University photographs 1981. Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
81-04-28 Harold Horwood book signing at Rare Book Room, Arts Library. File April 23, 1981
81-04-31 Humanities Theatre interior with audience. File April 23, 1981
81-04-32d Dr. Matthews retirement banquet for staff. File April 15, 1981
81-04-33 View of campus from Married Student Housing, taken in 70s. File 1981
81-05-03 Accounting Department Day. File May 6, 1981
81-05-12 French contest winners. File May 16, 1981
81-05-13 Sod turning at St. Jerome's College. File May 22, 1981
81-05-16 Daryl Schnurr. File May 27, 1981
81-05-18 Convocation, Friday, Science. File May 29, 1981
81-06-09 Wind tunnel being moved at Engineering. File June 3, 1981
81-06-11 Basketball and banquet at St. Jerome's College. File June 6, 1981
81-06-19 Construction at St. Jerome's College extension from roof. File June 11, 1981
81-06-21b Dr. Josef Kates, Chancellor, University of Waterloo. File June 12, 1981
81-06-22b Mr. Page Wadsworth, Chairman, Board of Governors. File June 12, 1981
81-06-26 Dr. R.H. Bartels, Computer Science. File June 15, 1981
81-06-29 John Kennedy, Plumber, President of Union. File June 15, 1981
81-06-35 Staff Association present Dr. Matthews with a picture. File June 18, 1981
81-06-37 Dr. Jim G. Smith, Chemistry. File June 18, 1981
81-06-40 Ms. Kathryn Tyndale, Arts Grad Office. File June 22, 1981
81-06-41 Dr. N.R. Isenor, Chemistry. File June 22, 1981
81-06-43 Dr. R.N. Farvolden. File June 19, 1981
81-06-51 Math Faculty Group. File June 25, 1981
81-06-55 Jane Barrie, Combinatorics and Optimization, Math and Computers. File June 1981
81-07-12 President Dr. Doug Wright in his office. File July 14, 1981
81-07-15 President Doug Wright, tour of Correspondence. File July 22, 1981
81-08-01 Chemical Education Conference, Chemistry presentation. File August 4, 1981
81-08-06 Shawn Farrell. File August 11, 1981
81-08-13 Dr. Mel Lerner, Psychology. File August 18, 1981
81-08-14 Judi Carter, Optometry. File August 19, 1981
81-08-18 Computerized robot built and designed by Jim Graaskamp, Electrical Engineering. File August 24, 1981
81-09-12 Arts Co-op Education seminar. File September 16, 1981
81-09-21 Martin Perrault. File September 25, 1981
81-09-22 Meredith McGinnis. File September 25, 1981
81-09-25 Athletes of the Week - Ted Murphy and Jennifer Shaw. File September 29, 1981
81-09-27 Athlete of the Week, Molson presentations, Faculty Club. File September 29, 1981
81-10-06 English language proficiency test winners. File October 8, 1981
81-10-13 Waterloo Advisory Council meeting. File October 15, 1981
81-10-14 Safety in Plant Operations workshop. File October 16, 1981
81-10-15 Blood Donor Clinic. File October 16, 1981
81-10-17 Women's tennis tournament. File October 17, 1981
81-10-18 Athletes of the Week, Stu Hammond and Jean Howitt. File October 20, 1981
81-10-19 Athlete of the Week presentation. File October 20, 1981
81-10-21 Rare books in Library. File October 22, 1981
81-10-26 Parachutist at football game. File October 24, 1981
81-10-31 Canadian Industrial Innovation Centre (CIIC) photos, Mr. Eripp and Mary Kuwooloski. File October 28, 1981
81-10-33 M. Meichenbaum. File October 31, 1981
81-11-04 Athletes of the Week presentation. File November 3, 1981
81-11-10 Athletes of the Week, John Kervin and Lorri Freeman. File November 10, 1981
81-11-11 Staff Association Executive. File November 10, 1981
81-11-12 Peter Frase and FRED. File November 1981
81-11-16 Bookstore's 25th anniversary, gift items. File November 12, 1981
81-11-17 University of Waterloo Christmas float. File November 15, 1981
81-11-18 Athlete of the Week, Jennifer Russell and Paul Van Oeshted(?). File November 17, 1981
81-11-23 Contract signing at Chemical Engineering. File November 13, 1981
81-11-24 Wrestling tournament, Physical Activities Complex. File November 14, 1981
81-11-26a Conrad Grebel College, faculty and staff. File November 16, 1981
81-11-29 Anne Jenson. File November 19, 1981
81-11-39 Professor John Wynnyckyi and Ted Rhodes with heat flux meter in Chemical Engineering. File November 24, 1981
81-11-44 C.C.N.G./Electrohome with Paul Beam. File November 26, 1981
81-11-52 Noreen Newfeld, Renison College. File November 27, 1981
81-11-53 Cylinder lens assembly. File November 27, 1981
81-12-06 Student Optometry labs for calendar. File December 2, 1981
81-12-08 Women's volleyball game. File December 1, 1981
81-12-13 Presentation at Faculty Club. File December 7, 1981
81-12-16a Accounting development day at Arts Lecture. File December 9, 1981
81-12-18a Twenty-fifth anniversary poster. File December 15, 1981
81-12-21 Chinese visitors at CPH [Carl A. Pollock Hall]. File December 11, 1981
81-12-25 Dr. Adrian and his breath analysis machine. File December 18, 1981
Results 401 to 468 of 468