Regional development, industry, and settlement


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Regional development, industry, and settlement

6 Archival description results for Regional development, industry, and settlement

6 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Albert Liborius Breithaupt fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the life and activities, both business and personal, of Albert L. Breithaupt from his 18th year on. Includes correspondence in German from his mother, Catharine Hailer Breithaupt. Includes correspondence, diaries, ... »

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Concordia Club fonds.

The majority of the archives of the Concordia Club were destroyed either as a result of the ransacking of the club by the 118th Batallion in 1916, or as a result of the fire of November 17, 1971. As a result the earliest records of Concordia have largely ... »

Concordia Club

Furniture and woodworkers union materials.

  • SCA275-GA296
  • Collection
  • 1931-1935

Fonds consists of ephemera relating to the unionization of furniture makers and woodworkers in the Kitchener, Stratford, and Woodstock area. Includes a mock liberty bond for the defence of workers arrested protesting, a card promoting socialist ... »

Scrapbook and photograph album.

Scrapbook and photograph album covering the lives of Margaret and Cully Schmidt. First part of the album recounts the life of Margaret Schmidt, including part of her family's history and, more thoroughly, from her early childhood to her old age, with an ... »

Schmidt, Carl B.

Sims Family collection.

  • SCA369-GA427
  • Collection
  • 1833-1963

The Sims family collection encompasses records of the Sims and Cook, Davidson and Garden families retained by members of the two family branches that came together when Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos married in 1902. Their Sims and ... »

Sims family