University photographs 1981. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
81-12-27 Checking out books at EMS Library. File December 21, 1981
81-12-29 Jacquie Welwood, Health Services. File December 24, 1981
81-01-03 Greg Voisin. File January 8, 1981
81-01-04 Dr. K.M.H. Bennett. File January 8, 1981
81-01-06 Ballet rehearsal. File January 8, 1981-January 9, 1981
81-01-08 Athlete of the Week, Tom Fugedi and Darryn Lloyd. File January 13, 1981
81-01-12 Presentation to Dr. Matthews. File January 13, 1981
81-01-13 Bill Lennox lecturing in Arts Lecture. File January 13, 1981
81-01-14 Al Evans, Counselling. File January 13, 1981
81-01-17 Bill Deeks. File January 14, 1981
81-01-20 Math Department situations shot by Terry Weldon. File January 17, 1981
81-01-27 Athlete of the Week, Barb O'Neill and Jeff Goldsworthy. File 1981
81-01-35 Professor Walter Klaassen, Conrad Grebel College. File January 30, 1981
81-02-01 Mike Moser Trophy portraits. File February 2, 1981
81-02-06 Basketball player. File February 1981
81-02-13 Senate Finance Committee meeting. File February 12, 1981
81-02-18 Dr. Geof Power, Biology. File February 17, 1981
81-02-21 Athletes of the Week presentation. File February 17, 1981
81-02-22 Architecture students exhibit of trip to Rome. File February 19, 19811981
81-02-24 Society for Creative Anachronism. File February 22, 1981
81-02-26 Dr. Israel Unger, news conference. File February 24, 1981
81-02-28 Bruce Hutchinson, Civil Engineering. File February 26, 1981
81-02-29 Professor G.M. Bragg, Mechanical Engineering. File February 27, 1981
81-02-33 Athletes of the Week. File February 24, 1981
81-03-05 Athletes of the Week presentation. File March 3, 1981
81-03-10 Interiors of Art Gallery with exhibit. File March 5, 1981
81-03-12 Dr. D.H. Redelmier, Computer Science, Math and Computers. File March 1981
81-03-15 Dr. M. J. Lerner, Psychology. File March 6, 1981
81-03-17 Dr. Jim McKegney. File March 1981
81-03-26 Dr. Kelly Booth, Computer Science. File March 11, 1983
81-03-30 Susan McDaniel, Psychology, Anthropology and Sociology. File March 16, 1981
81-03-37 Bruce Lumsden. File March 19, 1981
81-03-39 John Bonar, Student Senator. File March 20, 1981
81-03-56 Dr. Alan Kempton and his food research. File March 26, 1981
81-03-66 Deborah Kroch, Arts student. File March 31, 1981
81-04-02 Computer display at Needles Hall. File April 2, 1981
81-04-09 Dr. Schaman and Aerobics Fitness Centre, Breslau. File April 8, 1981
81-04-13 Sunbathers at Village 2. File April 10, 1981
81-04-14 Chemistry extraction equipment. File April 13, 1981
81-04-20 Michael Checkley. File April 14, 1981
81-04-27 Muskoxen display in Biology Museum. File April 23, 1981
81-04-32a Dr. Matthews retirement banquet for staff. File April 15, 1981
81-04-37 Album presented to Dr. Matthews. File 1981
81-05-04 French contest winners. File May 7, 1981
81-05-05 Dr. Bill Shalinsky, Urban and Regional Planning. File May 8, 1981
81-05-10 Science fair at Physical Activities Complex. File May 15, 1981
81-05-11 President's house, 12 Westgate Walk. File May 14, 1981
81-05-17 Convocation, Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies and Arts. File May 28, 1981
81-06-01 Rick Holinshead, Dominion Life Insurance, ex-student at University of Waterloo. File June 1, 1981
81-06-06 Flea market and barbecue at Campus Centre. File June 5, 1981
81-06-10 Economic Development Program, 10 Year celebration at St. Jerome's College. File June 3, 1981
81-06-13 Descartes Medal winners, Math. File June 6, 1981
81-06-16 Daniel Donaldson, Arts Centre Director. File June 11, 1981
81-06-18 12 Westgate Walk, President's house. File June 11, 1981
81-06-21a Dr. Josef Kates, Chancellor, University of Waterloo. File June 12, 1981
81-06-25 Mr. W. McCormick, Board of Governors. File June 11, 1981
81-06-31 Eric Haldenby teaching at Architecture. File June 16, 1981
81-06-34 Math banquet and awards at Renison College. File June 18, 1981
81-06-44 Dr. J. Semple, Biology, Correspondence. File June 22, 1981
81-06-45 Arts handbook pictures, Dr. Jim Brox and student, Economics. File June 22, 1981
81-06-48 Ron McDonald, Ball Brothers. File June 24, 1981
81-06-50 Poetry reading at Hagey Hall. File June 24, 1981
81-06-53 Arts handbook, Dr. Jim McKegney and Secretary. File June 26, 1981
81-06-57 Hay compacting research at Engineering, Greg McNeice and student for Guelph. File June 30, 1981
81-07-04 Professor Wayne Hawthorne and burdock research. File July 8, 1981
81-07-11 WCPD [Waterloo Centre for Process Development] pilot plant and visitors from Yugoslavia. File July 15, 1981
81-07-14 Correspondence programme warehouse move. File July 21, 1981
81-07-17 Chemistry apparatus. File July 22, 1981
81-07-19 New steps and sign on B Lot. File July 25, 1981
81-07-20 Campus scenes. File July 25, 1981
81-07-22 WCPD [Waterloo Centre for Process Development] personnel in office situations. File July 27, 1981
81-07-23 Fossil display at Biology. File July 28, 1981
81-07-24 Aerials of campus. File July 1981
81-08-10 Cheryl Emmerson, Water Conservation Group. File August 14, 1981
81-08-11 Architecture model for Om Dutt. File August 14, 1981
81-08-15 Margaret Kerr-Lawson, Optometry. File August 19, 1981
81-08-17 Presentation, Economics. File 1981
81-09-01 Vera McCormick, Bookstore. File September 1, 1981
81-09-02a Bookstore window display. File September 2, 1981
81-09-03 Conrad Grebel College group photos. File September 8, 1981
81-09-05 Piles of money. File September 15, 1981
81-09-07 Phil Smith III, Computing Services. File September 15, 1981
81-09-11 Environmental 2 building interiors. File September 17, 1981
81-09-13 Yuk-Yuks comedy act at Orientation, Campus Centre. File September 16, 1981
81-09-14b Games Museum objects. File September 28, 1981
81-09-24 Diana Swart. File September 28, 1981
81-09-26 Athlete of the Week presentation. File September 29, 1981
81-10-01a Homecoming basketball game. File October 3, 1981
81-10-01b Homecoming church service. File October 3, 1981
81-10-03 Athlete of the Week, Pete Bulfon and Cathy Laws. File October 6, 1981
81-10-09 Athletes of the Week, Alison Manning and David Young. File October 13, 1981
81-10-11 Kevin Donelson, St. Jerome's College. File October 18, 1981
81-10-16 R.G. Van Heaswizk. File October 16, 1981
81-10-32 MFCF [Math Faculty Computing Facility], seventeen professors from Math and Computers. File October 28, 1981
81-11-01 Athletes of the Week, Lisa Bauer and Stan Chelmecki. File November 3, 1981
81-11-02 First basketball game. File October 31, 1981
81-11-03 People from Innovation Centre. File November 4, 1981
81-11-07 Professor J. Moore and Dr. and Mrs. Hi Ong in office. File November 3, 1981
81-11-08 Dr. Irish and spectrophotometer. File November 5, 1981
81-11-09b Photos for part time studies. File November 1981
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