Regional development, industry, and settlement


Hierarchical terms

Regional development, industry, and settlement

13 Archival description results for Regional development, industry, and settlement

13 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Albert Liborius Breithaupt fonds.

Fonds consists of material relating to the life and activities, both business and personal, of Albert L. Breithaupt from his 18th year on. Includes correspondence in German from his mother, Catharine Hailer Breithaupt. Includes correspondence, diaries, ... »

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Bowman family fonds.

Thirteen items of correspondence between members of the Bowman family. The topics of correspondence include updates on relatives, current issues and news in Waterloo Region, the American Civil War, and more.

The members of the Bowman family represented ... »

Bowman family

Christian Enslin : Letter to Fredrick Heinitsch, M.D.

  • SCA200-GA177
  • Collection
  • August 27, 1849

File consists of one letter from Christian Enslin, bookseller and bookbinder, Waterloo, Ontario to Fredrick Heinitsch, M.D., Lancaster, Pennsylvania requesting the right to "Mother Drops", a medicine created by Dr. Heinitsch on which he held the patent.
... »

Enslin, Christian

Concordia Club fonds.

The majority of the archives of the Concordia Club were destroyed either as a result of the ransacking of the club by the 118th Batallion in 1916, or as a result of the fire of November 17, 1971. As a result the earliest records of Concordia have largely ... »

Concordia Club

David Shannon Bowlby fonds

  • SCA57-GA33
  • Fonds
  • 1892-1921

Fonds consists of 28 items of correspondence between David Shannon Bowlby and his family.

Bowlby, David Shannon

John Galt letter.

  • SCA61-GA35
  • Collection
  • [18--]

Consists of one holograph letter from John Galt addressed to "Croker." The letter requests that Croker publish the enclosed items in his magazine if they are not too late reaching him.

Galt, John

John Goldie correspondence.

  • SCA178-GA153
  • Collection
  • 1846-1854

Consists of typescripts of fifteen letters, fourteen from John Goldie to his son James written between 1846 and 1854, one undated from William to James.

Goldie, John

John Woelfle fonds.

  • SCA182-GA157
  • Fonds
  • 1895

Fonds consists of ten letters written by John Woelfle to his brother Edward in 1895. The letters describe the travels and activities of the writer and express interest and concern about the activities and lifestyle of the recipient and other members of the family.

Woelfle, John

Ratz family genealogy

Consists of one 10 p. item of correspondence from Jacob Ratz of New Hamburg to Elmer Ratz of Hamilton outlining the genealogy of the Ratz family.

Ratz, Jacob

Ross Hamilton letter to Miss Henstridge, Jan. 16, 1918.

  • SCA202-GA179
  • Collection
  • January 16, 1918

One holograph letter, written from the trenches in France during the First World War. Ross Hamilton is sending Miss Henstridge a book he has found in a ruined house, and is asking for news of his old school, Kitchener Collegiate Institute.

Hamilton, Ross

Sims Family collection.

  • SCA369-GA427
  • Collection
  • 1833-1963

The Sims family collection encompasses records of the Sims and Cook, Davidson and Garden families retained by members of the two family branches that came together when Harvey James Sims and Florence Katherine Roos married in 1902. Their Sims and ... »

Sims family