New York



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New York

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New York

67 Archival description results for New York

29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

White Mop Wringer Co. advertisement

Advertisement trade card for the White Mop Wringer Company of Fultonville, N.Y. Serving as a business card for representative M.D. Alger. Recto shows a woman using a mop wringer and the verso shows illustrations of two mop wringers, one for family use and the other for hotel use.

What do you mean fascism?

Leaflet titled "What do you mean fascism?" issued by the American League Against War and Fascism based in New York City. Includes mail in membership card and encouragement to read "Fight," a newspaper produced by the league.

Walter, John


Head and shoulders studio portrait of an unknown man with a mutton chops beard looking toward the camera.

Seagram Family


Full length studio portrait of a man looking toward the camera with right hand at back an the other on the back of an armchair.

Seagram Family

Trip diary.

File consists of one trip diary kept by Florence Bray. The diary details trips to Europe (1926), California (1938 & 1939), New York and Atlantic City (1932), Virginia (1950), Florida (1930 & 1938), Scotland (1892), Gaspe (1946), Muskoka (1946). Also included in the diary are addresses of people met while on trips, a list of hotels stayed in and a fold out map of the United States and Mexico. The 1926 trip to Europe is of particular interest, with descriptions of major European cities and First World War battlefields.

Bray Family

Tree Ball Washing advertisement

Tree Ball Washing crystal advertisement trade card showing an illustration of three women washing, hanging out, and ironing laundry. The women are accompanied by a dog and a bird in a cage. Verso reads "Nellie - mama, shall I go for the washerwoman, as you have been sick lately and are not able to do the washing? Mother - Oh no, my dear child, you just go to our grocer and get me a large 5 cents package of the Three Ball Washing Crystal, it makes washing so easy that no washwoman is required. Manufactured by C.H. Fischer & Co., New York"

Theatre contract.

  • SCA444-GA518
  • Collection
  • August 12, 1896

One theatre contract between Asa Steele and Robert B. Mantell for Asa to work beginning on August 31, 1896. Robert agrees to pay Asa $50 per week for her services at a theatre, opera house, or hall. The contact outlines the expectations for both parties as well as rules and regulations for the actor and how their pay may be docked if they break them.

Mantell, Robert B.

Tannery orders.

File consists of notes payable relating to business mostly conducted in Canada by L. Breithaupt, to be paid by account of J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo, N.Y.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Tannery orders.

File consists of notes payable relating to business conducted in Buffalo by L. Breithaupt, to be paid by account of J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo, N.Y.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Soapona advertisement

Soapona trade card advertisement featuring an elephant looking on while two women hang laundry on a line. Verso reads "Saves times, expense and labor. Makes hard water soft. Does not injure the hands or clothes. Makes linen perfectly white. Is a great disinfectant. Each package contains a set of handsome picture cards. Manufactured only by R.W. Bell & Co. 77 to 89 Washington St., and 8 to 20 Beaver St., Buffalo, N.Y."

[Seagram, Joseph E.]

Full length studio portrait possibly of Joseph Emm Seagram seen looking toward camera while posed with right arm on an ornate oversize column.

Seagram Family

Sapolio advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Sapolio showing two women cleaning marble statues with the caption "clean marble with Sapolio." Verso reads "1809 1880 Enoch Morgan's Sons' Sapolio for cleaning & polishing. Hand Sapolio for the toilet and bath. Sapolio being put up in an attractive style some persons think is a fancy article but the fact is that one cake is equal to three cakes of any 'mineral soap' and will do more and better work."

Sapolio advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Sapolio showing a woman scrubbing a tub while a baby bathes in a smaller tub with the caption "clean baths with Sapolio." Verso reads "1809 1880 Enoch Morgan's Sons' Sapolio for cleaning & polishing. Hand Sapolio for the toilet and bath. Sapolio being put up in an attractive style some persons think is a fancy article but the fact is that one cake is equal to three cakes of any 'mineral soap' and will do more and better work."

Sapolio advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Sapolio showing a woman scrubbing a tin pan while a young girl shows a cat its reflection in another. Caption reads "clean tins with Sapolio." Verso reads "1809 1880 Enoch Morgan's Sons' Sapolio for cleaning & polishing. Hand Sapolio for the toilet and bath. Sapolio being put up in an attractive style some persons think is a fancy article but the fact is that one cake is equal to three cakes of any 'mineral soap' and will do more and better work."

Sapolio advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Sapolio showing three women washing dishes with the caption "Wash dishes with Sapolio." Verso reads "There is no one article known that will do so many kinds of work in and about the house and do it so well as Enoch Morgan's Sons Sapolio. (Each cake is wrapped in Tin Foil, and surrounded with Ultramarine Blue-Band, and bears the above device) always note this. A cake of Sapolio, a bowl of water and a brush, cloth or sponge will make house cleaning a quick and easy job, will clean paint and all painted surfaces, will clean marble, mantles, tables and statuary, will clean oil-cloths, floors, shelves, etc., will clear bath tubs, wash basins, etc., will clean crockery, glassware, etc., will clean kitchen utensils, of all kinds, will clean windows without splashing of water, will polish tin, brass and copperware, will polish knives as you wash them, will polish all metal surfaces and will clean all household articles and is better and cheaper than soap, emery, rotten stone, etc. John Wanamaker, Grad Depot, Phila."

Sapolio advertisement

Advertisement trade card for Sapolio showing three women polishing glassware with the caption "clean glass with Sapolio." Verso reads "1809 1880 Enoch Morgan's Sons' Sapolio for cleaning & polishing. Hand Sapolio for the toilet and bath. Sapolio being put up in an attractive style some persons think is a fancy article but the fact is that one cake is equal to three cakes of any 'mineral soap' and will do more and better work."


File consists of receipts for personal expenditures made by A.L. Breithaupt in New York and England.

Breithaupt, Albert Liborius

Ration coupons and scrip

File contains an two envelopes with examples of German ration coupons from the 1920s and examples of scrips from Rochester, New York and Multnomah County in Oregon. The ration coupons include a pencil identification that reads: "Walter Johann".

Walter, John

Projection Systems application photographs.

File consists of photographs, transparencies, and slides depicting Electrohome Projection Systems products and their applications in various corporations and organizations. Applications pictured include: CSX Transportation Control Center (Jacksonville, FL), Canadian Embassy (Tokyo, Japan), Rochester Gas and Electric (Rochester, NY), Thames River Water System (London, UK), National Bowling Stadium (Reno, NV), the Barcelona Stock Exchange (Spain), and others.



File consists of two unused postcards showing Letchworth State Park in New York and the Administration Building of the State University Teacher's College in Geneseo, New York.

Innis family

New York Herald.

File consist of the April 15, 1865 edition of the New York Herald. This edition reports on the assassination of Lincoln.

Minnie Roberts correspondence collection.

  • SCA446-GA520
  • Collection
  • 1911-1915

A group of correspondence from Minnie Roberts, to her friend Eda Fuhrman. Minnie sent the letters to Eda who was still living in Kitchener, while she was living and working as a nurse in New York City. The letters detail her experiences as a nurse, her private life, and her thoughts on friends and family.

Map of Henry Wagner homestead.

Two maps created by Gordon Wagner that show the location of Henry Wagner's homestead in upstate New York, near the town of Rose. One map shows the location in relation to the large geographical area and the other shows the exact plot and surrounding farms with notes on the location of the home, etc.

Wagner, Gordon

L. Breithaupt tannery : orders.

File consists of one unbound account book labelled "Hide Book" containing records from 1856 to 1857 of "hides received from Canada to be charged to North Evans Tannery." Includes notes payable, relating to business mostly conducted in Canada by L. Breithaupt, to be paid by account of J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo, N.Y. Also contains two letters in German dated November 30 and December 2, 1861 from M. Strauss, Buffalo, N.Y.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

L. Breithaupt factory : day book.

File consists of one day book belonging to Louis Breithaupt. The pages are numbered by hand to p. 60 and are variously headed "Buffalo" and "Berlin". It is uncertain whether handwriting is contemporary or added later by Louis Jacob Breithaupt,.

p. 1-53 contain entries from June 1852 to Oct. 1861 relating to his business in Buffalo, N.Y. [and probably Berlin as well as of 1857].
p. 54-55 written on by Louis J. Breithaupt, Jan. 7, 1870. "Facts" and penmanship practice.
p. 56 accounts resume at Nov. [1861?] Page is headed "Breithaupt & Strauss". Accounts appear to relate to business in Berlin. P. [68] contains an entry on Oct. 20 [1862?] relating to balance "Schoellkopf " according to statement. Page is headed "Buffalo, September 1861" in an unidentified handwriting.
p. [70] ends with entry for Jan. 1863. Page [71] overleaf starts at Nov. 18, 1865 and is weekly accounts, including wages paid to named individuals in "Beam House", "Currier Shop", "Yard." P. [78] headed "Berlin Dec. 23rd 1865" contains annotation: "This was written by P. Cress: all on this page but this."
Accounts continue to p. [185] ending with June 22, 1867.
p. [186] begins day book described on end leaf as "Team book kept by Louis J. Breithaupt Berlin, Ont., 1869-1870. The first entry is dated Aug. 13, 1869. Entries concern loads carried by various teams, what was carried and where carried to, threshing, plowing, etc.. LJB would be 15 years old at this time. Ends at p. [236], entry for Sept. 15, 1870.
P. [237 blank].
P. [238] contains inscription: "L.J. Breithaupt, Berlin, Ont., student of Berlin Central School, Berlin Ontario, Sept. 15, 1870. Page also contains a list of "Old bricks for inside wall of house."
P. [239] contains a list of "Boarders: when they come and when leave."

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Home movie / Guy family.

One film reel, a home movie showing members of the Guy family and friends. Film shows family activities in New York, Waterloo and Bermuda including children, winter activities, fishing, vacationing and more. A scene list by Jim Guy is included.

Guy, James Rutherford and George Harrington


A used envelope that was addressed to Reverend W. Cartheuser in Buffalo, New York. The envelope was stamped with the date July 25, 1949. It is not known what was sent to William inside this envelope or who the sender was.

Survival Research Institute of Canada

Empire Wringer advertisement

Advertisement trade card showing a woman seated using a clothes wringer while a man stands next to her holding a tennis racket and a cat stands at her feet. The caption reads "George: Come into the garden Maud. Maud: Wait George until I finish these clothes it won't take three minutes with this new Empire Wringer. "Verso reads ""You can do twice the work! And no more labor required. Our ""purchase gear"" reduces the labor one-half! By giving added power, and the strength thus saved every week is worth much more than the small additional cost. The gears and bearings of rolls need no oil, so cannot soil or grease the clothes the crank is not attached to either roll, as in other wringers, thus saving wear or rolls and cost of repairs. The rolls are solid white rubber. Empire wears longest and is warranted against defects. Look for brass bushing on the crank journal: our latest improvement. Use the Empire Wringer - will pay for itself. For sale by S.A. Ball, Le Roy, N.Y."""

Electrohome dealers and branches.

File consists of a photograph of an Electrohome dealer in New York, the store front of the Hydro Shop (Waterloo, ON?), and the Vancouver branch of Electrohome.


David's Prize Soap

David's Prize Soap advertisement trade card showing a vital looking woman washing laundry in a washing bucket with David's Prize Soap while a young girl looks in. Looking in through the door way is a sallow looking older woman. The caption reads "Get David's Prize Soap if you want to avoid hard labor and save your health and strength in washing besides you may get a small fortune as a prize into the bargain." "Verso explains that prizes can be won by purchasing David's Prize Soap, including 2 grand pianos."

David's Prize Soap

David's Prize Soap advertisement trade card showing an older woman standing at a washing bucket with a bar of David's Soap while two young women play the piano in another room. It reads "All got by using David's Prize Soap besides the excellent washing it does" as well as a caption under the women at the piano which reads "The prize pianoforte." Verso outlines details regarding incentives to try David's Prize products where users can exchange product wrappers for tickets that can be put toward a list of presents.


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including statements of accounts (including shoes and gaiters for Wagners, Hailers and Breithaupts), freight receipts, business correspondence, etc. Includes 22 letters from Charles A. Ahrens, Berlin concerning business and conditions in the tannery there. Letters in German include those from Margaret Wagner, Buffalo, W. Goetze, New York, A. and L. Klein, Rochester, Jacob Hailer, Ludwig Breithaupt, Th. Wagner, and others. Also in the file are documents relating to the Evangelical Association Church property, William and Emslie Sts. in Buffalo, circulars of F.A. Goetze, tobacconist, letters from Jacob Vogt, Nigara Falls and a letter from J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes business correspondence, a contract with William Brower, May 1862, to tear down a warehouse and build a stable, correspondence with Jacob J. Vogt, and correspondence with the Singer Sewing Machine Co. Letters in German include those from M. and John Straus, some written on letterhead: "Breithaupt & Straus, manufacturers and dealers in sheep-skins and wool, Carroll St. . . . Buffalo, N.Y.",End of file: one letter in German from Catharine Breithaupt, dated Aug. 8, 1861 [marked C.B.]. A. and L. Klein, Wm. Schroeder, Samuel Moyer, Martin Anthes, F.A. Goetze and others.

Also of note are four letters in German from Catharina Breithaupt [marked C.B. Sr. = Catharina, mother of Louis Breithaupt?]; one letter in German to Catharina Breithaupt, sent from Germany, four letter in German from Catharine in Buffalo to Louis in Berlin.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, freight receipts, business correspondence, notes payable, etc. Includes one letter in German from J. Wagner, 3 letters in German from F.A. Goetze (one including a bill for cigars), and an agreement between J.F. Schoellkopf, Buffalo and McKay & Horner, Brantford, dated September 22, 1856.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, raiload advice notices and freight receipts (one dated 1862 at Berlin Station), business correspondence, etc. Includes letters in German from F.A. Goetze, N.Y., recipe for lubricating compound, receipts for city, county, and school taxes, 1858-1859 (one receipt shows three properties in Buffalo), letter to Thomas Bowness in Woodstock, Ont. from J.F. Schoellkopf, November 15, 1861, letter to Louis Breithaupt from J.F. Schellkoepf, July 23, 1861, letter from Charles A. Ahrens, June 19, 1861, letters written jointly to L.B. from Jacob J. Vogt (in English) and Jacob Hailer (in German), Niagara, June 7, 1859 regarding business matters (salutation reads "Dear Brother, Father and Mother Hiler came to our plase...), receipt for household goods purchased for Jacob Wagner, April 30, 1859. Also contains an unbound day book in German with entries from December 19, 1859 to August 15, 1861.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt. Includes statements of accounts, business correspondence, telegrams, railroad advice notes and freight receipts, notes receivable, tax notices, etc. Also in the file are documents relating to work done on the church and minister's house corner of William and Emslie Sts., letter from J. Long, Cleveland regarding 18 boxes of Universal Salve, written on the verso of printed instructions for the salve, correspondence between J.F. Schoellkopf and L. Breithaupt, letters in German from Rev. Jacob Wagner, August Klein, Jacob Hailer, Reinhold Lang, F.A Goetze (including cigar bill), statement from Hoffman and Weaver for land in Berlin. Also included is one letter in German from Louis Breithaupt, Berlin, November 6, 1857 to Catharine Breithaupt in Buffalo [last item].

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)


File consists of business and personal papers of Louis Breithaupt including business correspondence, letters in German to and from Louis Breithaupt and M. Strauss, railroad freight receipts, etc. Also in the file are letters in German from Wm. Goetze and others, and two letters in German from Catherine Raquet, Buffalo; two letters in German by C. Raquet with letters enclosed by Catharina Breithaupt; seven letters in German from Catharina Breithaupt, Buffalo; one letter to Louis and Catharine Breithaupt from Jacob and Mary Burckle in Berlin, who are caring for the children while their parents are away.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Conqueror wringer advertisement

Conqueror wringer advertisement showing three women and one young girl ironing clothes titled "Ironing Day." The young girl is seated at a stool holding up a dress in front of a Conqueror wringer. Verso reads "The Conqueror excels all other wrings in having 1. A forged steel spring, tapered and tempered, and the temper not "drawn" by galvanizing. 2. The extension crank, which gives double power, without loss of speed. 3. Composition metal bearings, which neither rot, rust or wear out. 4. Patent solid white rubber rolls, fastened immovably to the shaft. 5. Malleable iron swivel clamps, which fit either round or stationary tubs. Foote & Gaskill dealers in hardware, agricultural implements, also stoves, hollow ware, house furnishing goods, &c. wringers repaired. Hamilton, New York."

Conqueror wringer advertisement

Conqueror wringer advertisement showing three women and two children on washing day titled "Washing Day." The women are washing, wringing, and hanging out clothes to try while the children are playing with a boat and a doll near the wash bucket. Verso reads "The Conqueror excels all other wrings in having 1. A forged steel spring, tapered and tempered, and the temper not "drawn" by galvanizing. 2. The extension crank, which gives double power, without loss of speed. 3. Composition metal bearings, which neither rot, rust or wear out. 4. Patent solid white rubber rolls, fastened immovably to the shaft. 5. Malleable iron swivel clamps, which fit either round or stationary tubs. Foote & Gaskill dealers in hardware, agricultural implements, also stoves, hollow ware, house furnishing goods, &c. wringers repaired. Hamilton, New York." Includes illustrated depiction of the wringer.

Breithaupt property in Buffalo: land transactions and mortgage documents with Reuben B. Heacock.

File consists of material relating to the purchase of and payment for property in Buffalo, N.Y. Includes two land title search documents, one dated 1849 (for Reuben B. Heacock) and the other dated 1865. Includes the original mortgage document from R.B. Heacock, signed by Liborius Breithaupt, April 7, 1848, annotated with a list of payments made. Includes receipts for payments made from 1849 to 1856.

Breithaupt, Philip Ludwig (Louis)

Bon Ami advertisement

Advertisement trade card showing a girl holding the tail of a cat as it tries to scratch a bird in a cage. The caption reads "Cats can but Bon Ami can not scratch for it lacks grit." Verso reads "Bon Ami is a modern improvement in the list of household necessities, doing the work of a metal polish, a scouring soap and all powders used for cleaning purposes (not for washing of clothes). It will clean anything cleanable and polish anything that can be polished. It contains no grit to scratch or acid to corrode; neither is there any alkali to redden or roughen the hands; on the contrary, it leaves them soft. It is always used in the form of a lather, which is applied to the surface to be cleaned. It requires so little water for this that slops and muss are avoided. It is made of the best and finest materials, and is so constituted that while it is too fine to scratch, it is coarse enough to clean. Coarser cleaners gradually and surely wear out the article cleaned, but Bon Ami removes the dirt without injuring or wearing off the surface. Don't fail to try the sample. Read carefully directions with each package. For sale by all grocers. The Bon Ami Company, 66 Maiden Lane, New York City."

Betty Forbes's diary.

A diary containing daily entries written by Betty Forbes in 1947. Several entries describe family events, parties, dances, trips to Buffalo, Sudbury and British Columbia, and Betty’s work at Claremont Nursery School. The diary includes letters, telegrams, invitations, programs, press clippings, pressed flowers, a napkin, and a photograph of an unknown individual.

Forbes, Betty

Bates, Catherine Wagner.

Studio portrait of Catherine Wagner Bates. Catherine is dressed formally in a dress with choker necklace, earrings and her hair in a snood.

Wagner Hailer family

Ahrens, Charles Andrew.

Two studio portraits of Charles Andrew Ahrens, seen in formal dress with hands crossed at abdomen. One is an upper body portrait, and the other is a head and shoulders crop of the same photo.

Schneider family