- SCA223-GA210-4-47
- File
- [19--]
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet of 10 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] containing views of Berlin.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
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Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet of 10 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] containing views of Berlin.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
10 ansichten von Potsdam und Sanssouci.
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet containing 10 monochrome tinted rotogravure postcards with views of Potstam and Sanssouci.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
118th Battalion trooping the colours.
Part of Schneider family collection.
One postcard identified by Norman C. Schneider as the 118th Battalion in Victoria Park, Kitchener, Ont., 1916. Also in this image is a photographer with camera and tripod, preparing to take a picture. This postcard was sent to Floss Ahrens in Kansas City ... »
Schneider, Norman Christoph
12 verschiedene photo-ansichten vom Rhein (Koln bis Koblenz).
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a set of 12 sepia-toned photographs as postcards in a folded paper covering containing views from the Rhine. Three postcards from other collections have been added to the set: two sepia-toned photographs and one photochrom.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Part of Bolender Ball family fonds.
Material relating to the 1937 Royal visit to Canada of Queen Elizabeth and King George VI. Includes two postcards and one photograph.
Bolender Ball Family
Ahrens, Henrietta Charlotte: birthplace in Germany.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Six photographs and one postcard from Anna Evers, Eschwege, Germany. One is a photograph of the birthplace of Henrietta Charlotte Roth, who married Charles Andrew Ahrens (2 copies). Her daughter Helena married J.M. Schneider. A postcard depicts the town ... »
Schneider family
Albert Liborius Breithaupt fonds.
Fonds consists of material relating to the life and activities, both business and personal, of Albert L. Breithaupt from his 18th year on. Includes correspondence in German from his mother, Catharine Hailer Breithaupt. Includes correspondence, diaries, ... »
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet containing 16 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] with views of Berlin.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet of 12 photochrom prints as postcards containing views of Leipzig.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Alguire, Mabel to Dr. D.O. Alguire.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Postcard from Mabel Cameron Alguire to her grandfather Dr. D.O. Alguire, Cornwall, Ontario. The postcard is watercolour picture of a seashore, with boat, lighthouse, and rocks constructed from cut-up coloured postal stamps.
Sims family
File consists of 17 separate picture postcards, b&w and col. of Allendorf a Werra, birthplace of Louis Breithaupt, d. 1880. Duplicates also present.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Anecdotes, humour, poems : postcards.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Four German postcards with humorous artwork. Two of the postcards are by August Thiele.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
File consists of 11 picture postcards, col.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Includes invitation to the Cook family reunion, correspondence about peafowl and other wild stock available, and a postcard showing Hialeah Park Race Track, Florida.
Sims family
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet containing 12 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] with views of Berlin.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Berlin Collegiate and Technical School.
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of the Berlin Collegiate and Technical School.
Warwick Bro's & Rutter Limited
Betty Forbes's photograph album pages.
Part of Forbes family fonds.
Loose album pages containing photographs of the Forbes family and their friends including Betty Forbes, Peg Forbes, Evelyn Alice Foster Ferguson (nee Buck), Millicent Lyall Forbes, George Houlding, Marie Swan, Ruth Beynon, Caroline Spencer, Marion ... »
Forbes, Betty
Part of Forbes family fonds.
A scrapbook containing press clippings, cards, postcards, telegrams, tickets, programs, report cards, certificates, a diploma, invitations, correspondence including notes of congratulations to Betty Forbes on her engagement to Bill Land, the birth ... »
Forbes, Betty
Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Postcard featuring photograph of Mackenzie King standing at the front of his childhood home. He is seen standing with right hand in suit pocket and left on the cope of a walking cane. Top of postcard reads: Birthplace of Hon. Mackenzie King, Kitchener, Ont.
Schneider family
Bowlby, Ward Hamilton : residence.
Part of Clement Bowlby Family fonds.
File consists of two snapshot photographs (on postcards) showing the residence of Ward Hamilton Bowlby. The home has been photographed from the street, during winter, and is partially obscured by trees and snow.
Clement Bowlby Family
Breithaupt children : postcards received.
File consists of twenty-four picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Albert and Louisa's children, other than Fred. They are addressed to Marie, Rudolph, Arthur and "Baby Anna." Includes "Typical Canadian Indians on parade," May 7, 1914.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark collection: 1998 accrual.
Two large albums of photographs and postcards documenting trips made to Europe in 1900 and 1960 by Louis Jacob Breithaupt and Rosa M.H. Clark respectively.
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
Breithaupt, Albert : postcards received.
File consists of twenty-seven picture postcards received by A.L. Breithaupt between 1907 and 1920 from family and friends. Two of note: Hope Mission, Berlin Ont. and a card from Albert to Mrs. L.H. Wagner of A.L. Breithaupt's children in a sleigh, dated Feb. 1912.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius : family.
File consists of photographs of the Albert Liborius Breithaupt family reproduced as postcards. Includes images of the children, playing outside and inside, as well as Breithaupt and larger family groups. Includes images of a horse and sleigh. Also ... »
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius : trips.
File consists of 22 photographs, possibly taken during a trip to the Pacific Coast, reproduced as postcards. These are largely unidentified, except for one labelled "Nipissing." Included are images of Indigenous people and a tepee, dwellings on the ... »
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius and Louisa : 10th anniversary.
File consists of one snapshot of Albert Liborius and Louisa Breithaupt's wedding party taken at their tenth anniversary. Reproduced as a postcard with note on verso.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Accrual consists of correspondence, postcards, ephemera and photographs. The bulk of this accrual consists of 187 postcards received by Fred as a child, from his parents and grandmother Catharine, some written in German.
Breithaupt Hewetson Clark family
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of a booklet originally containing 10 black and white postcards [rotogravure prints?] with views of Breslau (Poland). Five postcards remain; one has been separated from the booklet.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between the Sommer family and the Boden family. The Boden family lived in Bonn, Germany and included Annemarie Boden, Max Boden, Axel Boden and Sibylle Boden. Of special interest are letters commenting on social and political ... »
Briefwechsel mit Ilse Stein: 1954-1969.
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family and Isle Stein. Isle Stein was a friend of the Sommer family and she lived in Germany. Records include letters, a postcard and photographs of Isle Stein, her family, and the Sommer family.
Briefwechsel mit Ilse Stein: 1970-1982.
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family and Isle Stein. Isle Stein was a friend of the Sommer family and she lived in Germany. Includes letters that discuss Angelika Sommer’s impending divorce from her husband Uwe Schriever. Records ... »
Briefwechsel mit Ilse Stein: 1983.
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family and Isle Stein. Includes letters indicating that Isle Stein moved from Essen, Germany to Reutlingen, Germany. Isle Stein was a friend of the Sommer family. Records include letters, greeting ... »
File consists of one picture postcard, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of one picture postcard, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Buffalo, N.Y. : Curtiss Aeroplane Plant.
File consists of one picture postcard, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of three postcards, b&w and col. One, a view of Medicine Hat, Alta., appears to be a hand coloured photographic card, one is a b&w photograph labelled "Ranching, horse round-up in Alberta," The third is labeled "Reaping, Western Canada C.P.R."
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Central School, Berlin, Canada.
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of Central School, Berlin, Canada.
S.H. Knox & Co
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of Central School, Galt, Ontario.
Johnston, Mary
File consists of one picture postcard, b&w
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Part of Schneider family collection.
Postcard featuring Church of the New Jerusalem building at the corner of King and Water St. in Kitchener.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Schneider family collection.
Two pieces of currency: a German hundred million mark note, a note for one million dollars in gold from "The Bank of the United States". File also includes postcards and clippings from The Rotarian.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Part of Andrew Telegdi fonds.
Twenty-seven postcards featuring handwritten messages and drawings by constituents sent to Andrew Telegdi during his tenure as a Member of Parliament. The postcards document the opinions of constituents regarding co-operative housing and the potential ... »
Telegdi, Andrew Peter
File consists of three postcards, two in German and one in English. One postcard is unsigned and postmarked Waterloo; one postcard is from Henry Wagner and postmarked Winnipeg & Moose Jaw; and one postcard is postmarked from Stratford, Ontario, ... »
Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer
File consists of one postcard in German, dated [November 11, 1908], signed "Harriet".
Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer
File consists of 13 letters, some in German, one from an unidentified correspondent, one from Cath. Bates, two postcards and a letter from Henry Wagner, and a postcard and letter signed "Harriet". Letters in English consist of an invitation, a postcard, ... »
Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer
File consists of six items of correspondence sent to Catherine Breithaupt: two postcards, undated, from Bremen and Venice and one letter in English, undated, from her daughter-in-law "Mattie", William Henry's wife. Also included is one postcard from ... »
Breithaupt, Catharine Hailer
File consists of four business postcards addressed to Louis Breithaupt, who died in 1880.
Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)
Twenty six postcards sent between Montgomery and her family while she was studying in Paris at the Sorbonne. Also includes one postcard sent to Kay Rex by her mother, and Montgomery's sister, Grace Montgomery Rex.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Part of Dana Harris Porter fonds.
File consists of one postcard addressed to Dana Porter from Bill [?] featuring a photo of an Atomic Detonation in Nevada.
Porter, Dana Harris
Correspondence : Donald Innis to others.
Part of Innis Family fonds.
File consists of two postcards from Donald Innis from Miami Florida. One is addressed to Mary Quayle Innis and the other to Hugh Innis.
Innis family
Correspondence 1973-2010 (file 1 of 4).
Part of S.K. Johannesen fonds.
File consists of 147 pieces of correspondence (handwritten and typed originals) to Stan Johannesen from family, friends, academic colleagues, publishers, and other, including 27 original letters from Stan in reply. Includes greeting cards, postcards, ... »
Johannesen, S.K.
Correspondence from Frederick H. Schneider.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Postcard featuring photo of Frederick H. and Ella Schneider's home addressed to daughter Jean from her father, sent while she was in Rockcliffe, Ottawa in Royal Canadian Air Force (women's division).
Schneider family
Correspondence from Virgil Burnett to Robin Magowan : fragments.
Part of Virgil Burnett fonds.
File consists of 12 pieces of correspondence including portions of letters, and postcards which are part of multiple page correspondence.
Burnett, Virgil
Correspondence from Virgil Burnett to Robin Magowan : separated attachments.
Part of Virgil Burnett fonds.
File consists of miscellaneous prose, postcards and photographs of sculptures and copies of artwork by Virgil Burnett.
Burnett, Virgil
File consists of thirteen pieces of correspondence from family members and others, including one from brother Ezra Carl, three postcards from brother John C. on European trip, seven letters and postcards from sister Melvina, some while on a European trip ... »
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of twenty-eight pieces of correspondence and ephemera sent as correspondence. Includes two postcards in German from brother Louis, letters from S.L. Umbach in Naperville, Illinois, John and Carrie in Cuba. Includes as well empty envelopes.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of seventeen picture postcards and greeting postcards received by Louisa Breithaupt from family and friends. Includes a colour view of Zion Evangelical Church, Berlin, Ontario, dated 1908.
Breithaupt, Lydia Louisa
Correspondence received : postcards.
Series consists of 52 postcards received by A.L. Breithaupt and family.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Courtland Avenue School, Berlin, Ontario.
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of Courtland Avenue School, Berlin, Ontario.
Valentine & Sons
Duke of Connaught reading reply to Mayor William Daum Euler's address.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One photograph printed on a postcard of the Duke of Connaught reading a reply to Mayor William Daum Euler's address during his visit to Berlin, Ontario on May 9, 1914. This photograph was found with Hervey Bowman's belongings. The photograph was ... »
Schantz Russell Family
File consists of three picture postcards, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Series consists of unused picture postcards retained by A.L. Breithaupt.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Ephemera: postcard of Kitchener City Hall.
Part of Flora J. Reaman fonds.
Two snapshots.
Reaman, Flora J.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
One packet of 20 souvenir photographs of Montreal and six packets of souvenir postcards, including the Canadian Rockies, Lookout Mountain in Colorado, Washington D.C., Canadian National Exhibition and Chatham, Ont.
Schantz Russell Family
39 postcards, 1 pamphlet with views of locations in England.
Montgomery, Frances Kathleen
Part of Schneider family collection.
Snapshots, postcards and tourist information relating to Eschwege, Germany, home of the Roth family (Reichen Sachsen on the Werre, Hesse). Henrietta Charlotte Roth was the wife of Charles Andrew Ahrens.
Schneider family
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Höpken and Sommer families. Includes several candid letters from Eduard Höpken that describe his experiences during and after World War II as well as the political climate in Germany during the 1950s. Of ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Ulrich Sommer and his wife Gisela Sommer’s immigration to Canada with their two children Cornelius Sommer and Angelika ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters describing Eduard and Elisabeth Höpken’s impending trip to Canada and letters discussing Ulrich Sommer’s adult adoption by a man named Friedrich Joachim who lived in Germany. ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Of special interest is a letter written by Eduard Höpken on May 29, 1965 revealing that he was a dedicated member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany since 1930. Eduard claimed that he ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Ulrich Sommer and Cornelius Sommer’s studies in university, Angelika Sommer’s pending visit with her grandparents, and ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence between various members of the Sommer family including letters that describe Cornelius Sommer’s European vacation and Angelika Sommer’s political involvement in Germany, her Marxist beliefs and her plans to pursue post-secondary education ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters expressing concern for Angelika Sommer because she was increasingly committed to Communist ideologies and involved in politics in Germany during the 1970s. Records include ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Cornelius Sommer’s university graduation and his plans to open his own law firm as well as Angelika Sommer’s move to ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters sent between Gisela Sommer and Ulrich Sommer that were written while Gisela visited her parents in Germany. Also contains a copy of the last will and testament of Friederich ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as information related to Angelika Sommer’s partner Gunther (surname unknown) and Cornelius Sommer’s request to his ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters sent between Gisela Sommer and Ulrich Sommer that were written while Gisela visited her parents in Germany. Of special interest is a letter by Ulrich to Gisela that describes ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as Angelika Sommer’s training and participation in a local choir and Cornelius Sommer’s trip to Hamburg, Germany in 1993. ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters interspersed with details about family life such as information about Angelika Sommer’s partner Gunther (surname unknown) and Angelika’s concern for Isle Stein’s well-being. ... »
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family and Wilhelm and Helga Höpken. Wilhelm and Helga Höpken are Gisela Sommer’s brother and sister-in-law. Of special interest is a programme for an exhibit presented by the University of Guelph ... »
File consists of five postcards written to Fred Breithaupt's children. One may be to a daughter of W.H. Breithaupt.
Breithaupt, Frederick Albert
First brick schoolhouse, Conestogo, 1900.
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of a photograph of the first brick schoolhouse in Conestogo, taken in 1900.
Johnston, Mary
First school house in Waterloo, Waterloo Park.
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of the first school house in Waterloo, now located in Waterloo Park.
Johnston, Mary
File consists of 8 picture postcards, b&w, of Calais, Cherbourg and Paris.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Gallery House Sol: correspondence, press clippings and related material.
Part of Sommer family fonds.
Correspondence primarily between members of the Sommer family. Includes letters discussing Gallery House Sol, an art gallery opened by Ulrich Sommer on Saturday, July 21, 1962. The gallery was located inside Ulrich Sommer’s home at 45 Charles Street in ... »
File consists of three postcards, b&w and col. One, a view of Bayview Cottage, the summer home of the Breithaupts, appears to be a hand coloured photographic card. One by J.W. Bald is a b&w photograph labelled "Evergreen Isles, Georgian Bay." One ... »
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
File consists of 11 picture postcards, b&w and col. of Hanover, Hanstein, Karlsruhe, Mainz and Rudesheim.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Glacier National Park, Montana.
File consists of one picture postcard, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Glenwood Mission Inn, Riverside, California.
Part of Ivan W. Keffer fonds.
File consists of 16 photochrom prints as postcards containing views from the Glenwood Mission Inn in Riverside, California.
Keffer, Ivan Wilbur
Gofton, Alf, Mechanical Transport, overseas.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Group portrait of Alf Gofton (back row, far right) and unidentified friends, partially in uniform, standing on a muddy wooden staircase.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
Gofton, Alf, Mechanical Transport, overseas.
Part of Schneider family collection.
Photograph of (left to right) C. Sutherland, M. McDonald, S. Smith, J. MacKenzie and Alf Gofton seated on and standing next to two Kelly Trucks.
Schneider, Norman Christoph
File consists of one picture postcard, b&w.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Gowdy, J.M. To Harvey J. Sims.
Part of Sims Family collection.
Bingen, Germany: postcard of the Burg Rheinstein. It is a Thiele postcard, illustration by Carl Jander
Sims family
Great Smoky Mountains National Park postcards.
Part of Schantz Russell family fonds.
25 postcards (20 real photos and 5 printed) of scenery in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The photographs were taken by Orpheus Moyer Schantz and are captioned.
Schantz Russell Family
File consists of two picture postcard, col.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius
Part of Sims Family collection.
Hamilton Ohio: postcard with colour illustration of the American flag.
Sims family
Historic stone bridge in Jackson Park, Galt, Ont.
Part of Mary Johnston fonds.
Postcard of historic stone bridge in Jackson Park, Galt, Ont.
Johnston, Mary
Part of Suffragette postcard collection.
Postcard with photograph of Christobel Pankhurst and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence seen looking at camera and wearing "Votes of Women" sashes taken of at Hyde Park demonstration. The pair is standing in front of a display with a "Votes for Women" banner and ... »
I'm thinking of you every day postcards.
Part of Ontario history collection.
File consist of two postcards with the poem I'm thinking of you everyday, by W. Springett.
File consists of seven cards, col., printed on the verso, probably used in North America for mission or church purposes.
Breithaupt, Albert Liborius