Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Schmalz, W.H.E.
Level of description
Reference code
Dates of creation area
Physical description area
Physical description
cm of graphic materials
Archival description area
Name of creator
Biographical history
William Henry Eugene (W.H.E.) Schmalz was born July 29, 1890 in Waterloo Township to William Henry Schmalz (1862-1933) and Eleanor Oelschlager (1867-??). W.H.E.’s father, William Henry, was an insurance salesman and later the mayor of Berlin (now ... »
Scope and content
Series comprises materials created by W.H.E. Schmalz, primarily when he was a student at RMC and during his professional life. Includes maps, drawings, paintings and architectural plans.
Notes area
Physical condition
Majority of series is oversize.
Also includes 24 architectural plans, 5 maps, drawings and 2 paintings.
Series is arranged alphabetically
General note
Extra Oversize Shelf 3 Right.