Albert Liborius Breithaupt was a businessman and public official born in Berlin (later Kitchener) Ontario November 3, 1870 to parents Philip Ludwig (Louis) Breithaupt and Catherine Hailer. He married Lydia Louise Anthes June 2, 1901. The couple had six ... »
Albert Liborius Breithaupt was a businessman and public official born in Berlin (later Kitchener) Ontario November 3, 1870 to parents Philip Ludwig (Louis) Breithaupt and Catherine Hailer. He married Lydia Louise Anthes June 2, 1901. The couple had six children: Frederick Albert; Marie; Rudolph Anthes; Ruth Anna Catherine; Arthur Liborius and David.
Albert worked for his father's leather company, and also founded and developed three other Kitchener companies, founding one of the city's first rubber industries which became part of the Dominion Rubber Company, the Berlin Trunk and Bag Company, and co-founding the ladies wear firm Star Whitewear. Interested in community service, Breithaupt served as an alderman for several years, a member of the Kitchener high school board, a member of the Berlin Light Commission, and he taught in the Sunday school at Zion Evangelical Church. Interested in woodworking, he made many pieces of furniture for his Georgian Bay cottage. His last business interest being in sales work with a company he started, the Shoe Findings Company.
After Lydia's death in 1942, Albert married Gladys Eileen Baechler. Albert died in a boating accident on Georgian Bay on July 22, 1955. He was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Kitchener with Lydia.