexual acts with the man who has given her the card. It also grants the man indemnity under the Mann Act.

Letter from Reverend Alfred H. Tyrer with birth control pamphlets.

  • SCA402-GA468
  • Collection
  • 1941

Materials related to Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer’s books and publications on birth control, sex education, and marriage life.

Includes pamphlets and order forms for Tyrer’s books Where did we come from, mother dear? (Marriage Welfare Bureau, 1939) and ... »

Tyrer, Alfred Henry

Mabel Welma Fox scrapbook album.

  • SCA392-GA457
  • Collection
  • 1921-1923, 1925

Collection consists of a scrapbook album created by Mabel Welma Fox during her time at the University of Michigan (1921-1923). The scrapbook is covered with correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, ephemera, physical objects, and annotations ... »

Fox, Mabel Welma


  • SCA415-GA483
  • Collection
  • 1866

Broadside of a poem delivered by Lizzie Doten on September 23, 1866 at Library Hall, Chelsea, titled "Reconstruction." The poem addresses then President Andrew Johnson and criticizes his approach to the South at the end of the American Civil War. She ... »

Doten, Lizzie

Va-Jel pamphlet.

  • SCA389-GA454-1
  • Collection
  • ca. 1925

One single folded page pamphlet advertising Va-Jel germicidal jelly. Recto also has an advertisement for Va'antiseptic douche. The products claim to offer a new freedom for women and a happier life through voluntary motherhood.

Zagar family photograph album.

  • SCA420-GA488
  • Collection
  • 1930-1955

Photograph album containing photographs and other materials related to the Zagar family with an emphasis on their youngest daughter Margaret Ann.

Photographs and ephemera in album cover the lives of the Zagar family from the early 1930s to the early 1950... »

Zagar family