Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
Level of description
Reference code
Dates of creation area
1909 (Authorship)
Archival description area
Name of creator
Biographical history
Catharine Hailer was born August 16, 1834 in Berlin, Ontario to parents Margaret Riehl and Jacob Hailer, purportedly the first native German to settle in what is now the Region of Waterloo Ontario. She met Philip Ludwig (known as Louis) Breithaupt of ... »
Name of creator
Scope and content
File consists of three postcards, two in German and one in English. One postcard is unsigned and postmarked Waterloo; one postcard is from Henry Wagner and postmarked Winnipeg & Moose Jaw; and one postcard is postmarked from Stratford, Ontario, ... »
Notes area
Language of material
- English
- German
Availability of other formats
Scanned as JPG files 2011.