Regional development, industry, and settlement


Hierarchical terms

Regional development, industry, and settlement

5 Archival description results for Regional development, industry, and settlement

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Concordia Club fonds.

The majority of the archives of the Concordia Club were destroyed either as a result of the ransacking of the club by the 118th Batallion in 1916, or as a result of the fire of November 17, 1971. As a result the earliest records of Concordia have largely ... »

Concordia Club

KCI scrapbook.

  • SCA320-GA361
  • Collection
  • 1936-[ca. 1945]

One scrapbook maintained by Eunice Gearard with clippings about people affiliated with the Kitchener Collegiate Institute (KCI) as well as about people from Kitchener-Waterloo who participated in the Second World War.

Gearard, Eunice

Lloyd Stamp fonds.

  • SCA125-GA98
  • Fonds
  • 1938-1995

Four large albums, entitled "Pan Politae and Friends", that contain photographs, ephemera and text, both original and copies, relative to the history of the Pan Politae Club, as well as photographs and biographical information about its members from 1938 ... »

Stamp, Lloyd

Scrapbook and photograph album.

Scrapbook and photograph album covering the lives of Margaret and Cully Schmidt. First part of the album recounts the life of Margaret Schmidt, including part of her family's history and, more thoroughly, from her early childhood to her old age, with an ... »

Schmidt, Carl B.